Opinions On Hero Mechs
Posted 09 October 2013 - 03:28 PM
Misery has a backstory. There's a lore-specific mech -- just a modified stalker with no loadout specifics or name but piloted by an actual hero -- described as being covered in scars and damage that are beyond repair. Its most noteworthy mention is in the Battle of Misery. Someone in this thread someone brought the story to me. As well as a good one for a villain Jenner. On the 3rd or so page.
Posted 09 October 2013 - 04:05 PM
Buckminster, on 08 October 2013 - 07:46 PM, said:
DyDrimer, on 05 October 2013 - 08:44 AM, said:
The wang jokes alone make the YLW worth it.
This mech is how I got into the 1,000 damage club. Only in one game, of course, and I had stripped an Atlas of all of its weapons and had him all to myself... but still.
The glory of the wang is that it can mount an AC/20 while also being fast enough to sneak attack or hit-and-run. I also carry an ER Large Laser so that I don't have to get close when I really shouldn't.
juxstapo, on 05 October 2013 - 07:34 AM, said:
It's probably subjective, but at one time it felt as if the Commandos cornered sharper than the Jenners; combined with the lower arm actuators, and TDK felt like a ninja.
I feel like it corners sharper, too, and the fully articulated arms are more important than a person might think. It lets you take medium lasers (rather than pulse, which I normally try very hard to fit in a light) and hold them on your target while you run by better than you can in a Jenner.
It's definitely not for the inexperienced light pilot, though. One solid, direct hit, and you're done.
Posted 09 October 2013 - 04:15 PM
I used to make the cbills with the Wang, Misery, Firebrand, or Dragonslayer because I could regularly pull down 300k for a win before the cbill nerf with any of those mechs. While I don't see 300k for a single win anymore, my average earnings have gone up in the post-nerf economy by using the Goldenboy. If I do well I can see 280k cbills, win or lose. No other mech in my stable is paying out as well at the moment. I have considered picking up a second one for a farming rotation.
Don't get me wrong, the hero mechs I listed still get driven and enjoyed. I am still just as effective/competitive/contributing as before in those mechs... it just doesn't pay as well when I pilot them now. I miss the dakka-dakka-dakka of my other heroes, but I can content myself by lobbing an endless stream of missles at spider and jenner pilots.
Summation: If you want cbills, get a Goldenboy and load it with tag and BAP; if you want something that is just for fun, get a hero with dakka; if it's just because you like the looks, get whatever makes you happy (even if that means the Pretty Baby).
Posted 10 October 2013 - 12:40 PM
juxstapo, on 09 October 2013 - 03:24 PM, said:

heh, the very first technical readout. (3025). Each entry had a "Notable Mech's and Mechwarriors" section. It's in there.
So is the Pretty Baby and The Death's Knell.
I knew about the Pretty Baby, Death's Knell, and Ronda Snord's mech from sarna.net. For some reason, the Boar's Head isn't there, but I finally found it mentioned here:
When I did a search for "Kintaro, Golden Boy" I found articles about a manga character, and not anything to do with Mechwarrior. Other than that, I saw a couple of forum threads with people guessing that it might be the mech of some character they liked from lore.
This is the best explanation I can find for the Firebrand:
Strum Wealh, on 19 September 2013 - 12:33 PM, said:
Donald Vincent (TRO 3025, pg. 88; TRO 3039, pg. 148) - Formerly of the Crimson Ace Dragoons; "A former mercenary, 'Devil Don' is a freelance MechWarrior who often flirts with banditry"; known for being moody, brash and temperamental ("He is most famous for walking his 'Mech through the palace of a former employer after a wage dispute.") and hyper-pragmatic ("I was contracted to defend the factory," he said. "With the factory burning, what point was there in getting in a fight?")
However, his personal JagerMech was not named, nor was its loadout described, in those documents; attributing the name and that hardpoint layout (which is also based on the standard variant of a separate-but-related BattleMech, the Rifleman, in addition to mirroring the loadout of the JagerMech III) to that particular 'Mech were an exercise in creative license on PGI's part.
Then, he's got this information:
Strum Wealh, on 20 September 2013 - 03:47 AM, said:
- Yen-Lo-Wang (Justin Allard) - MIIO (FedSuns intelligence agency operative)
- Ilya Muromets (Grigori Kovalenko) - CapCon (independent merc)
- Fang & Flame (Donald & Martin Takeda) - DCMS (Sun Zhang MechWarrior Academy instructors)
- Death's Knell (Bono Duganmare) - LCAF (22nd Skye Rangers)
- Pretty Baby (Danielle Peterson) - AFFS (Chisholm's Raiders)
- The X-5 (Leopold Crawford) - FWLM (Gibson Federated BattleMechs test pilot)
- Heavy Metal (Rhonda Snord) - Merc (Snord's Irregulars)
- Misery (J. Elliot Jamison) - Merc (Wolf's Dragoons)
- Firebrand (Donald Vincent) - Merc (independent)
- Dragon Slayer (Ardan Sortek) - AFFS (Prince's Champion)
- Golden Boy (unknown pilot) - (unknown affiliation, presumed to be DCMS?)
- Protector (Aleksandr Kerensky) - original Star League Defense Force (from one of Kerensky's formal titles: "Protector of the Star League")
By contrast, each of Ilya Muromets, Fang & Flame, The X-5, and (possibly?) Golden Boy, and their respective pilots seem to be original creations by PGI.
This might be the best info I'm going to get, short of buying the old TROs.
PGI could do a better job of telling us if a mech is supposed to represent someone from lore, rather than letting us fill in the blanks.
...And I want a Butterbee!
Posted 10 October 2013 - 04:30 PM

<--- still has his (very tattered) first edition TROs, with an officer's.. uh Marauder on the front cover and everything. Old compendium, merc's handbook, etc. etc.
Now as a supposed "adult" male with a career (ish) and a couple'a marriages under my belt and a houseful of kids, I'm not sure if that speaks well or poorly of me.

Edited by juxstapo, 10 October 2013 - 04:32 PM.
Posted 19 January 2014 - 11:27 AM
Posted 19 January 2014 - 11:43 AM
Ghastous, on 19 January 2014 - 11:27 AM, said:
Tops: Ilya Muromets, Dragon Slayer, Misery, Heavy Metal, Misery
To start? Ilya. Ilya. Ilya. Because CTF is the best chassis to start with. Get an Ilya, a 3D and either a 1X or 4X... Great mechs.
Posted 19 January 2014 - 11:50 AM

Posted 19 January 2014 - 12:57 PM
Terciel1976, on 19 January 2014 - 11:43 AM, said:
Tops: Ilya Muromets, Dragon Slayer, Misery, Heavy Metal, Misery
To start? Ilya. Ilya. Ilya. Because CTF is the best chassis to start with. Get an Ilya, a 3D and either a 1X or 4X... Great mechs.
thx for the info ill look into it

Posted 20 January 2014 - 03:38 PM
The Unknown Pilot, on 19 January 2014 - 11:50 AM, said:

Interesting you say that because my Grid Iron is one of my most effective hero mechs:
GRID IRON 45 23 22 1.05 94 29 3.24 20,517 68,711 04:30:10
2.09 kills per match and 456 pts average damage - very fast and agile.
Other than that I'll just echo the general comments about the Misery, Yen-lo-Wang and llya. But the Fang is my single highest kill/match mech and the Boar is the only mech I've had three eight kill matches in so I can't pretend I don't have strange vices.....
... I loathe the Pretty Baby though.

Edited by Remarius, 20 January 2014 - 03:40 PM.
Posted 20 January 2014 - 03:41 PM
Remarius, on 20 January 2014 - 03:38 PM, said:
Interesting you say that because my Grid Iron is one of my most effective hero mechs:
GRID IRON 45 23 22 1.05 94 29 3.24 20,517 68,711 04:30:10
2.09 kills per match and 456 pts average damage - very fast and agile.
Other than that I'll just echo the general comments about the Misery, Yen-lo-Wang and llya. But the Fang is my single highest kill/match mech and the Boar is the only mech I've had three eight kill matches in so I can't pretend I don't have strange vices.....
... I loathe the Pretty Baby though.

You did read the part where I said "stock loadout?"
Posted 20 January 2014 - 05:15 PM
Posted 20 January 2014 - 05:25 PM
Ghastous, on 20 January 2014 - 05:15 PM, said:
Hero mechs ain't cheap. I only buy the heavier ones on sale. It's not where I'd recommend starting out, really, and there's no need. It's not P2W. They're not better, just different. Chassis you should check out (all available for c-bills) if you're a new player: Jenner, Shadow Hawk, Cataphract. All have 3+ solid c-bill variants and include some of the best variants in the game (JR7-D/F, SHD-All and CTF-3D are all absolutely top tier).
Personally, I love hero mechs. I own, well, a lot.

Edited by Terciel1976, 20 January 2014 - 05:26 PM.
Posted 20 January 2014 - 05:41 PM
Terciel1976, on 20 January 2014 - 05:25 PM, said:
Hero mechs ain't cheap. I only buy the heavier ones on sale. It's not where I'd recommend starting out, really, and there's no need. It's not P2W. They're not better, just different. Chassis you should check out (all available for c-bills) if you're a new player: Jenner, Shadow Hawk, Cataphract. All have 3+ solid c-bill variants and include some of the best variants in the game (JR7-D/F, SHD-All and CTF-3D are all absolutely top tier).
Personally, I love hero mechs. I own, well, a lot.

aye this game certainly aint P2W thats for sure but i mainly wanna hero mech cos least it gets a paint job as i find it quite {Scrap} that they wanna charge MC for you to paint ur mech up instead of using Cbills its like everything in the game apart from the mechs and loadout they want everyone to pay real money for customization options. At least give some paint options to the players that cant always put money into the game
Posted 20 January 2014 - 06:02 PM
And if I recall correctly, some colors are available for C-bills, but they tend to be the duller, less vibrant colors.
Posted 20 January 2014 - 06:41 PM
Liquid Leopard, on 10 October 2013 - 12:40 PM, said:
When I did a search for "Kintaro, Golden Boy" I found articles about a manga character, and not anything to do with Mechwarrior. Other than that, I saw a couple of forum threads with people guessing that it might be the mech of some character they liked from lore.
This is the best explanation I can find for the Firebrand:
Then, he's got this information:
This might be the best info I'm going to get, short of buying the old TROs.
PGI could do a better job of telling us if a mech is supposed to represent someone from lore, rather than letting us fill in the blanks.
...And I want a Butterbee!
I run a 5 SSRM Golden Boy for CBill generation. It is one of the best Mechs for girding cash if you pack on your BAP and TAG. My GB is fast (90.7 with speed tweak) fully armored and carries 8 tons of ammo so I can stay in the battle as long as my armor holds up. Then to round it out I carry an ER LG Laser for use while I am closing on a target or running away for dear life.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 12:03 AM
Posted 24 January 2014 - 12:09 AM
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