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Patch Day Nov. 5Th is LIVE!

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#221 NuclearPanda


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 12:48 PM

View PostHop per, on 05 November 2013 - 12:43 PM, said:

I have three Seismic Sensor and love them. I also think I have easily made my 18mil worth plus some, and will still use them. I can now use my speed and maneuverability in some mechs to evade and attack. Great nerf.

But now that you got me thinking... Nvida made a better video card than the one I bought 2 years ago, maybe I should ask them for my money back, since it wont be as useful to me...

Good analogy.

As I said, the module is still incredibly helpful.

For those who would like to actually continue discussing the seismic nerf specifically, how about we move the discussion to my thread in the Patch Feedback section? This was we can not clutter this one regarding a single topic. This is the patch announcement thread, and this patch is about more than just Seismic.

Feel free to join in over thee regardless of it you agree or disagree. Feedback forums are meant for feedback!



#222 Cassius Longinus


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 12:50 PM

I pretty much just started playing again with the official release, and Seismics were clearly what I needed to get. I was probably about 3 days out from getting the c-bills and gxp. Boy am I glad I dodged that bullet. The amount of times that you are truly at rest is generally pretty small, especially with hostiles within 500m of you.

Lack of tactical information continues to be the characteristic of this game (something ecm exacerbates) ... so they are pushing further in that direction. I find it amusing that in some ways my F-150 has better instrumentation than these battlemechs.

#223 Alabaster Black


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 12:50 PM

View PostPOWR, on 05 November 2013 - 12:37 PM, said:

Stop the crying please and l2p without wallhacks. Seismic is still great for a lot of situations. Like knowing if someone is sneaking up on you while you're hanging back sniping or whatever. Just, lol at "pros" crying about wanting what was basically a wallhack back. Shut up.

Sure, but they gave us this 'wall hack," so your argument is invalid. Why not a rear view mirror module?

#224 Rhialto


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 12:53 PM

View PostGarth Erlam, on 05 November 2013 - 09:48 AM, said:

  • Seismic Sensor Module Changes:
    • No seismic sensor detection while moving.
    • Weapon fire causes seismic events.

No seismic at all while moving is a bit too much. Why not say Seismic sensor works up to 30Km/h? Otherwise your own footsteps will mess it up. This way it won't be useless but will restrict usage.

Weapon fire, what kind of weapon fire? It would make no sense that Lasers cause a seismic event.

#225 Lostdragon


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 12:53 PM

To revisit my previous post about the Jester being DOA, maybe it will be ok for pugging but you are as likely to see these in 12 mans as an Awesome 8Q. The reason is that the best competitive mechs are highly specialized to play a certain role very well. When put 2 PPCs and 4 MLs on this you are dedicating half your weapons to long range and half to medium/short range. You are a jack of all trades and master of none, which is not a good thing.

If you look at the mechs you see most often in 12 mans they are typically boating one type of weapon or using two types that have strong synergy such as similar projectile speed for easy aiming, pinpoint focused damage, complementary heat profiles, or lack of need to lead a target. PPCs and beam weapons have no synergy at all and no serious 12 man drop commander is going to want a mech with that loadout regardless of how well you swear you do with it in pugs.

On seismic, we knew what was coming over a month ago. It needed to be nerfed, but I think what they have done makes the module almost useless for lights but still pretty good for heavies and assaults, maybe mediums. With the change they have chosen to make I think the detection range should be based on the enemy's weight with lighter mechs only observable at <100 meters and 100 ton mechs observable at 300-400m.

#226 NuclearPanda


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 12:54 PM

View PostAlabaster Black, on 05 November 2013 - 12:50 PM, said:

Why not a rear view mirror module?

THIS I would pay for (Cbills and GXP mind you, not MC!)

In fact, this is a glorious idea. PGI, take note! This could be a use for one of the numerous unused monitor displays within the actual mechs!

#227 KingDavid


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 12:57 PM

Great thanks

#228 J0N3S


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 01:00 PM

Sry to say it but:

Dev's ... why is the *Fire Selected Group" Button missing?
I can understand to switch one Button to Fire Group 1 ..... perhaps better understandable for Newbies ..... but cut off the whole Feature? Really?

Some of my Mates only use the Left Mouse Button and are switching their Groups with other Keys ..... so you dumb then off without some Communication before?

Please return the Feature for Those who needs it.

#229 Tannhauser Gate


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 01:00 PM

View PostAlabaster Black, on 05 November 2013 - 12:50 PM, said:

Sure, but they gave us this 'wall hack," so your argument is invalid. Why not a rear view mirror module?

Just fyi, the whole dev model PGI is using means that all new content will be balanced over time as they are buffed and nerfed. Seismic was OP so they balanced it to be less OP, less of a crutch, and more realistic. Just because they gave it to you doesnt mean it was complete. All content will be like this.. subject to balancing as the game grows.

#230 Hammerhai


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 01:02 PM

The rear view mirror is not possible due to a view point rendering limitation(?) in cryengine. I surmise thats maybe why seismic was made in the first place.

And those ppl that one should l2p without seismic as a light ... well, actually I had to l2p with, because I dare you to listen for footsteps at 150kph going full bore, as you usually do. Ok, all the same the proof of the base is in the capping, as they say. We'll see.

Edited by Hammerhai, 05 November 2013 - 01:03 PM.

#231 Dimitry Matveyev


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 01:05 PM

Additional rocket pods on catapult are looking not very good. Like VHS player ))

#232 AquaGoat


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 01:09 PM

View PostDimitry Matveyev, on 05 November 2013 - 01:05 PM, said:

Additional rocket pods on catapult are looking not very good. Like VHS player ))

We called those "VCRs"

#233 Morang


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 01:09 PM

Speaking about left mouse button for selected group, I think that little dirty greedy piggy stole it because it craves to port the game to consoles (which are known for rigidity of their control options). And no one can guarantee that F2P Alpha/Beta Test version for PC which we're playing now will not be left crashed and burned in process (I don't know much about console plebs... are console/PC compartible servers possible or will they be possible in near future?).

Actually, if I ever will be playing this again, I'll be forced to spend some time to figure out how to remap my LMB on the fly. I'm now in doubt if the effort worths the reward. And now I'm so glad I haven't spent a dime on this game yet. I was going to start purchasing mechbays after the CW implementation, but now it will have to wait yet more until I'm solidly sure in the direction of the game's still ongoing development ("release" was a lie in two ways: economically the game was released when monetary transactions after last wipe went live, and technically it's not released yet because of non-implemented core features and drastic gameplay changes). Fortunately, Wargaming have just released a long-awaited German Panzerjagers in WoT (I already spent the weekend playing them), and WoWP due to launch on Nov 12. So bye for now. I'm going to figure out the trick with the LMB remap, elite my Locusts and leave for a while.

#234 Xeno Phalcon


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 01:11 PM

Seismics nerf seems odd, needed but odd. And not sure what the weapon fire effect is cause so far iv not noticed it. The nerf seems to hurt slow brawlers more than lights and stationary lrm/snipers, I was getting pings with my locust everytime I droped to a halt for a sharp turn in frozen city, ended up finding a sneaky raven that way and scooting him into a friendly atlas.

#235 80sGlamRockSensation David Bowie


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 01:15 PM


I cannot stop laughing at how pathe-frigging-thetic that loadout on the Jester is!

I think The Pretty Baby and Fang need to step aside as the worst Hero Mechs. This thing is the definition of P2Lose. I cannot wait to get free kills off this thing! (Whats even funnier is that ghost heatmakes this thing even worse than it should be anyway!)

#236 cSand


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 01:21 PM

View PostMorang, on 05 November 2013 - 01:09 PM, said:

Speaking about left mouse button for selected group, I think that little dirty greedy piggy stole it because it craves to port the game to consoles (which are known for rigidity of their control options). And no one can guarantee that F2P Alpha/Beta Test version for PC which we're playing now will not be left crashed and burned in process (I don't know much about console plebs... are console/PC compartible servers possible or will they be possible in near future?).

Actually, if I ever will be playing this again, I'll be forced to spend some time to figure out how to remap my LMB on the fly. I'm now in doubt if the effort worths the reward. And now I'm so glad I haven't spent a dime on this game yet. I was going to start purchasing mechbays after the CW implementation, but now it will have to wait yet more until I'm solidly sure in the direction of the game's still ongoing development ("release" was a lie in two ways: economically the game was released when monetary transactions after last wipe went live, and technically it's not released yet because of non-implemented core features and drastic gameplay changes). Fortunately, Wargaming have just released a long-awaited German Panzerjagers in WoT (I already spent the weekend playing them), and WoWP due to launch on Nov 12. So bye for now. I'm going to figure out the trick with the LMB remap, elite my Locusts and leave for a while.

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#237 Silverlance


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 01:21 PM

View PostPOWR, on 05 November 2013 - 12:46 PM, said:

Actually , I'm pretty happy with it.

Oh, and you realise that they're nerfing all the clanstuff into oblivion, right? Because, hey, how would you like if ALL the mechs and guns ingame now, that you have spent all that time and money unlocking would suddenly be completely gimped because clan-stuff as pr. the rulebooks? Oh right, you wouldn't like that at all, you'd scream.

And really, l2p.

lmfao. Keep thinking that bro. And I wouldn't care because I'm not Inner Sphere. Never have been, and never will be. I'm just here farming CBills by killing you freebirths with your own tech. Keep thinking they're going to nerf it into the ground. There's nothing they can really do. What's the point of working on clan tech and items as they've said before that they're doing NOW, if they're going to make them worse than IS tech? They might as well save development time and only make the mechs and not touch weapons at all. I'll tell you this: Not gonna ******* happen bro.

The only one crying will be you. And the only one requiring a new L2P experience will be you on how to deal with someone in superior tech.

#238 Chavette


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 01:22 PM

View PostGoose, on 05 November 2013 - 10:21 AM, said:

Doesn't everybody do this?

I guess the people firing mlas 800m away, and driving an atlas while not noticing someone is coring them behind for 20s would be the ones who don't do it.

#239 Doomzday GER


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 01:26 PM

View PostGarth Erlam, on 05 November 2013 - 09:48 AM, said:

  • Removed the key binding option "Fire Selected Weapon Group". Mouse 1's (Left Click) default key bind is now "Fire Weapon Group 1", this can be remapped in the options screen.
Mouse 1 cannot be remapped to "fire selected weapongroup" because this option isnt available any longer after the patch. This makes the use of more than 2 weapongroups very uncomfortable - especially for people, who dont own a mouse with a dozent keys.

#240 wickwire


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 01:30 PM

Good job guys!
  • Love the Jester and its paint job
  • Love the UAV bonuses
  • Love the new screenshake, more immersive now!
No idea why you removed the Fire Selected Weapon Group bind though. I get that it's confusing for new players, but why remove it completely from the game instead of just binding Mouse 1 to Weapon Group 1?

PS: Did I mention I love the new strike visuals?

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Edited by wickwire, 05 November 2013 - 01:55 PM.

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