Thou shalt carry at least 25 missiles per salvo.
Unlike many weapon systems, there is a direct counter to LRMs - the Anti-Missile System (AMS). This will decimate a number of missiles in each flight, and all allied AMS will cover teammates. As such, you need to make sure you are firing at least 25 to 30 missiles per salvo or the vast majority of your firepower will be shot down before it reaches the target.
Thou shalt always inspect thy missile port numbers.
On top of hardpoints and weapon sizes as limiting factors, next we have to talk about Missile Ports. This can get a bit confusing. Basically, for every launcher port in a location, one missile can be fired out of it. Some launchers will dynamically reconfigure when this happens, such as on the Catapult, while others are fixed. Often these fixed ports are NARC or Streak ports that allow for a single missile at a time and do not update; this can be found on the Trebuchet.
You should always make sure that at a minimum, all of your missiles can clear the tubes without impacting the weapons recycle rate. i.e. an LRM/20 in a single port launcher will take longer to fire than to recycle!
Thou shalt always carry a Beagle Active Probe (BAP)
Aside from it's advantages in the targeting department, BAP is notable at countering the LRM's worst enemy - the ECM. Up close, without BAP, a single ECM 'mech will interrupt your targeting - rendering your weapons and any in flight missiles suddenly useless. This alone, in addition to it's targeting properties, make this a
must have item for every LRM boat. No exceptions.
Thou shalt always carry Targeting Acquisition Gear (TAG)
The other counter to ECM on the battlefield, aside from PPCs (which cause a brief window a target can be locked) is TAG. For only a single ton, TAG is the single most important piece of gear for an LRM 'mech. It can:
- Interrupt ECM inside of 750m
- Speed locking times dramatically
- Make a lock hold for longer, if they get to cover
- Tightens missile grouping, allowing for more on-target damage
- Strengthens missile tracking, allowing for accurate hits against lights & mediums!
Since there is little downside other than a visual signature for firing it, you can place it in a group with your missile weapons in addition to all other weapon groups, and not even have to worry about micromanaging it. It's superior in every single way to the NARC (which takes ammunition, is four times as heavy, and does not stack with Artemis) and a
must have piece of gear without exception.
Thou shalt always carry Artemis!
Another must have piece of gear for a properly fit LRM 'mech is Artemis. Artemis will greatly tighten the missile spread, stacking with TAG, when you have line of sight on a target. This makes the difference between damage that is spread out and mostly useless, and that is clustered up and devastating. Any LRM equipped 'mech without Artemis, which also speeds locking time, is at a grave disadvantage to dealing damage.
Thou shalt never defy Ghost Heat
The much hated mechanic Ghost Heat is in particular confusing with LRMs. In summary, you will begin taking unnecessary heat if you exceeed two "primary" launchers, sizes 10-20. LRM/5s do not count towards this limit. This means that the following math is accurate at the time of this writing:
2x LRM20 2x LRM5 (50 Missiles) = No Ghost Heat
1x LRM20 3x LRM10 (50 Missiles) = 4x LRM/20 Ghost Heat
3x LRM15 1x LRM5 (50 Missiles) = 3x LRM/15 Ghost Heat, none from LRM/5
It's just gets more confusing but that's the gist. You want any design to have TWO main launchers, with additional LRM5s, and no more than that. You also do not want to chain fire or group-fire delay LRMs as missiles-per-salvo is needed.. see commandment #1.
Thou shalt take an Adv. Target Decay Module
This module is absolutely key of you enjoy LRMs at all, and is more must have gear. Adding several seconds of a maintained lock once the signal is broken, this allows you to sink many, many shots taken on victims that have gotten to cover than you ever would otherwise. Saves literally tons of missed ammunition.
Thou shalt always stay over 88kph
Without exception, missiles should be put onto 'mechs that can move quickly; the closer to 100 the better. LRMs need to stay within 180m (minimum range) and 750m (where TAG functions) to do the most damage, and in order to do that, they need to be fast enough to keep their distance and range shots!
A fast moving LRM boat can flee to allies against a close range attacker, can keep minimum distance on a heavy attempting to close with it (firing all the while), and also dodge a large number of incoming LRMs, allowing them to bring down far, far heavier LRM boats. With the Ghost Heat limits, the optimal number of launchers can be placed on a medium like a Centurion or Shadow Hawk without issue!
Thou shalt always try to maintain line of sight!
While indirect fire is what new players most often complain about and feels like an easy way to get damage, it should be a last resort when you are crippled or when you have some spare ammunition and are on your way to better shots.
To do the REAL damage, you need to be maintaining direct line of sight with a TAG lock. That's how your missiles go from an annoying scatter shot rain, to a brutal focused ball of death. Positively always be jockeying for these kinds of positions, furhtering the importance of moving quickly!
Thou shalt always control their fire!
When using different sized launchers, you need to make some calls on how to operate them. Effectively:
- Against AMS - Wait until your largest longer recycles before firing a new salvo each time.
- Against non-AMS - Continually fire as fast as your launchers can recycle until you become too warm, then switch to group fire.
Again, avoid chain fire against AMS targets, and in general a big group is better than chained shots; I make an exception when using mismatched launchers since this can allow you to gain a lot of extra DPS against a non-AMS target.
If anyone has questions about LRMs, feel free to post them!