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Please Remove Group Size Limits

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#81 Most Twisted


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Posted 19 October 2013 - 03:47 PM

View PostRoadbeer, on 18 October 2013 - 07:15 AM, said:

With in one week of them implementing the 4 player groups, our nightly TS population went from >100 to <50.

For sure. Every member of our smallish group complains about the ability to. . . You know. . . . Play together. When we have 5 or 6 on it's a matter of someone dropping or splitting into smaller groups to try (usually unsuccesfully) to sync drop. Some members even refuse to play until it's fixed as a matter of principle.

This can't be addressed quickly enough.

#82 Taemien


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Posted 19 October 2013 - 04:01 PM

View PostFerrohu, on 19 October 2013 - 03:18 PM, said:

Its a team game. If u dont have 8 or 12 ppl find more, or create a bigger clan...See its works both way.
Seriously if you do this say goodby to all the (very few) new players.

Funny, when I was new to the MechWarrior franchise, you either played against clan/units, or were playing with them. Didn't stop me from sticking around for the next 16 years. The ones back then that couldn't hack it went back to their Playstations and N64 games.

Like someone said before. Lets open it to 2-12 man and let it roll. I played in CB before restrictions were in and never had any issues with stomps beyond the normal derping that goes on with this community. Its not about how coordinated the other team is. Its about how uncoordinated your team is.

Everyone thinks they are a pro. When they allow for lobbies and private matches, that mentality will finally go away. Once people start getting called out and challenged based on their balance complaints, they will cease. Peer pressure is a wonderful thing sometimes. Just doesn't work here, most people cry foul and call you a bully. But that will stop too once a line is drawn in the sand in real time for everyone to see. There's a sort of 'shield' when forums are used, probably because its not real time.

#83 MechFrog1


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Posted 19 October 2013 - 05:16 PM

Removing the 4 or 12 limitation would go a long way in attempts to retain what players are left. PGI probably instituted the limitations to make match-making easier on their end. Unfortunately the consequence is that fewer people play the game when they jump onto vent/mumble, see the only group on is full, and log off to play something else.

tldr: Allah forbid 5-11 players who know each other be able to play together! That would just be game breaking!

I wish every change to this game didn't revolve around gradually cramming players into a smaller and smaller pre-defined box of what is deemed, "acceptable play".

#84 Chronojam


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Posted 19 October 2013 - 05:22 PM

View PostCosran, on 18 October 2013 - 05:31 AM, said:

Not sure how many other groups have the same Issue about this but I am sure our group is not the only one. So many Times do we have 5-11 people come on to play together and we just can't. Trying to launch at the same time in 2-3 groups never works, or when it does we end up on opposing teams. Are there any plans on allowing groups between 4 and 12 players to launch together in the future?

Aren't you adorable? We've been wanting this since November 6, 2012 and it's now October 19, 2013. In three weeks it will have been a year.

For those who came in late: before last November, you could make a group that had two, or three, or four, or five, or six, or seven, or eight!

Then they made it so you could make a group that had two, or three, or four-- or eight.

Then they made it so you could make a group that had two, or three, or four-- or twelve.

"But this makes it hard to play, and hard to keep a group going if a single member leaves!" you say. It does not matter because you bought Overlord anyways, didn't you?

What I'm saying is, it's your fault. You told them they were doing a great job with groups when you bought that. You told them Medium Mechs were viable when you bought that. You told them your complaints were hollow.

#85 MechFrog1


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Posted 19 October 2013 - 05:33 PM

Personally, when I bought Overlord I was telling them that I appreciate their efforts to make sure the player base was as small as possible by having no in-game chat, limiting the numbers of people in a group, including obscure and complicated systems that don't fix any problems and only limit player creativity/flexibility, and the inclusion of 3rd person perspective to make the game very hostile to new players.

But that's just me...

#86 Iskareot


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Posted 19 October 2013 - 05:53 PM

View PostNgamok, on 18 October 2013 - 06:30 AM, said:

Hi, I want to make a group of 6-9 people and queue in the pug queue so me and my friends can roflstomp the other team. Also I don't want to sync drop against my friends either.

If they allow this without CHOICE this game is doomed. I know I wont spend another 100 bucks with them if they allow this with no control. What ***** would want to pug against a 12 man premade group???? "I WOULD!!" said no one...

#87 Deathlike


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Posted 19 October 2013 - 05:58 PM

View PostScreech, on 19 October 2013 - 03:45 PM, said:

But which limits are they removing? From the ATD 45 the original plan was to put in weight limits on groups and remove the group restrictions, including 12 mans. Can't do that anymore.

UI 2.0.

It drives everything apparently.

#88 Iskareot


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Posted 19 October 2013 - 06:02 PM

View PostAC, on 18 October 2013 - 01:25 PM, said:

The problem is PGI intentionally left out any tools that would allow a single person to find a group in this game. They thought it might be used by outside leagues...and heaven forbid.... they allow their game to become more popular through 3rd party leagues!

The tools they needed were

1) A lobby - No... not the {Scrap} we have now, but an honest to god lobby. One where you drop in before a match, figure out a strategy with your team, and then drop into game. When you are done you can stay in the lobby and drop a second match with the same team. (or find another if you want) Right now if you find a cool group of people there is no way for you to play with them a second time. There is no in game friend tools, no ability to drop a second game with the same group, and really no tools to find/meet/make new friends in the game.

2) Voice Coms - If they had voice coms the PUGs would play more like a team and maybe find people they could form premades with. Not to mention vets could help noobs. Nothing is more frustrating than getting shot in the face while trying to type chat a new player how to move weapons groups or why their arms don't swing or why they are floating behind their mech.

It seemed that in the beginning PGI was so scared 3rd party leagues would steal their thunder they did everything possible to make the front end of the game as league unfriendly as possible. Unfortunately, they didn't understand that it also made the front end rather user unfriendly and new player unfriendly as well.

This... and yes, I agree. I have no issues keeping premades and groups up to 12 allowed. HOWEVER do not force me as a pug to play against them for that would be unreal and stupid. Why even bother... worse why even log in if that is how it would be. Tools or not, since it is not forced and it is vague at best actually when you install that they need to change that or post all over the front web page... GROUP UP CLAN UP OR DIE EVERY DROP

#89 No Guts No Glory


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Posted 20 October 2013 - 01:32 AM

By all means remove group size limits, as long as MM puts a similar number of grouped players on each side and labels them in the scoreboard.

#90 Poerisija


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Posted 20 October 2013 - 06:19 AM

View PostNo Guts No Glory, on 20 October 2013 - 01:32 AM, said:

By all means remove group size limits, as long as MM puts a similar number of grouped players on each side and labels them in the scoreboard.

This is not what people want. People want 6-9 organized people versus a bunch of randoms. They want to stomp. Their excuse is "it's a team game, team up or die" when in reality they just want easy wins, because who doesn't like easy wins in a grindy game like this?

#91 Roadbeer


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Posted 20 October 2013 - 06:34 AM

View PostPoerisija, on 20 October 2013 - 06:19 AM, said:

This is not what people want. People want 6-9 organized people versus a bunch of randoms. They want to stomp. Their excuse is "it's a team game, team up or die" when in reality they just want easy wins, because who doesn't like easy wins in a grindy game like this?

You're completely wrong.

We want to play with as many members of our community at once as possible, stomping is just a side-effect of that. The 4/12 player group caps, which was brought on by the QQing of the Lone Wolf segment of the community has done nothing to alleviate the "evil premades" from stomping, which is evidenced by this and many other threads on the topic.

What many fail to realize is that for every 7 player group, there are 5 PUB in it who are going to benefit from our 'OP' communication/teamwork. Law of averages says that you are going to be on one of those teams as often as not.

#92 PanzerMagier


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Posted 20 October 2013 - 06:58 AM

View PostNgamok, on 18 October 2013 - 06:30 AM, said:

Hi, I want to make a group of 6-9 people and queue in the pug queue so me and my friends can roflstomp the other team. Also I don't want to sync drop against my friends either.


There should be a single man pug queue and then there should be any size team queue.
The try hards can go try hard and the puggers who just want to play game as if it was meant to be fun... can have some pew pew stompy robot fun.

#93 christophermx4


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Posted 20 October 2013 - 07:10 AM

View PostPoerisija, on 20 October 2013 - 06:19 AM, said:

This is not what people want. People want 6-9 organized people versus a bunch of randoms. They want to stomp. Their excuse is "it's a team game, team up or die" when in reality they just want easy wins, because who doesn't like easy wins in a grindy game like this?

I don't want easy wins, I want epic close battles WITH my friends. Having a group limit of 4 is the single most hated part of this game for me. Not ECM, not 3rd person, not pop-tarts, not even the lack of CW is as infuriating for me.

Seriously, PGI can't get rid of this group limit BS fast enough.

#94 CravenMadness


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Posted 20 October 2013 - 07:32 AM

It'd be hilarious to see them actually implement a 'solo drop only' queue, and then watch as the pages of rage filled up about four and five minute waits to find 24 pugs near their 'elo', before failing to find a group since ten 'solo' drop games are trying to pull from the same narrow band of puggers.

By the by... That'd mean even two man groups, the occasional Ken and Barbie, would get 'stuck' in the 'group' queues ... Does that seam fair that a two man 'group' should have to fight four, six, eight man groups? Maybe we should have a 'duo drop only' queue too so that six two man teams on each side got to play against one another? Or a 'trio drop only' queue so only four three man groups on each team would be allowed to play against one another... Do you see where I'm going with this, people?

And as far as 'solo queue drops' 'fixing' 'pug stomps' ... Have you ever seen your start of match screen and seen four to seven pink tags on both teams? Guess what folks... -all- those people dropped solo and they 'synched up'.

#95 Chronojam


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Posted 20 October 2013 - 10:59 AM

Or maybe we should have built-in VOIP like what they announced over one year ago in September 2012 with that big press release in Reuters, and then it would matter a lot less because you could easily coordinate with both pre-made and general groups.

#96 Roadbeer


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Posted 20 October 2013 - 11:01 AM

Or maybe you can download TS, Vent, etc, log into one of the MANY MWO VoIP communities and take some initiative in your life.

Seriously, do you guys need to have EVERYTHING spoon-fed to you?

#97 Screech


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Posted 20 October 2013 - 11:05 AM

View PostCravenMadness, on 20 October 2013 - 07:32 AM, said:

It'd be hilarious to see them actually implement a 'solo drop only' queue, and then watch as the pages of rage filled up about four and five minute waits to find 24 pugs near their 'elo', before failing to find a group since ten 'solo' drop games are trying to pull from the same narrow band of puggers.

You can't be this delusional.

#98 Chronojam


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Posted 20 October 2013 - 11:16 AM

View PostRoadbeer, on 20 October 2013 - 11:01 AM, said:

Or maybe you can download TS, Vent, etc, log into one of the MANY MWO VoIP communities and take some initiative in your life.

Seriously, do you guys need to have EVERYTHING spoon-fed to you?

You're right, everybody should just get IRC because do you really need lobbies?

And everybody should just sign up for Run Hot or Die because do you really need community warfare?

And everybody should just open up iTunes because do you really need music?

And everybody should just open up the web site, because do you really need to see your Phoenix badges or stats in-game?

And everybody should just open their driver control panel because do you really need fast anti-aliasing, anisotropic filtering, or ambient occlusion?

And everybody should just open up Mechromancer/Smurfy because do you really need to be able to save and load mech configurations?

And everybody should just open up YouTube, because do you really need tutorials?

I can't believe people would want things like built-in stats, community warfare, lobbies, tutorials, music, proper config management, voice chat, or sensible graphics controls. What awful ~entitled~ gamers!!

The nerve of these people, asking developers to develop.

#99 Roadbeer


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Posted 20 October 2013 - 11:25 AM

View PostChronojam, on 20 October 2013 - 11:14 AM, said:

I can't believe people would want things like built-in stats, community warfare, lobbies, tutorials, music, proper config management, voice chat, or sensible graphics controls. What awful ~entitled~ gamers!!

It's a matter of priority, I see you have a founders tag, so I can only assume you were around when C3 was auto-launched back in CB and it was (at least with everyone I know) disabled it as soon as that check box became available.

I'm sure that PGI kept track of those metrics and decided "wow, X% are turning it off, so lets make that low priority". Though, I feel that it had more to do with C3 being horribad compared to the other VoIP options, and having a small staff, they really don't have the resources to develop their own.

All of which is completely peripheral to the topic and that you just found an excuse to post your little "slam PGI" link to turn this into another tin-foil hat "PGI LIED, ELECTRONS DIED" conversation.

Bravo :slow clap:

#100 Adiuvo


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Posted 20 October 2013 - 11:25 AM

View PostRoadbeer, on 20 October 2013 - 11:01 AM, said:

Or maybe you can download TS, Vent, etc, log into one of the MANY MWO VoIP communities and take some initiative in your life.

Seriously, do you guys need to have EVERYTHING spoon-fed to you?

There is never going to be a time where every single player in a match is in the same Teamspeak channel outside of 12mans.

I would love to coordinate with more than a third of my team.

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