\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ VOTING CLOSED \\ \\ \\ \\ \\

First of all, I’m totally blown away and humbled to see this many talented artists participate in the contest and the kindhearted who have helped donate towards the prizes! It just goes to show how much support there is for the Marauder! And it’s really cool to be a part of it.
Voting for this phase has ended.
Thank you everybody who took the time to enter!
P.S.: Shimmering Sword, an entrant in this contest, has a kickstarter up to fund his Protectorate Wars Art Book. While not entirely mechwarrior related, there will be mechs, ships, infantry and more strewn throughout. I wanted to mention this because of the excellent quality of art and to help out a fellow mechwarrior! So please, check it out and start kicking

This thread will be valid until Nov. 18th 12:01AM PST, when I take screenshots of the total amounts. Any 'likes' made after that time will not be considered. The top 5 most liked will move into a separate poll that evening after I am off work to decide the winners. The duration of the top 5 poll has yet to be decided and will be announced Nov. 18th.
Edited by MoonUnitBeta, 18 November 2013 - 12:35 AM.