Wolfways, on 21 September 2013 - 03:05 AM, said:
In that case you must have seen this:
Von Pilsner's post shows Bryan clearly saying "Players will never be forced to use or play against other players using 3rd person" and goes on to list the options players will have.
How about further down where Garth says it "would simply be an additional option that, if you don't want it, won't affect you".
You were saying about reading comprehension?
Oh, and the 3pv community poll is stil there:
http://mwomercs.com/...community-poll/ but i think most players who cared have given up hope or simply left the game. So i guess you and PGI win right? Grats.
There's a problem with your attempted and failed retort - I addressed 3pv as two separate topics because it is in fact two different issues that you're attempting to apply the same generalized logic to:
1. Whether or not PGI said they wouldnt add 3pv. (Which they never said they wouldnt)
2. How PGI implemented 3pv. (Which, as i stated previously, i already addressed)
Since you're clearly confused, see here:
DrxAbstract, on 21 September 2013 - 02:45 AM, said:
I've seen the posts as well as the pictures... I guess you need glasses and a few lessons in sentence structure and reading comprehension - It has never been stated that 3pv would never make it into the game, end of story. As to their implementation of 3pv, i've already addressed that topic. Polls and threads get removed because of their utter lack of constructive criticism or feedback.
Bolded for your convenience, referencing this post earlier in this very thread, also bolded:
DrxAbstract, on 20 September 2013 - 11:40 PM, said:
Except they never said they wouldnt add 3pv and, contrary to your belief, there is no evidence to support otherwise and never has been. What we did have were certain people misconstruing PGI staff comments, twisting words and applying their own meaning to the comments made by those staff members. In reality, what they did say is they would consider it carefully because its implementation doesnt mesh well with their belief that the game works best as 1st Person and that's how they would like people to enjoy it.
Granted they made the mistake of not implementing it properly, and they admitted to that. However it has been corrected in a manner as to not interfere with the more competition-oriented players which was the largest and arguably the only valid point against 3pv implementation. What you have is a mentioned possibility, brought about by the very player base you're a part of, being incorrectly implemented and subsequently corrected... Hardly a polar opposite scenario.
As for the coolant flush, i'm not entirely certain of all the details involving it but my understanding of the situation is PGI said it was unlikely to happen because it didnt fall in the time line nor was it canon, but would be looked into.
Concerning the rest of your comments, from the start of Closed Beta to today, MWO has been running for 1 Year, 4 Months. Who are these players that have been waiting for 2 years? At best, the beginning of Open Beta, October 2012, is the starting point for the 'waiting'. In less than a year (By nearly a month) dozens of mechs have been added along with numerous, much higher priority operating refinements to critical areas of the game which would make the features you speak of pretty pointless to have if the aforementioned refinements didnt happen or took a back seat to.
In the end, you can make a list as long as you like. It doesnt change the fact (yes, i said fact) that it's a subjective and largely unfounded list of a complaints formulated through a perspective of impatience, spite and ignorance towards the people developing the game. Looking past the fact PGI is not a large production company with vast resources at their disposal, many of the 'polished' titles the game is being compared to spend several years under a microscope before the public is ever made aware of their existence and undergo several months and even years of refinement into the products they are today. You're watching MWO's evolutionary process unfold before your eyes where many titles would still have you in the dark and utterly clueless as to their existence... Welcome to game production?
Like i said, i've already addressed the subject. You needing some lessons in reading still stands. Essentially, i acknowledged their mistake and more importantly their effort to correct it, which happens to invalidate the concerns of the people who made and participated in those polls... People that took a black and white stance on a subject that could easily be, and easily was, modified to fit both the casual and competitive venues of the game, something PGI knew well before they implemented it and why they went ahead with it. Looking at it from perspective different than that of the "3rd Person will end the world oh nooooesss!!" which lead to such topics and polls, the whole venture was ridiculously overblown and downright embarrassing to me as a member of this community.
If you knew how to read we could have avoided this whole charade but instead you're blind to what's in front of you; too busy wanting to be right when you are not. I dont much care about the mistakes people make - What i care about is what they do to fix it. Perhaps one day you'll stop living in the past.