I have something of a question, as well as a bit of a challenge actually. Given that Victor and I are apparently the only people in this entire thread who figure that LRM Stalkers are a horrible idea.
As one may be able to note by looking a bit to their left, I currently have access to the Battlemaster chassis, among which is the BLR-1S. I have the engine/C-bills to run the following (somewhat familiar) build on it if I decide this is what it's for:
Battlemaster BLR-1S: "Bring the Thunder"
On the other hand, I also have my trusty TBT-5N missile platform, as noted below:
Trebuchet TBT-5N: "Release Lever"
My question is this:
what does the Battlemaster do that the Trebuchet doesn't?
Seriously. No, seriously, think about it!
The Battlemaster carries forty missile tubes instead of 30, which is a nominal 25% increase in LRM firepower. These additional tubes are highly accurate LRM-5 launchers, good for chainfire and reconnaissance, and do add significant LRM value to the 'Mech. It also carries an additional medium laser, two additional tons of LRM ammunition, and a Beagle Active probe I couldn't find room for in the Treb. It also carries roughly two-thirds again the armor of the Treb.
This sounds like a whole lot of stuff, and to be honest I'm very tempted to run my BLR-1S this way. Given the current state of the game, I think it may well be the best BLR-1S build you
can run, or at least very close to it. It's also far and away the best assault-class LRM platform I can come up with at the moment. So. What does the Trebuchet do that this Battlemaster doesn't?
It moves ten klicks an hour faster when Tweak gets done (more important than it sounds,
trust me), and is
far more agile. The Trebuchet is entire worlds better at repositioning itself on the battlefield, even when not optimized for maximum speed. It also weighs an entire Jenner less than the Battlemaster does, and one day fairly soon(ish) here, that will be a factor of
critical importance. It's a less high-priority target - nobody shoots at Trebuchets unless the Treb pilot is dumb enough to be the only thing available to shoot. The backup lasers are, frankly, a wash - two lasers or three makes no difference whatsoever and is mostly only something to help fish for component destructions and give the pilot something else to do anyways.
Tell me - is being a larger, slower, higher-priority target
really the only way to Lurm? Is it really so hard to believe that my Trebuchet couldn't leverage the fact that it has
three quarters of the firepower of something approaching double its own weight, while moving significantly faster and more nimbly than the something in question, to score just as many kills as Lurm-riddled Stalkers vomiting seventy-warhead diarrhea showers over everything in sight? That maybe the heavily focused, highly mobile firepower of a Lurmisher
really is better than "Make it RAAAIIIIN" nonsense?
Which of the two 'Mechs I've shown you would you pilot, and why? Which of them should
I pilot? Heh...tell me what you think. Dead serious - I'm completely baffled by some of the things I've seen in this thread. I want to know.