dear Mechwarriors,
the rules and regulations of this forum are harmed by users of the same.
I am refering to:
where it is written
- Is what you're saying a useful contribution? Are you trying to start a fight? (Common Sense, everyone)
- Has this been talked about in another thread? Possibly, in many other threads? Use the search function!
- Is what you are about to say advocating and/or making light of criminal activities? (Chances are we don't advocate that, nor think it's funny)
- Intentionally posting false information, or making false statements.
Moreover the CoC defines spamming and trolling as
- Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
- Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
- Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
- Making non-constructive posts
- Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
- Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements
Dear PGI, would you mind to obey the rules of this forum, please?!