3Rd Person View Feedback
Posted 22 August 2013 - 10:19 PM
I just dropped in a match with none other than Russ Bullock himself. So he has the time of day, or, night rather to drop into a match and play a game...but doesn't have the time of day to properly respond to a friendly challenge. No time to address the issue at hand. Now maybe he was in the game to see how bad it was for himself? Maybe...If he was, then I'm surprised he cares at this point.
However. On top of the fact that he did not respond to any of my friendly inquiries towards him at all. He also failed to address a major problem I flaunted in his face.
In this match, I dropped 7 mechs single-handedly running my 2xERPPC+Gauss+Large Las build Misery. After clearly stating at the start of the match my build and proceeding to drop people left and right. Nothing was said at all.
I have my answer now. Thanks Russ. We all now have our answer too.
Posted 22 August 2013 - 10:35 PM
Silverlance, on 22 August 2013 - 10:19 PM, said:
I just dropped in a match with none other than Russ Bullock himself. So he has the time of day, or, night rather to drop into a match and play a game...but doesn't have the time of day to properly respond to a friendly challenge. No time to address the issue at hand. Now maybe he was in the game to see how bad it was for himself? Maybe...If he was, then I'm surprised he cares at this point.
However. On top of the fact that he did not respond to any of my friendly inquiries towards him at all. He also failed to address a major problem I flaunted in his face.
In this match, I dropped 7 mechs single-handedly running my 2xERPPC+Gauss+Large Las build Misery. After clearly stating at the start of the match my build and proceeding to drop people left and right. Nothing was said at all.
I have my answer now. Thanks Russ. We all now have our answer too.
and you did this in 3rd person by abusing the drone ?
or you just happened to have a good game?
I don't blame Russ for keeping his mouth shut, everytime PGI tries to feed you guys anything you all act like a pack of murderous zombies on crack.
Posted 22 August 2013 - 10:44 PM
Colonel Pada Vinson, on 22 August 2013 - 10:35 PM, said:
and you did this in 3rd person by abusing the drone ?
or you just happened to have a good game?
I don't blame Russ for keeping his mouth shut, everytime PGI tries to feed you guys anything you all act like a pack of murderous zombies on crack.
Wasn't a zombie on crack. But I will say I did it to prove a point. Yes, I abused the drone at some points especially after the man died in hopes that he would see how badly the advantage was in my favor once the decimation commenced. Mostly however, I stuck to TRUE skill and stuck in first person as a SIM game should be.
Posted 22 August 2013 - 10:47 PM
Silverlance, on 22 August 2013 - 10:44 PM, said:
Wasn't a zombie on crack. But I will say I did it to prove a point. Yes, I abused the drone at some points especially after the man died in hopes that he would see how badly the advantage was in my favor once the decimation commenced. Mostly however, I stuck to TRUE skill and stuck in first person as a SIM game should be.
So what exactly are you saying here then? you used 1PV to win, but 3PV is a problem? You want Russ's love child? The crack was bad?

Posted 22 August 2013 - 10:48 PM
Jumpsniping and sniping in combination with the 3pv and the aimaid is a big advantage. That is definitely unbalanced
Posted 22 August 2013 - 11:15 PM
Colonel Pada Vinson, on 22 August 2013 - 10:47 PM, said:
So what exactly are you saying here then? you used 1PV to win, but 3PV is a problem? You want Russ's love child? The crack was bad?

3PV is indeed a problem. I used 1PV to win and didn't have to abuse the {Scrap} out of the alternative to win. Russ isn't my type and I'd be a bad mom but I'm a great dad. And the crack was excellent, just not enough to induce me into a murderous zombie. Just murderous. Ask the 7 people I dropped.
Posted 22 August 2013 - 11:18 PM
Silverlance, on 22 August 2013 - 11:15 PM, said:
3PV is indeed a problem. I used 1PV to win and didn't have to abuse the {Scrap} out of the alternative to win. Russ isn't my type and I'd be a bad mom but I'm a great dad. And the crack was excellent, just not enough to induce me into a murderous zombie. Just murderous. Ask the 7 people I dropped.
I love it

Posted 23 August 2013 - 12:02 AM
Currently 3VP gimps you in combat but gives you an advantage in information warfare (by looking around corners or over hills) and it don't even let you look around your mech!. ie: 3PV is doing everything WRONG! So it's useless.... with added confusing game modes....
I recommend the following changes:
1. Change the modes to training mode (3PV) and Normal mode (1PV)
2. unlock arms, and add mini map
3. change view to: close in "over the shoulder view" that's LOCKED! to prevent sneaky camera use around corners
4. include a special 3VP in training grounds that can be zoomed out and can swing around the players mech (you know to check out ones cool stompy robot!)
Do it PGI you know you wont to!! lol.
Edited by Blue Shadow, 23 August 2013 - 06:22 PM.
Posted 23 August 2013 - 12:21 AM
Posted 23 August 2013 - 01:09 AM
Not only is this view mode unwanted, it's largely unused. As far as I can tell, not even newbie players want to use it.
Posted 23 August 2013 - 01:58 AM
Xajorkith, on 23 August 2013 - 01:09 AM, said:
B...B...But the silent majority wanted it!!!
However, the responses will be:
"The people who want it have yet to come because word hasn't got out yet"
"It needs improvement before widespread use"
Edited by repete, 23 August 2013 - 01:59 AM.
Posted 23 August 2013 - 02:34 AM
Timto, on 22 August 2013 - 10:48 PM, said:
Jumpsniping and sniping in combination with the 3pv and the aimaid is a big advantage. That is definitely unbalanced
agree, the crosshairs in 3pv acts like a laser pointer/aim aid. there is no challenge already to aim because you know exactly (100%) where the weapon will hit, doesn't matter where your weapon is mounted on the mech, what speed/orientation of your mech is and you can disregard possible terrain hindrance also when firing.
Edited by zer0imh, 23 August 2013 - 02:36 AM.
Posted 23 August 2013 - 02:39 AM
Posted 23 August 2013 - 03:07 AM
LwFlashPt, on 23 August 2013 - 02:39 AM, said:
Well, I am not on day 3, but 2...other than that, I will proceed the same way. Gonna try some other games until PGI gets their **** straight. Maybe other developers want my money.
Posted 23 August 2013 - 04:09 AM
repete, on 22 August 2013 - 06:42 PM, said:
This is the dumbest part of this thread. The threat of legal action against PGI is laughable. I am not a lawyer, but spent a lot of time dealing with lawsuits in a prior life. Here is why you sound like an as$hat...
- There is no precedent for it - I looked around, NO ONE SUCCESSFULLY SUES VIDEO GAME COMPANIES FOR MAKING BAD VIDEO GAMES. You could try to say that you had a contract with PGI and they broke it, but again, there is no precedent that the consumer relationship and these forums constitute a contractual agreement. Goods were paid for, goods were received.
- No lawyer would take this case - Why? THERE IS NO MONEY IT. Let's say there are 5,000 people that ask for refunds for both Founders and Overlord packages (I doubt that many). That would be less than $200 a person. Let's round to $200 for ease of the maths. $200 X 5000 = $1MIL. 1MIL might seem like a lot to you, but most small lawyer shops don't get out of bed for cases less than $4-6 MIL. More on this in a second...
- This is the very definition of "frivolous" - Related to the last point. The only way to up the reparations is to claim damages; emotional, professional, or physical. I would love to see someone's argument for that...
- This would be a PR nightmare for you and your lawyer - Don't kid yourself, PGI is not a greedy pharmaceutical company or a giant bank wrecking the free market economy. They are a small video game development shop, trying to do the best work they can on a video game. You on the other hand, will come off as a group of fat, spoiled, nerds that are not in touch with reality that are now clogging an overburdened legal system with your ultra-frivolous lawsuit about a video game that installed a feature you didn't like! How many times have you read about a frivolous lawsuit story, picked up by a national news agency, then shook your head and thought "that guy is an as$hat." Yeah, that would be you...
- Money up front - Since this is far from an "open and shut" case, and there is NOT a lot of money to be had in this case, your lawyer will expect to paid on a regular basis which may include a retainer upfront. Since this community seems to be bent out of shape about $200, I think you will find it hard to pull together the $10K - $50K it would take to retain a decent lawyer, plus he will charge you $500 an hour, billable in one day chunks. Every day he spends one hour in court, or preparing for court on your behalf, or even 15 minutes writing a nasty letter to PGI; he will count that as a billable day chargeable to you. That is up to $4,0000 a day. Due upon invoicing, which is probably weekly. Which one of you tards is footing that bill each week until the settlement comes in? If it comes in...
Now of course, as a few have stated, there are government oversight organizations that are in place to protect consumers.Yes, you can report PGI to those agencies. Yes, they would probably be compelled to at least look into your claim. But really, those agencies are in place to protect the consumer against genuine loss (fraud, unsafe products, broad ecological damage, unsafe work conditions, etc). These goverment organizations have limited resources and have to prioritize their cases to help as many people as possible. Many of these organizations have a backlog of work that is months or evens years long. Where do you think your complaint about a video game developer's choice of features will end up on that pile of work that is filled with consumer related deaths, Ponzi schemes, and unsafe D.R.U.G. investigations? I am guessing pretty far down in the pile, if it does not get laughed out of the office all together.
Even if they did take your complaint seriously, and prioritize it for action, we are still back to you being an as$hat that is diverting critical government resources away from people that have suffered real financial loss and/or bodily harm.
Oh and BTW, they are deleting your replies on this topic because they break the guidelines not because it is some conspiracy on PGI's part.
In that vein, my apologies for breaking forum guidelines. I understand if my post must be deleted, and I have to be suspended from this forum. IT HAD TO BE SAID....
Edited by tuffy963, 23 August 2013 - 06:29 AM.
Posted 23 August 2013 - 04:13 AM
Besides the discussion if this is a game breaker or not, there is an other thing, that drives me mad even more:
If you take into account, that in the "pseudo apology" player base segregation was fielded the most to back up implementing 3rdPV without 1stPV only queues, there is an other truth here:
If player base segregation prevented 1stPV only queues, then it is 100% proven that we here in this thread are not a tiny vocal minority!
Because if we where, there would heve been no risk of player base segregation at all! And therefore no pain for PGI to provide such queues for us few die hard (pay much) fans!
So, if I where a gaming company in the situation of PGI, there would be 2 ways to handle this:
1. if the people against 3rdPV are not the minority, dont force it uppon them without providing AT THE VERY LEAST private matches where you can disable 3rdPV completly for all players
2. if theyare the minority but are the most dedicated people i have ( which is an undouptable fact) I'd have provided a hardcore queue.
Dear PGI,
you have chosen to not do either 1 or 2. I thing it is proven that the way you chose was wrong, no matter if the anti 3rdPV crowd is minority or not.
So the ball is in your field to play. FIX THIS EITHER TO NR. 1 or 2 A.S.A.P!
P.S. Yes, I really feel the level of entitlement in my post and every bad word spoken in feedback to the current 3rdPV situation is absolutely justified, given the argumentation above.:
That providing the hardcore players what you have definitely promised either in a queue or private matches would have been the only profitable, customer friendly and understandable way form any ankle that you could aproach the problem from.!
Edited by grayson marik, 23 August 2013 - 04:15 AM.
Posted 23 August 2013 - 04:33 AM
tuffy963, on 23 August 2013 - 04:09 AM, said:

Posted 23 August 2013 - 04:44 AM
tuffy963, on 22 August 2013 - 07:41 AM, said:
I think the most telling moment is around the 2:00 mark when I catch sight of an Atlas in the volcano that would not have been visible to me in 1st person, that sets off a number exploitative moves, on my part, to avoid the rush over the top of the volcano.
Potential Implication: Players will eventually cobble together a list of maps and mechs builds that benefit most from 3pv and will dominate those situations. Playing at the top of this volcano is clearly more beneficial than other spots on this map. Combined with high mounted weapons, it becomes a significant advantage.
EDIT: I hope this is received as constructive feedback in the current sea of negativity on this thread...
I like your video. I think there needs to be far more of this sort of thing to illustrate how 3PV impacts the game.
0:56 is a good moment. tuffy963 uses 3PV to look around a corner. He sees a Quickdraw, the Quickdraw cannot see him, and is looking the other way. tuffy963 moves out of cover and pops him with SRMs. That will be one thing that good players will routinely do. Some might choose to toggle into 1PV as the move out of cover if they prefer to aim that way, but that is moot; it's the peeking without consequence that changes the game play.
This is advertised as the "the thinking man's shooter". 3PV dumbs it down.
Posted 23 August 2013 - 05:01 AM
Posted 23 August 2013 - 05:18 AM
Niko Snow, on 20 August 2013 - 10:05 AM, said:
well... IMO it does NOT help with leg / torso positioning but helps with looking arroudn corners and all that stuff. Exactly what we did not want and you guys said didn't want either.
It sucks, and it shouldn't be there.
At least give us the 1st person only queue...
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