Appogee, on 07 November 2013 - 07:52 AM, said:
I understood what you said. But no logical person could agree with your ridiculous proposition that it's ''anti-social'' to provide players with a reward that comes at no cost to oneself. In fact, that's the kind of ''social'' which characterises ''good sportsmanship''.
Wrong again. In the scenario I outlined - a nimble light Mech with barely any damage, against a half dozen damaged opponents - there was always a chance of getting a kill. Often in that scenario, there's even a chance of getting a win.
If you're looking for anti-social, look in the mirror. I expected better from someone who claims to be a member of the Golden Foxes.
First, you got me on a bad day, so I apologies for the tone of my previous post.
Second, being a good sportsman and being “social” is also about “being the bigger man” and accepting the fact that not everybody is going to play or think the same way you do. In the OP you are talking about reporting people and getting them banned for a comparatively trivial reason. You may personally not see it as trivial because of the ideologies you adhere to, but in the grand scheme of things it is. Accept the fact that some players are going to be intimidated by the odds and that you might just have an under aged kid in your sights, who knows. Have you checked their profile? Have you contacted that person and asked why they did that instead of what you feel is right? For the record, I have never and will never go out of bounds to end a fight, it’s not my style. But I also do not choose to bully others that decide to concede the battle and leave the field, I am better than that.
In the end, this is a game. People want to have fun, that is why we are here. Getting worked up this way about the last enemy not letting you kill them is an exaggerated reaction. Ranting about it and reporting people so that they get banned is not helping the game or player retention. “Be the bigger man”.
There are plenty of things that are by far much worse; TK, Suicide farmers on your team that DC before the battle begins, 12-0 ROFL-Stomps that generally demoralize a lot of new players, etc.
TDM is coming, private matches are coming, so “soon” you will not have to deal with that issue. Or just join a 12 man team.