What is realy sad about the current state of MWO, is the following:
think yourself into a parallel universe, where only the game (the client) itself exists, no forum, no smurfy's (or others) mechlab, no community. No guys like Koniving (and all the others, think i saw Joseph and Vassago there too, just examples) answering the same questions again and again in the new player subsection, no Smurfy who picks game-files to pieces to biuld a tool like his mechlab. The game would be unplayable (or very close to it). Nobody would know about ghost heat and how this mechanic works, which weapons are affected and how much, nobody would definetely know how many missile-tubes a specific hardpoint on a specific mech has. You would have to spend hours (if not days) in the testing grounds (where skills and some other stuff is not taken into calculation) to try things, write down your results, and ask yourself what that means. And you have to repeat that after every single patch...
That's something that realy should not be allowed to be called "ready for release", and that's one of the things which stops lots of new players playing MWO.
MWO is not the only game which does this error. EvE Online has some pretty equal problems, but there you can explain it with the game itself wants to be, a very deep and complex economic simulation (well, at least that's eve for me). To be honest, MWO is a simple shooter and should explain itself to a certain grade.
To the guys who love to bring up lots of numbers and statistics:
First, i'm with you, i love statistics and numbers and stuff, they are nice to back someone's opinion up. But take into consideration, that you can prove nearly everything with every statistic.
Here is a link to a book i read some time ago. It's the link to german Amazon (don't have any other, sorry), but i'm sure there is something equal in english.
The title says "Lying with numbers: How we are getting manipulated with statistics".
Autor shows how you can take parts of a specific statistic to prove something, and after that, take other parts of the same statistic to prove the direct opposite. Very interesting.
To the guy who said "I hope MWO dies quick so that someone can do something better" (forgot to write down your name, just got the statement,sorry):
Remember that Mechwarrior is a niche game. No publisher wanted to make a Mechwarrior-game for the last 10 years or so, because they feared it wouldn't pay out. If MWO fails (and i'm feeling realy sad saying, but, i think it will, if PGI and IGP don't turn by 180 degrees and get serious with this game), that will just make these publishers feeling confirmed. Two or three years after the deep fall of MWO, nobody will care about "bad communication blabla", "bad handling with community and long-time fans blabla", "bad design decisions blabla" or anything else. It will just be like "there was a mechwarrior-game some time ago, and it failed badly", so that's it.
And after the fall of MWO, people will lose (or have allready lost) their faith in kickstarter-like games, so nobody will pledge for a new mechwarrior-game