That's an excellent idea. A macro would do it perfectly.
Robert Montjoy, on 26 October 2013 - 08:29 AM, said:
1.) Is there somewhere the feature hidden to automaticaly center your Torso? (I mean without pressing a certain key)
2.) Is it possible to configure the mouse steering the Mech instead of the Torso? (already answered... I try this out soon)
1. Download autohotkey from here:
2. Install autohotkey
3. Download the script from here:
4. Place the script file (CenterTorso.ahk) on your desktop.
Now every time you start up the game just double click on CenterTorso.ahk to get it ready then once you're in a match press F1 to run the script. Every .5 seconds it'll press 'f' (which is the default center legs to torso key). When you want to stop the script just press F2 for one second to stop it.
Unfortunately the center legs to torso function is a little buggy, so it jolts the camera a little sometime. It's not a huge issue, but if it bugs you turn "arm lock" on in the options. It won't get rid of it completely, but it makes it much less frequent.
If you'd like to change the script you can just right click on it and select 'edit script'. It'll open in notepad and you can change the key to start the script, the key to stop it, the key it repeats (to free up the F key) and how frequently the script runs (if you want to see how it feels if it's faster or slower). Then just save and double click on the script to start the new version.
I've commented the code so you'll be able to find everything easily, but if you're having trouble or want it to do something more/else (for example having a TAG laser fire constantly or setting two or more weapon groups to fire with one button press so you can sync weapons with different fire rates or mix chain fire with regular fire) just ask and I'll change things for you then upload it again.
Robert Montjoy, on 26 October 2013 - 08:29 AM, said:
I would be really thankful for some advise to to play MWO with an absolut Minimum of different key pressing. I'm real embarassed acting like a complete fool on the Battlefield (after over 25 Years of Battletech Experience) due to the fact that I can't move my fingers fast enough. Hey I mean... Justin Allard only had one hand ;-)
If you haven't already in the options turn off "Throttle Decay" so you don't have to hold down the forward/reverse keys to keep moving. Also consider changing your w/s keys from throttle up/throttle down to step throttle up/step throttle down (it's faster which means less time holding the key) or set throttle 100% and invert throttle (one key press instead of holding).
Other than that I'd really recommend getting a mouse with more than 3 buttons if you don't have one already. Even just a single button under your thumb can really help.
As a side note, try looking into mechs/builds to find one that works well for you. LRM mechs can be a good option to help get back into the saddle, it doesn't involve a lot of quick reflexes and twitch shooting to be successful, it's more about strategic thinking, getting yourself into the best firing positions, hitting the most vulnerable targets.
But above all just enjoy the game, as long as you're having fun everything else is secondary.
Edited by Mahws, 26 October 2013 - 11:44 PM.