Solis Obscuri, on 10 December 2013 - 05:10 PM, said:
Source? Because we didn't have any heavies or assaults besides the Atlas and Catapult when the Centurion came out, and it doesn't look like either.
There is no sauce for that because it's probably wrong.
The rig for mechs like these, well the bones needed to animate them anyway, is so basic that it wouldn't even be worth it reusing them as it takes all of 15mins to draw some out and to wire them up, set up some controllers and start making keys. Secondly, saying that they would resize the mechs to fit rigs they weren't made for is a bit silly> you could actually resize the bones, though like I say there is no point and the complex part of the set up isn't the animation rig itself.
Thirdly, if the concern was reusing animations and thus saving time animating basically the same thing, they would probably be retargeting animations between rigs in motion builder then do a little clean up from there. Then add some springs to the shoulders etc and bake that down to keyframes and export from max.
lastly, no where in the game files, that you can actually bring into CE3 yourself and look at the bone rigs, backs that statement.