Imo, just like the long range of snipers in other fps games, players don't like LRM's mainly because they can hit you but you can't return fire. Indirect fire is really the problem.
So, here is my suggestion on how to make LRM's more viable and a little less hated...maybe
First the not so important stuff.
LRM's in TT had the same range of ERPPC's but in MWO you can only acquire your own targets out to 800m (I have no idea why) and fire on targets teammates have acquired up to 1000m (max weapon range).
Personally i'd like to see the LRM range increased to about 1500m, which is still less than an ERPPC. With the amount of cover on the maps and the slow missile travel time this would hardly make much difference imo and so isn't important. It's just something i'd like to see.
Warning incoming missiles.
While i find it (barely) acceptable that there's a warning i'd prefer that instead of a huge flashing sign appearing in the cockpit there was an alarm tone, maybe even a light indicator. Again, this isn't really important but just something i'd like.
Okay, now the important changes
Indirect fire.
Change LRM's so that the only way they can fire indirect is if the target is affected by TAG or NARC. Not only does this stop the first seen enemy mech becoming the target of a barrage of missiles but it also creates a synergy between the LRM using mech and the light pilot who wants to play more of a scout role.
Direct fire.
Because the LRM mech has to first acquire a lock and then guide the missiles during the whole flight time this makes the firing mech virtually defenseless as it can't torso twist to spread incoming damage from another enemy or even return fire without losing the lock on the previous target and wasting its ammo.
Make LRM's fire and forget. The firer has to still get the lock first but after that the missiles will track the target by themselves.
ECM is not supposed to stop missiles from locking on. This "feature" needs to be removed.
In PUGs you can't count on teammates to use TAG/NARC and forcing an LRM mech like the Catapult to give up one of its few energy slots which it needs for defense is ridiculous. Not only that but it further reduces the LRM's range to 750m.
The Catapult-A1 can't even equip a TAG!
TAG should be an option to increase the effectiveness of LRM's, like Artemis, not a requirement in case enemy mechs have a piece of equipment that renders your weapons completely useless.
Another option is to change the way LRM's acquire a lock. What if instead of needing to target a mech (which ECM negates) before trying to get the lock LRM's could lock on to any enemy mech within missile range that the player holds the crosshairs over then there would be no need to change the ECM (Although i'm guessing that it would be easier to change how ECM works). As far as i know ECM counters Artemis IV, C3, and NARC, so it should stop players from targeting (and getting info about) enemy under the ECM bubble, but in TT LRM's didn't need the C3 to lock on to enemy mechs anyway, so the second option actually makes more sense.
ECM was meant as a counter to the advanced technology, not to the actual weapons themselves.