Rhinehart, on 15 December 2011 - 06:58 PM, said:
My Cheif complaint with this and any other re-design of the Marauder is that it moves the AC-5 from the center top position to an offset torso location.
This was done statistically to make it compatible with the generic bipedal mech record sheet diagrams for the table top game. Surely we have moved past that arbitrary limitation, especially in a video game universe?
The center top mounted gun was one of the most distinctive features of the original design. I find it hard to believe that no re-design is possible without retaining this feature.
Please put the autocannon back on top where it belongs.
In a way, though, it also makes sense to have the gun off-set to ensure that the space above the cockpit is clear to allow for safe pilot ejection.
The BT rules apparently do allow for some weapons to be shared across sections.
For example, the AC-20 (10 criticals) on the
Axman is shared between the CT and the RT (2 in CT, 8 in RT).
As the AC-5 (or most things worthy of replacing it; the most notable exceptions being the Large Laser, ER Large Laser, and Large pulse Laser) would be too large (more than two criticals) to be mounted in the CT itself by notmal BT rules, perhaps the same section-sharing rule used for the
Axman could be referenced, with the AC-5 is shared between the CT and the RT (2 in CT, 2 in RT); appearance-wise, it would still be off-center, but only slightly so - enough to be noticeable and practical (see the space-to-eject argument) and copyright-friendly (*cough*Harmony Gold*cough*)?
Edited by Strum Wealh, 15 December 2011 - 07:29 PM.