Posted 22 August 2013 - 05:54 PM
I've already made this its own thread, but I figured it'd fit nicely in the official one as well:
Let me preface this with the fact that I am ardent supporter of MWO having 3pv.
After several matches in both Testing Grounds and live-fire pvp matches, playing entirely in third-person view, I have come to the conclusion that third-person view as it has been implemented not only fails in stated intended purpose (helping new players learn the game), it hinders anyone who uses it.
Field of view and the location of the camera: This is one of the most broken aspects of 3pv. The field of view is at least half-again wider in third-person as it is in first, and the position of the camera is both too high and too close to the 'mech, hiding the legs of larger 'mechs and allowing those same large 'mechs to effectively peek over most cover, making it hard to nigh-on-impossible to tell what direction they are facing in relation to your torso, making it harder to navigate. On at least a dozen occasions, I completely lost tack of where my torso was and had to re-center my torso to find them.
Minimap, HUD, and situational awareness: The lack of a minimap is one of, if not THE largest hindrance from third-person view. Without the ability to check your position without opening the battlegrid (and thereby expsing yourself to fire without the ability to retaliate), an action which is impossible to accomplish in testing grounds, I might add, situational awareness is impaired to the point of non-existence. Someone who does not already know the maps would quickly become lost, and it's nearly impossible to regroup with teammates if separated.
The lack of the lance list, with its information on your own location, your lancemates' locations, and lancemates' names and 'mechs, exacerbates this problem.
In addition, were I a new player, I would have no idea that either HUD element even existed considering that third-person view is enabled by default.
Reticle: The behavior of the reticle, with how much it bounces around from simply walking, makes it extremely hard to aim effectively. You essentially are forced to spray and pray for a hit.
Culling (fog of war): This is nonexistent, and is ironically the only thing beneficial about third-person view. While locks ARE lost when the cockpit's view is obscured, objects, including other 'mechs, are still visible. The camera pull-in, while a nice touch, can be completely bypassed by simply pulling back from cover enough for your camera to return to 'normal', and then manipulating it to view whatever you want.
Toggle: This should not have been implemented. It's too easy to switch views between the situational awareness of first-person and the greater field of view and peeking ability of third.
Ques: This is a VERY sore topic, and for the sake of brevity, I'm only going to say that third-person view should not have been implemented without an accompanying first-person-only que.
Conclusions: Third person view is barely usable, exploitable, and hinders anyone trying to play in it for more than a couple seconds. It should not have been implemented this way. If this is the best that could be done, it should not have been implemented -at all-. For lack of a better word, it's s***.