Lusankya, on 14 August 2013 - 01:22 PM, said:
Could they not just make the PPC a duration weapon like the lasers are?
ENS Puskin, on 14 August 2013 - 02:33 PM, said:
Duration on PPC? Come on.
Here is what you could do to de-synchronize PPCs from Gauss Rifles and/or other high-burst DPS weapons:
First yes, make it work like lasers (wait, let me explain):
- EXCEPT: Do Not split up the damage like lasers do, keep the damage in one shot, as PPCs should be.
How do you do that?
Make PPCs a "charge" weapon, where it has to build up a charge. The player squeezes the trigger, and a guiding laser activates. <lorefluff>This "guiding laser" or "pilot laser" super-heats a channel of air for the charged particles to follow</lorefluff> The guiding/pilot laser does no damage itself. Consider it like TAG except not tied into missile targeting. Just a laser pointer. Give the PPC say, a 1-second charge time (the duration of a Large Laser burn). On each "tick" the PPC barrel grows brighter until the final tick where the PPC discharges, and a bolt of lightning extends the length of the pilot laser.
No "projectile", just a beam of lightning on that last tick of the laser (a lightning bolt is not a "bullet"). On that last tick is where all the damage is done.
The pilot laser is visible (just like the TAG laser), so the target has some warning that a giant lightning bolt is about to strike (if they're not already looking at the PPC barrels getting brighter)
Viola! The PPC is now a unique weapon that still does all of its damage in one shot, but is de-synced from any other weapon type in the group because of the way it fires.
(Bonus Points if you can add in a Ghostbuster's Proton Pack charging sound before it discharges)
Edited by DirePhoenix, 14 August 2013 - 05:22 PM.