Burke IV, on 14 December 2013 - 09:49 AM, said:
Its will be genuinely hilarious if the community prevented those gold mechs being viable in game.
It's not a matter of 'if'. This is a certainty.
People are going to lose their minds when they see a gold mech. The ACLU will start a "Just because a mech is dressed provocatively doesn't mean you can..." campaign... but the campaign will be trampled by thousands of tons of zealous mech huntsmen chasing gold plated unicorns.
I play with about 8 buddies who enjoy this game (we actually had a great time last night yucking it up about this sale) and I assure you that when we have a premade lance together and we detect a gold mech... or hear a legend about a gold mech on the other team... we are going get medieval on them. We are going to locate, chase, and skin that mech... rub lotion on it's pelt, then wear it like Wild Bill in Silence of the Lambs... the gold plated lambs.
I'm sure we are not the minority out there either.