Mackman, on 17 September 2013 - 11:41 AM, said:
I think this is especially appropriate here. All the "true Mechwarrior fans" are taking to Metacritic to, as Azantia above pointed out, exact "payback" against the devs of MWO. These people talk about how "disappointed" they are by the state of the game, and then go and make sure that the game never has a chance to get better. They talk about how excited they were to see where the game was going, and then they try to stop it in its tracks.
If you truly hate this game, then I'm sorry for you: I would advise you stop playing. If you enjoy this game, and want to see it succeed, then don't go and vent your anger at Metacritic. Don't open up that review box and think, "Now is the time for payback!"
Instead, think: "Judging the game on its own merits, how can I honestly review this free-to-play game to new people who will likely check here to see if it's worth playing?" Use the review to help MWO, not to kill it.
Some people just want to see the world burn.
Others are driven to it.