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What's Your K/d Ratio?

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#221 xX PUG Xx


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Posted 26 December 2013 - 10:27 AM

I have played almost 6000 matches and my KDR is at 1.38.

However what that doesn't show is how many assists I have, which I can guarantee will be a HUGE number. Taking into account that I have almost 105,000 points of damage in my Atlas D-DC alone and another 4 Mech's in the 50 - 80,000 points and 95,000 in my Heavy Metal, that is ALOT of damage spread throughout those matches.

In fact, I have just tallied up my accumulated damage and its at 1169003, spread out across about 70 Mech's. (Thats over 1.1 million points of damage and only 4651 kills! I guess I need to work on my accuracy :rolleyes: )

The KDR stats don't indicate your ability to work as part of a team, which to me is a BIG part of MWO. Focussing fire, providing cover fire/ ECM and suppressing enemy snipers/LRM's are more important overall than an individual players ability to hide until the end of a match and stroll in once the damage has been done to grab the kills.

Edited by xX PUG Xx, 26 December 2013 - 10:47 AM.

#222 GrandKlaive


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Posted 26 December 2013 - 11:47 AM

My overall K/D ratio is .50, which I don't think is bad. That's not considering all the ones that were kill stolen from me!

It would be nice to see a Assist category, but not figured in the K/D ratio!

Edited by GrandKlaive, 26 December 2013 - 11:48 AM.

#223 Barkem Squirrel


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Posted 26 December 2013 - 12:04 PM

I think one area that really helps is the weapons stats. Will being more accurate bring more kills? It should improve the odds at least. Then there is how you use the weapon systems, mainly LRMs.

I just look at my stats since the end July to now.

There is a .22 increase in my KDR starting at .04.

A 30% increase in ML accuracy.

LRM's are about 6% increased accuracy and that is with more people running AMS and ECM again.

I have had a Machine Gun increase of 7% on Locusts, Battlemasters, and thunderbolts.

Even Large Lasers are up almost 15%.

All these stats are still going up.

So with a frames per second change I have increased my KDR by 550% in 5 months. Before I might be I got a kill today or this week. Now it is how many kills today and did I get more kills than matches?

One general rule that I have heard is 100 damage per kill, or you are kill stealing. I think this is close, but should be ignored for top tier players. Why, they will pop an XL's side torso or exploit an already damaged area.

Then there are the LRM boats, 500, 600, 700, 800 damage with 9 or 10 assists and no kills. Now wonder why someone would chain fire 4, 5 or 6 LRM 5 launchers? You have a constant rain of LRM's on the target vs. one volley every 3 some seconds. It increases the odds of a killing hit. The same with a LRM 20 or 15 with one LRM 10 and one or more Lrm 5's. It staggers the launchers to fire every so often.

#224 WVAnonymous


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Posted 26 December 2013 - 02:17 PM

View PostGraywar, on 25 December 2013 - 07:47 AM, said:

I 100% only pug and I actually don't really care about my K/D...

Posted Image

Posted Image

Interesting, and you make me feel a little better about my well-below 1.0 KDR. My Victor, Highlander and Cataphract numbers hold up well to yours, but I have a lot more games in mediums and lights where my KDR is at or below 0.5. Maybe I don't suck so much, I just need to spend more time in mechs that get more kills...

Edited by WVAnonymous, 26 December 2013 - 02:18 PM.

#225 WVAnonymous


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Posted 26 December 2013 - 02:28 PM

View PostxX PUG Xx, on 26 December 2013 - 10:27 AM, said:

I have played almost 6000 matches and my KDR is at 1.38.

However what that doesn't show is how many assists I have, which I can guarantee will be a HUGE number. Taking into account that I have almost 105,000 points of damage in my Atlas D-DC alone and another 4 Mech's in the 50 - 80,000 points and 95,000 in my Heavy Metal, that is ALOT of damage spread throughout those matches.

In fact, I have just tallied up my accumulated damage and its at 1169003, spread out across about 70 Mech's. (Thats over 1.1 million points of damage and only 4651 kills! I guess I need to work on my accuracy :rolleyes: )

The KDR stats don't indicate your ability to work as part of a team, which to me is a BIG part of MWO. Focussing fire, providing cover fire/ ECM and suppressing enemy snipers/LRM's are more important overall than an individual players ability to hide until the end of a match and stroll in once the damage has been done to grab the kills.

That's just since they started the current stats tracking system, oh golden founder...

Edit: I'm at 728K damage and 1776 kills in the "Mech Stats" page, so 410 damage/kill. Eyeballing your damage total versus your kills, it looks like you inflict 251 damage/kill. I think your accuracy must be pretty good.

Edited by WVAnonymous, 26 December 2013 - 02:41 PM.

#226 PanzerMagier


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Posted 26 December 2013 - 03:51 PM

It's really sad that this thread is still going on.

#227 juxstapo


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Posted 26 December 2013 - 05:21 PM

No one is being offensive to anyone else, no insults or derogatory remarks being exchanged. This has been a comparatively civil discussion of the stat, regardless of how useful/less the thing is, for those who are bothered by it, how about just mosey on...

I've found, (after my teammates pointed out, several times), that I let that "K" part overshadow that "D" part. Took quite awhile, and honestly it's still going on, to train myself not to break position and noob charge a mech I know I can put down. :P

What really helped was drawing on my inner fanboy with hours upon hours invested on absorbing BTech fluff, and realize that first and foremost, a MechWarrior would be much more self-preservation minded than a layabout casual gamer. A step beyond that, a mercenary who makes his or her living with their mech, would very conscientious about any damaged suffered to it. (Yea, I do miss RnR).
In other words when I started pretending MechWarrior in addition to playing MechWarrior, my KDR started rising. :P

#228 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 26 December 2013 - 05:31 PM

View PostPanzerMagier, on 26 December 2013 - 03:51 PM, said:

It's really sad that this thread is still going on.

There are threads for the other stats to - the run of the thread is not (near as I can tell, or have seen) serious competition, but rather a lighthearted comparison of one of the many stats in the game.

The fact that people like me and the other <1.0 K/Ders have NOT been mocked out of the thread is (I will admit) one of the big reasons for my perspective on that.

TLDR: Lighten up man! a game is a game, which means it is for FUN!

#229 RichAC


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Posted 27 December 2013 - 07:51 AM


Edited by RichAC, 27 December 2013 - 07:52 AM.

#230 Tesunie


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Posted 27 December 2013 - 08:31 AM

View PostShar Wolf, on 26 December 2013 - 05:31 PM, said:

There are threads for the other stats to - the run of the thread is not (near as I can tell, or have seen) serious competition, but rather a lighthearted comparison of one of the many stats in the game.

The fact that people like me and the other <1.0 K/Ders have NOT been mocked out of the thread is (I will admit) one of the big reasons for my perspective on that.

TLDR: Lighten up man! a game is a game, which means it is for FUN!

Thing is, many of the players here realize that K/D doesn't mean much of anything, so we are all good no matter what your K/D is. (Of course, this is coming from a 0.81 K/D person, but hey, someone has to die! Right? :P )

#231 Nick Makiaveli


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Posted 27 December 2013 - 11:09 AM

View PostMoment Killer, on 23 November 2013 - 01:12 PM, said:

^^ Agree. I'm average and just above 2. Most of the good players are 6 +

I call BS. A good player doesn't care about his KDR, he cares about his W/L ratio instead. This is a team based game not a solo one.

I can say this, you run and face hug an enemy in order to block incoming fire so you can get the kill, don't expect me to cry when you catch my alpha strike in the back since I am playing MWO not CoD.

#232 Jody Von Jedi


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Posted 27 December 2013 - 11:14 AM

My most recent mech purchases are shown below with the BJ-1 being my most effective chassis.

177 matches
115/61 W/L ratio 1.89
168/114 K/D ratio 1.47

40 matches
21/19 W/L ratio 1.11
31/28 K/D ratio 1.11

These are only my 2 most recent chassis purchases. When I 1st started playing MWO, my averages were more like 1:1 W/L and 1:2 K/D.

I have lot of chassis I ran as trial mechs that have .50 K/D ratio. Win/Loss ratio is closer to 1.0.

Overall my K/D ratio is .68, but it's going up :P

Jody Von Jedi

#233 Jody Von Jedi


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Posted 27 December 2013 - 11:19 AM

View PostWVAnonymous, on 26 December 2013 - 02:17 PM, said:

Interesting, and you make me feel a little better about my well-below 1.0 KDR. My Victor, Highlander and Cataphract numbers hold up well to yours, but I have a lot more games in mediums and lights where my KDR is at or below 0.5. Maybe I don't suck so much, I just need to spend more time in mechs that get more kills...


What's your loadout on the QKD-5K chassis if you don't mind me asking?


#234 FearNotDeath


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Posted 27 December 2013 - 12:00 PM

Pure pugging mostly solo.
1.88 overall

My fav mech the cat K2 is 1.96 ran everything from gauss to pure energy to lbx 10's in it.

When I cheese to the meta my best mech is the Misery 3.57.

#235 Jody Von Jedi


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Posted 27 December 2013 - 12:08 PM

One thing I failed to mention, C-bills are more important to me than K/D ratio, therefore Wins are more important. If you want to maximize your winnings, help your team win the match and land hits on as many different mechs as you can. I've had matches where I had 11 assists. Talk about a C-Bill windfall!

#236 UnwantedProblem


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Posted 27 December 2013 - 12:10 PM

my kd ratio is:
1.17 (overall) with 744 matches and 1.09 W/L. (i was really a noob, i have 0.05 K/D in some mechs)
Now i mostly play in my jenner (which has 1.96 K/D with 277 matches 73k damage and 290kills)

#237 Trucker


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Posted 27 December 2013 - 12:29 PM

if use of electronic warfare (UAV, tag etc..) and spotting, capping and general scouting was tracked in the end of round score as well as kills/damage/assists, would score per match be a better means of determining pilot skill? I believe it would be, but what is everyone else thoughts?

#238 Mister Blastman


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Posted 27 December 2013 - 01:10 PM

View PostGyrok, on 23 December 2013 - 04:39 PM, said:

K/D Ratio is worthless...

Only bads think K/D is worthless. I always hear someone saying that it is a crappy stat only to later discover they have a horrible KDR.

Go figure.

Don't knock the stat. Strive to improve it!

#239 Lukoi Banacek


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Posted 27 December 2013 - 01:46 PM


talking like a putz Blasty, come on man. Yer better than that.

But yes, I agree with you regarding KDR being a stat that gives some decent information.

#240 Greyboots


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Posted 27 December 2013 - 04:32 PM

.96 KDR.
1.0 WLR.

My newest mechs are more telling.
  • THUNDERBOLT TDR-5S 1.80 K/D 1.84 W/L
  • THUNDERBOLT TDR-5SS 0.64 K/D 1.25 W/L (least favourite, just wanted it over with to basic to unlock the other 2)
  • THUNDERBOLT TDR-9SE 1.50 K/D 1.42 W/L
None are at master yet ;).

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