I played the board game and STILL have ALL my stuff. I'd become a master at custom mechs made using the rules so they'd be totally legal. Stock mechs suck IMO

Then, came computers and I found MW2 which forced me to go by a Thrustmaster FLCS16 flightstick hehe. STILL have all my games (MW2, Mercs, etc etc) but had to get rid of that stick as the fifteen pin ports kind of went away at some point.
MW2 was by far my favorite game even today as it was made as a SIMULATOR. MW3 was VERY solid but just lacked the right flow and had a sterile feel to it graphically, although I LIKE the way they implimented pulse laser technology.
MW4 was SSSOOO close to being VERY solid. However, limiting the weapon slots the way they did was retarded. Ok, I can see doing that to IS mechs that are built with dedicated designs but, OMNI mechs are called OMNI mechs because they use MODULAR designs that allow ANY equipment to be mounted at a given location!!! M$ fell flat on their faces there.
Missile/laser boating:
Um, sorry but it's supposed to be mech COMBAT/WARFARE....it's not fair or balanced. If people **** about missile boaters, make the antimissile systems a little stronger hmm? You DO have those in there right? Laser boaters? Ever hear of glaser armor?? Missile and laser boats make SENSE. They have drawbacks as well. You have a limited ammo reserve with missile boats and laser boats will be constantly riding the edge of overheating (or, in my case, PPC boats that shut down often hehe).
You could also make ECM suits more effective too you know, so that people can creep up on missile/laser boaters.
PLEASE make this a simulator heavy game!! DO NOT do what M$ did and **** it up by changing the boardgame rules!! Ok sure tweak stuff (stronger ECMs or antimissile systems etc), but don't scrap things or add totally new stuff unless it's canon.
Personally, I suggest you PG guys go and lock your devs in a room with all the boardgame (Battletech please, not the ROLE PLAYING game), canon and >PLAY THE BOARD GAME< for about a month solid and get GOOD at the rules. Learn to LOVE it like all of us raving fanboys do FIRST, THEN make the game on the PC