Bryan Ekman, on 08 October 2013 - 10:09 AM, said:
The following features are part of the Community Warfare master feature. Each of these has been identified as an isolated feature that can be developed and released independently or as a group with other blocks. Each block is not created equal, some are incredibly large, some are very small. I’m trying to find an easy way to visualize these blocks via the website, for now text will have to do.
Ready For Internal Test
- Skirmish Mode (Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch
- UI 2.0 MechLab
- UI 2.0 Pilot Lab
- UI 2.0 Misc.
- Attack/Defend Mode
- Loyalty Points
- Achievements
- Mercenary Unit Life
- Matchmaking
- Private Matches
- Player Level
- Mercenary Life
- Ready Screen
- Loyalist Life
- Inner Sphere
- CW Economics
- Mercenary Unit Assets
- Mercenary Unit Logistics
- Contracts
- Planetary Warfare
- Front Warfare
- Loyalist Unit Life
- In design 1 – A twinkle in our eyes, we are still brain storming.
- In design 2 – Feature brief has been presented to stake holders for vetting.
- In design 3 – Design has been approved and is being broken down into user stories.
- Ready for development – Design complete, waiting for resources to be assigned.
- In development – Resources assigned and actively working on feature.
- Ready for internal test – Feature is complete and ready to be tested by QA.
- Ready for public test – Feature has past basic internal testing parameters and is ready for public testing.
The first set of features for Community Warfare have been broken down and reviewed by engineering. The systems engineers have a roadmap and schedule in which they will start addressing the needs of all new systems required by Community Warfare and are working on the core layout for faction/unit gameplay. What this sums up is… engineering has done all project management breakdowns and specs for the upcoming feature and code clean-up and preparation is being worked on in a special new branch build (much like PTS). Some of the core new features, like database sharding for improved load handling, have been completed and are in that branch now..
Guess it's some Canadian double-speak that I just don't understand then...
So if some of these features were under development FIRST, then reviewed by engineers? That makes no sense. I've heard this same song and dance from PGI 6 months ago, and 8 months ago, and a year ago.
Edited by giganova, 06 December 2013 - 12:03 PM.