Und Update: 18/09/13
Posted 10 September 2013 - 03:51 PM
Posted 10 September 2013 - 04:01 PM
Garth Erlam, on 10 September 2013 - 03:27 PM, said:
...because Russ couldn't stop it with a few snide Tweets, so more drastic measures were required?

Posted 10 September 2013 - 04:02 PM
For me that is about 130 am. I still intend to drop. If the servers are indeed out. Then I will also be done with this game. It will be absolute proof that all our concerns were correct.
We shall see.
Edited by slide, 10 September 2013 - 04:16 PM.
Posted 10 September 2013 - 04:03 PM
Why would they abort the event? Even if there was a conspiracy and the servers would come down, that would be hell of a argument they could use against PGI, so even then it wouldn't have been all for naught.
And even then, just wait some minutes and retry the drop.
Dropping the event now with such a fishy explanation seems kind of childish to me, if there aren't some other reasons the OP doesn't want to talk about.
Posted 10 September 2013 - 04:16 PM
Garth Erlam, on 10 September 2013 - 03:27 PM, said:
ah! 300 refunds. He must be thinking himself a Spartan and you guys are Persians

Paul being Xerces of course.
Posted 10 September 2013 - 04:18 PM
Kyle Polulak, on 10 September 2013 - 03:45 PM, said:
First of all, if we took down the servers you couldn't even click the Launch button, but you'd be hitting the Login button.
Secondly, I just officially (read OFFICIAL) told you guys that there is no plan to take the server down for any user organized event, ever. So they will not be taken down.
Also, Saturday at 7am? Are you MAD? That's soooooooo early to be up to type commands into a server. At that un-godly early hour "service mwo stop" would type out as "rm -rf /" in a terminal. You know; those keys are so close together.
You so silly.
It would not be in PGI/IGP's interest to shut down the servers, quite the opposite. They would likely plan on having additional reserve VMs already spun up to handle the spike in matches. They might try to rely on their automatic spawning system, but that's not efficient since they have a very good estimate on when the connections would be pouring in.
Posted 10 September 2013 - 04:34 PM
slide, on 10 September 2013 - 04:02 PM, said:
For me that is about 130 am. I still intend to drop. If the servers are indeed out. Then I will also be done with this game. It will be absolute proof that all our concerns were correct.
We shall see.
See you on TS! I'll make sure my guys are aware of it.
Posted 10 September 2013 - 05:02 PM
The "Vocal Minority" and the "Tinfoil Hat Army" seem to be joining forces.
PGI best watch out.
Posted 10 September 2013 - 05:17 PM
Ive deleted my post as it is only going to inflame this further as I was hoping to add some clarification to what has happend but people will read what they want too and interpret it how they want as well.
Edited by Shael, 10 September 2013 - 05:55 PM.
Posted 10 September 2013 - 05:37 PM
Posted 10 September 2013 - 06:00 PM
Shael, on 10 September 2013 - 05:17 PM, said:
Ive deleted my post as it is only going to inflame this further as I was hoping to add some clarification to what has happend but people will read what they want too and interpret it how they want as well.
Was pretty clear that you said that your group wasn't getting the uptake you needed/wanted for your event so you decided to drop it. But instead of say that, your boy posted blatant rumor and innuendo from unnamed sources that Garth was going to pull the plug on your show.
Shame on you and your team.
Posted 10 September 2013 - 06:04 PM
Shael, on 10 September 2013 - 05:17 PM, said:
Ive deleted my post as it is only going to inflame this further as I was hoping to add some clarification to what has happend but people will read what they want too and interpret it how they want as well.
So just go ahead with it. Let those that want to be met with shut-down servers do it.
I don't see it costing you anything personally. Turning this off and citing the reasons that're cited on U&D is flat-out bad looking.
So counter that and do it.
Posted 10 September 2013 - 06:09 PM
Shael, on 10 September 2013 - 05:17 PM, said:
Ive deleted my post as it is only going to inflame this further as I was hoping to add some clarification to what has happend but people will read what they want too and interpret it how they want as well.
Wow my mistake for not quoting your admission. What a complete load of {Scrap} this is turning into. Did you not say there was low registration at the site and limited support from the community? Didn't you also admit the "comment" heard might have been a "joke"? What's to misinterpret about that?
Disgusting and cowardly, just like what you want to accuse PGI of being.
Posted 10 September 2013 - 07:36 PM
Posted 10 September 2013 - 08:01 PM
turn the timer back on please, some of us are not done with this yet.
Posted 10 September 2013 - 09:00 PM
Kyle Polulak, on 10 September 2013 - 03:45 PM, said:
Even though officially (read OFFICIALLY) you have LIED before, this is good enough for me. Careful though guys, your dangerously close to communicating with your community - you wouldn't want that.
Given the influx of protest emails I have received this morning regarding the frozen timer, (most of which I have not read yet, btw) I will have the timer restarted as soon as I can. For what it is worth - the event will go ahead.
For those who want to talk to me about "guts" and the "tough" walking away - go f*ck yourselves - you have no idea the bullsh*t I have endured over the last 2 weeks in trying to pull this together. I've had people refusing to join because they believe this to be a "goon" initiative, I havn't heard a word of support from the other lowtax guys (probably because this isn't a "goon" initiative). Its been open season on Mista_Whizzard in game when promoting the movement to those who no longer frequent the forum but might still be playing the game, arguments on weather or not a show of force is right... I mean c'mon guys.This is supposed to be about us putting our differences aside and demonstrating that there is a financial community being neglected here! And yes, registered support is lower than I anticipated it to be - but the dollars are still there. To be honest, I'm beaten, and I've been beaten by you guys, by the conflict across the community. You would think we would all find common ground on better communication about what we want. I dont want to care anymore.
I do not have time to continue this now - I am at work, I am tired, and I am busy. Real life is kicking my *** too.
So there. Timer will be up again soon - we have it OFFICIALLY that they will not stop the protest. I don't know wether the data will help as I no longer have any faith that PGI and IGP even care. The only reason they have responded to this is because they are (again) in damage control mode cos one of em shot their mouth off at the wrong time.
So pull ya fingers out and get registered. Make it happen. I will not be held accountable for the outcome.
Edited by Mista Whizzard, 10 September 2013 - 10:26 PM.
Posted 10 September 2013 - 09:46 PM
Edited by Davor, 10 September 2013 - 09:50 PM.
Posted 10 September 2013 - 09:54 PM
I feel your pain as well. Whether it's a roaring success or a complete fizz is irrelevant. At least you can say "I tried" and walk away with your head held high. Which is more than I can say for people who have no courage to fuel their convictions. Even the people who oppose this movement have the courage to say so, it's the silent ones, that do nothing either way that are the problem. Apathy is the silent killer of all ideas good or bad.
I do not believe PGI's hype in the latest NGNG podcast's. I would like to believe but I have been burnt to many times by these people to go there anymore.
The Oceanic community is small, far smaller than any where else in the world, we are however more close knit than any other. For a company to pull so many people together and then systematically destroy their hopes and dreams with promises that for all appearances seem to be vapourware, or with deliberate comments designed to denigrate paying customers, the customers who for the most part funded any early success, defies comprehension.
I sit here and watch this community evaporate, simply because PGI do not care enough to do something about it. There is only so much that unit leaders can do to keep people motivated, they need a reason to play. That reason is community warfare, in needs to happen ASAP anything else is hyperbole at this stage of development.
All anybody really wants from PGI is regular/honest communications on these forums and a realistic time frame on CW or a reason that it's been delayed further. Saying that we bit of more than we can chew and we need to chew some more is a lot more palatable than treating paying customers like mushrooms.
Good luck PGI with attracting new players, your going to need 10 or more new ones to replace the income you have lost from those no longer wanting to play your game. The question is can you keep them? More importantly can you get them to spend money?
Posted 10 September 2013 - 10:09 PM
Mista Whizzard, on 10 September 2013 - 09:00 PM, said:
Even though officially (read OFFICIALLY) you have LIED before, this is good enough for me. Careful though guys, your dangerously close to communicating with your community - you wouldn't want that.
Given the influx of protest emails I have received this morning regarding the frozen timer, (most of which I have not read yet, btw) I will have the timer restarted as soon as I can. For what it is worth - the event will go ahead.
For those who want to talk to me about "guts" and the "tough" walking away - go f*ck yourselves - you have no idea the bullsh*t I have endured over the last 2 weeks in trying to pull this together. I've had people refusing to join because they believe this to be a "goon" initiative, I havn't heard a word of support from the other lowtax guys (probably because this isn't a "goon" initiative). Its been open season on Mista_Whizzard in game when promoting the movement to those who no longer frequent the forum but might still be playing the game, arguments on weather or not a show of force is right... I mean c'mon guys.This is supposed to be about us putting our differences aside and demonstrating that there is a financial community being neglected here! And yes, registered support is lower than I anticipated it to be - but the dollars are still there. To be honest, I'm beaten, and I've been beaten by you guys, by the conflict across the community. You would think we would all find common ground on better communication about what we want. I dont want to care anymore.
I do not have time to continue this now - I am at work, I am tired, and I am busy. Real life is kicking my *** too.
So there. Timer will be up again soon - we have it OFFICIALLY that they will not stop the protest. I don't know wether the data will help as I no longer have any faith in PGI and IGP even care. The only reason they have responded to this is because they are (again) in damage control mode cos one of em shot their mouth off at the wrong time.
So pull ya fingers out and get registered. Make it happen. I will not be held accountable for the outcome.
[color=cyan]You worked really hard on this, and I'm sorry people have been giving you a hard time about it. Putting that much time and effort into something really takes a lot of heart. Make sure you take time for yourself and your family, as that's what's most important.
I wish you all the best, and good luck with your endeavours

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