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#9381 GweNTLeR


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Posted 29 May 2020 - 12:50 AM

View PostOathmaster Minoru, on 29 May 2020 - 12:20 AM, said:

Hi guys and gals, Sorry if this has been asked a million times, but I couldn't find an answer.

I'm a new player with absolutely nothing and looking to jump right in. If it is worth it I'd be fine buying a mech with real money. Should I put in 15 bucks for a hero mech of my favorite chassis (shadowcat)? Or is there another recommended path? I don't really have the time to grind for hours for my first mech. Thanks in advance :)

I won't recommend you do that. There are a lot of reasons for not to do so.
If you really want to invest money - you should look at MechWarrior Online Solaris 7 Hero Pack on Steam. It has a great value. The best would be to wait for a sale.
Or just buy it here. Just checked - it is available for 21$
Alternatively you can just play the game and gain C-Bills with events and cadet bonus. You can probably get the required amount of money in 10 matches.

#9382 Aidan Crenshaw


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Posted 29 May 2020 - 01:37 AM

View PostAnAnachronismAlive, on 29 May 2020 - 12:38 AM, said:

You should unterstand how MWO calculates your performance though, helps with the regular CBill/EXP-Grind a lot.

Use this chart for reference: https://mwomercs.com...ost__p__6266075

What you need to do in detail to get the rewards is posted here: https://mwomercs.com...ost__p__4562743

I'd also advise against putting real money into mechs as long as you don't know what to expect. The Shadowcat Hero Mishipeshu really doesn't have much special going for it. Just a unique paintjob and +30% CBill bonus.
I'd rather play my first 25 games in different trial mechs and learn what I can. These 25 games will get you a fixed bouns of about 20mil CBills extra, afterwards, if you like, go ahead and buy yourself a shadowcat (preferably when it's on sale, of course). Take a look at the -B variant, it's already equipped with ECM, so less customisation costs.

#9383 Oathmaster Minoru


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Posted 29 May 2020 - 02:05 AM

Thanks a lot for the info guys :) Very helpful!

#9384 Gagis


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Posted 29 May 2020 - 05:14 AM

Shadow Cat has a bit awkwardly low space for weapons and heat sinks with its huge engine, MASC and jump jets, but it can still perform reasonably as a ERPPC mech like this: https://mech.nav-alp...#0b0b9719_SHC-H

It runs a bit how compared to some other PPC boats, so might take a little getting used to for a new player.

#9385 Areso


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Posted 29 May 2020 - 12:02 PM

I found some mechs are could use Stealth armour, but I checked a few from the list
none of them are offered Stealth armour type in the list of available armour types.
So, where I could find the actual list of eligible mechs and how to equip Stealth armour to them?

#9386 Leone


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Posted 29 May 2020 - 12:07 PM

I don't see a problem with that list. I have the Pirate's Bane, and can confirm it has stealth armour as an option. Oh, maybe you were trying a Clan mech? Stealth armour is an Inner Sphere thing.


Edited by Leone, 29 May 2020 - 12:11 PM.

#9387 Areso


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Posted 29 May 2020 - 12:53 PM

View PostLeone, on 29 May 2020 - 12:07 PM, said:

I don't see a problem with that list. I have the Pirate's Bane, and can confirm it has stealth armour as an option. Oh, maybe you were trying a Clan mech? Stealth armour is an Inner Sphere thing.


Oh, I didn't pay attention that it is an option only to selected variations, not for a whole family... My bad. Now I see the Stealth option.

#9388 Horseman


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Posted 29 May 2020 - 01:23 PM

View PostAreso, on 29 May 2020 - 12:53 PM, said:

Oh, I didn't pay attention that it is an option only to selected variations, not for a whole family... My bad. Now I see the Stealth option.
That list is also a bit incomplete due to its' age - there are ECM-capable (and therefore, stealth-capable) variants on the Flea, Hellspawn, Thanatos, Hatamoto-Chi, Nightstar, Fafnir and Marauder II . Of course, whether it's advisable on most of them is another matter.

Clan mechs have also gotten new ECM-capable variants and/or omnimechs (remember that unless the ECM hardpoint is in the CT, any omnimech variant can equip it).

If you're looking for a definitive list, https://mech.nav-alpha.com/ - you can just filter by ECM capability and techbase (remember though that for most Clan omnimechs if one variant has ECM then you can put the pod with that hardpoint on any other variant; the exception are omnimechs which have the ECM hardpoint in their CT - Ice Ferret IFR-P and Blood Asps BAS-A and BAS-B)

#9389 Areso


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Posted 30 May 2020 - 01:17 AM

View PostHorseman, on 29 May 2020 - 01:23 PM, said:

That list is also a bit incomplete due to its' age - there are ECM-capable (and therefore, stealth-capable) variants on the Flea, Hellspawn, Thanatos, Hatamoto-Chi, Nightstar, Fafnir and Marauder II . Of course, whether it's advisable on most of them is another matter. Clan mechs have also gotten new ECM-capable variants and/or omnimechs (remember that unless the ECM hardpoint is in the CT, any omnimech variant can equip it).

How it should work for clan mechs?
For an example, I have selected Hellbringer HBR-Prime in the store. Opened it in the Mechlab. I see the Clan ECM in the omnipod (got it!), but in the upgrades block there is only Missile Guidance list unlocked (Standard or Artemis. Standard by default). All other upgrades (including armour) are inactive, thus there is no option to select Stealth armour.

#9390 AnAnachronismAlive


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Posted 30 May 2020 - 01:31 AM

View PostAreso, on 30 May 2020 - 01:17 AM, said:

How it should work for clan mechs?
For an example, I have selected Hellbringer HBR-Prime in the store. Opened it in the Mechlab. I see the Clan ECM in the omnipod (got it!), but in the upgrades block there is only Missile Guidance list unlocked (Standard or Artemis. Standard by default). All other upgrades (including armour) are inactive, thus there is no option to select Stealth armour.

You can switch between Standard, Ferro, Light Ferro and Stealth Armor once you have ECM equipped and sufficient internal slots available (2 extra in each element). I'd advice to throw all equipment out first, place the ECM and then switch to Stealth Armor. Afterwards ye can fiddle around with the potential loadout in terms of engines, weapons etc.

#9391 Horseman


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Posted 30 May 2020 - 01:43 AM

View PostAreso, on 30 May 2020 - 01:17 AM, said:

How it should work for clan mechs?
For an example, I have selected Hellbringer HBR-Prime in the store. Opened it in the Mechlab. I see the Clan ECM in the omnipod (got it!), but in the upgrades block there is only Missile Guidance list unlocked (Standard or Artemis. Standard by default). All other upgrades (including armour) are inactive, thus there is no option to select Stealth armour.

Only IS mechs can equip Stealth Armor.
Clan Omnimechs cannot change the type of their armor, structure or heat sinks and cannot replace their engines.
Remember that since HBR is an omnimech and the ECM is not in your center torso, any variant of HBR can equip the pod containing the ECM hardpoint.

#9392 Leone


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Posted 30 May 2020 - 11:06 AM

View PostAreso, on 30 May 2020 - 01:17 AM, said:

How it should work for clan mechs?
For an example, I have selected Hellbringer HBR-Prime in the store. Opened it in the Mechlab. I see the Clan ECM in the omnipod (got it!), but in the upgrades block there is only Missile Guidance list unlocked (Standard or Artemis. Standard by default). All other upgrades (including armour) are inactive, thus there is no option to select Stealth armour.

Okay, so quick breakdown. IS mechs can be fully customized. Engine, armour, internals, whatever you want, the techs can do it, but weapon hardpoints are there to stay. Including ECM, which is needed for stealth armour.

Now Clan omnimechs are a marvel of engineering. Hot swap-able parts! Want the ECM torso on the Hellbringer -B? Just swap it in! Problem is, there needs to be a standard of internals, engine and armour types across all variants to allow for part swapping. So Clan omni mechs can swap weapon hardpoints, but are stuck with the same internals. Trade offs.


Edited by Leone, 30 May 2020 - 11:06 AM.

#9393 Ignatius Audene


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Posted 30 May 2020 - 12:23 PM

And clan and Is tech has diffrent slot/weight requirements. IS can only use IS weapons and clan the clan versions.

Clan also has IIC mechs which can change armor types slots etc. like IS, but still uses clan equipment (but here the weapon slots are fixed)

#9394 Horseman


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Posted 30 May 2020 - 01:24 PM

View PostIgnatius Audene, on 30 May 2020 - 12:23 PM, said:

Clan also has IIC mechs which can change armor types slots etc. like IS, but still uses clan equipment (but here the weapon slots are fixed)

More precisely: Clans still have a handful of Battlemechs (which can change structure, armor and engines).
  • Incubus
  • Jenner IIC
  • Piranha
  • Arctic Wolf ACW-1, ACW-2 and Blood Kit. ACW-A, ACW-P and ACW-Prime are Omnimechs and can swap parts with one another - ACW is the only chassis where some variants are Omni and some are not
  • Hunchback IIC
  • Vapor Eagle
  • Hellfire
  • Orion IIC
  • Rifleman IIC
  • Highlander IIC
  • Kodiak
  • Mad Cat Mk II
  • Marauder IIC
  • Supernova
  • Warhammer IIC

#9395 Chud Thumper


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Posted 01 June 2020 - 09:58 AM

I just bought a Fafnir and I'm having trouble with the heavy gauss rifles. They charged up just fine when set to group fire, but would not charge at all when set to chain fire. What's up? I've had other issues with single gauss rifles failing to charge up when I pull the trigger on other mechs. It's very bad.

#9396 letir


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Posted 01 June 2020 - 10:18 AM

View Postfu9ar, on 01 June 2020 - 09:58 AM, said:

I just bought a Fafnir and I'm having trouble with the heavy gauss rifles. They charged up just fine when set to group fire, but would not charge at all when set to chain fire. What's up? I've had other issues with single gauss rifles failing to charge up when I pull the trigger on other mechs. It's very bad.

Chain fire forcebly making you pause between shots. Gauss rifles charge mechanic don't go well with this forced feature.

Solution - never chainfire.

#9397 Aidan Crenshaw


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Posted 01 June 2020 - 01:01 PM

yeah, why would you want to chainfire gauss rifles???

#9398 Horseman


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Posted 01 June 2020 - 01:37 PM

View Postfu9ar, on 01 June 2020 - 09:58 AM, said:

I just bought a Fafnir and I'm having trouble with the heavy gauss rifles. They charged up just fine when set to group fire, but would not charge at all when set to chain fire. What's up? I've had other issues with single gauss rifles failing to charge up when I pull the trigger on other mechs. It's very bad.

Gauss Rifles require you to hold fire to charge. Chainfire triggers a weapon and immediately switches to the next. These two things don't go well together.
And FYI, Gauss Rifles can be charged two at a time. If you have somehow managed to install more, you can just put them in a single weapon group - only two will charge, but once two are on cooldown the next two can be charged with the same fire button.

Edited by Horseman, 01 June 2020 - 01:37 PM.

#9399 Chud Thumper


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Posted 01 June 2020 - 02:22 PM

Oof. I guess I can just run them on separate groups and put the lasers on another... but I will have a better time peeking with one at a time. As to why, I generally prefer to chainfire pinpoint weapons because if I miss, I would rather have another shot ready to go immediately than have to wait for the full cooldown. It hedges my bet rather than going all in at once. I've been having a lot of fun with a Marauder carrying 4 light PPC's as a second line support fire heavy (it is not an optimized build, for sure). People panic when PPC blasts come raining in and it is funny as hell every time.

Edited by fu9ar, 01 June 2020 - 02:25 PM.

#9400 Horseman


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Posted 02 June 2020 - 09:14 AM

What it does isn't hedging your bets - it gives you more chances to miss, it gives the opponent more time to evade and it gives the entire enemy team more time to wipe you off the board because you're taking return fire for that much longer.

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