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Clan Collections - Feedback

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#501 Nav


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:11 PM

Never mind the price, but seriously, Clan Mechs released before CW?!?!?

Other than a money grab, what is the point?!

Edited by Nav, 13 December 2013 - 07:12 PM.

#502 Krasnopesky


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:11 PM

In order for someone to spend that sort of money there should be a lot more information about what exactly they are purchasing.

Even then I think that half the price of what you are offering would be a lot more reasonable.

#503 Ingvay


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:11 PM

YOU! Yes.... You PGI.... and possibly IGP

You have lost all sense of reality. You still can't meet any deadlines and you really expect that I'm gonna open my wallet for a Clan Pack when we have:

No finished UI2.0
No DX 11
No Community Warfare Implementation
No Lobbies
No legitimate 3rd or 4th game mode options


I want some of what PGI and IGP is taking... LOL

You will get nothing from me until the above things are in game. I Love the MW franchise, but I've already spent many hundreds of real world, hard earned dollars on a game that is missing all it's Core Content. Sorry, but you'll not get another dime from me until you put all the working content in-game that should be there. If not for my unit members, I'd be tempted to quit this game altogether.

#504 Hellcat420


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:11 PM

View PostAirborne Thunder, on 13 December 2013 - 07:09 PM, said:

If I buy one of these packages are you going to nerf the weapons/mechs into uselessness 6 months later? Is my Timber Wolf going to have stereo speakers on the side of it if I add Streak missiles to it? Are you going to increase the size of the launchers on the Timber Wolf like you did to my Founders Catapult making it look terrible after I have already bought it? Are you going to block the view of my Kit Fox with a bike rack? Is my War Hawk going to be crippled by ghost heat?

you will get an answer soon.....

#505 RamsoPanzer


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:11 PM

The prices are incredible, never seen this in a game before, of course im not buying anything. But at least i think this means that by June we will have a lobby and a balanced drop system because i doubt they have the guts to implement the clan mechs without it.

#506 L Y N X


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:11 PM

View PostRG Notch, on 13 December 2013 - 07:08 PM, said:

You can't sell CW duh...

But if PGI delivers CW then they can sell these packages... duh...

#507 Almond Brown


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:12 PM

View Post7ynx, on 13 December 2013 - 07:08 PM, said:

well I think you misunderstand...

To PGI, Deliver the content that we want PGI, if PGI wants to continue to get paid...this is what solidarity is all about.

Sadly, you are unwilling to allow the allotted time. Their time is not your time and if you knew of these things, you would ask less and appreciate more.

#508 Damocles69


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:12 PM

Ahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really PGI REALLY!!! Hahahahahaha ohh god. This is good. Its closingtime you SOBs. Time to pay the piper

#509 Degalus


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:13 PM

Well... i dont know if i want to spend so much mon.... oh wait i already buyed the masakari pack. Nevermind.


I love it that they didnt change much on the design. They looks nearly identical to the old designs that i love so much ^^
Maybe the price is a little high but the mech are worth around 419 mil c-bills if they use the old prices (sarna.net)

Thx Pgi, i wait for clans since closed beta start ^^

#510 Almond Brown


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:14 PM

View PostDavers, on 13 December 2013 - 07:08 PM, said:

Totally not understanding you here.

1. Don't care at all how expensive the packages are or about gold mechs.
2. Do care very much about CW and the 'game world' we have been waiting to fight over.

Then we both understood each other. They need revenue but you ask for content, when did Mechs stop being Content.

Just curious?

#511 L Y N X


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:14 PM

View PostRamsoPanzer, on 13 December 2013 - 07:11 PM, said:

The prices are incredible, never seen this in a game before, of course im not buying anything. But at least i think this means that by June we will have a lobby and a balanced drop system because i doubt they have the guts to implement the clan mechs without it.

I HOPE you are correct, but PGI's recent track record would not be admitted as evidence to support your case if this were a court room trial.

#512 Hellcat420


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:14 PM

View PostAlmond Brown, on 13 December 2013 - 07:12 PM, said:

Sadly, you are unwilling to allow the allotted time. Their time is not your time and if you knew of these things, you would ask less and appreciate more.

the allotted time has come and gone long ago(and multiple times already in the case of community warfare and ui2.0) yet we are still waiting.

#513 Ryvucz


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:14 PM

I thought the deal is great, Clans are the reason I love MechWarrior, the fact that they are coming in with so much commotion, pleases me greatly.

But seriously, why are you people bashing them over everything they do?

Broken promises? I scratch that off as delayed, again it goes back to CryEngine not being the friendliest of engines out there.

Why did they use it? Because it's purty? I dunno, I wonder myself, I know they are working to get things implemented, it may not come as fast as we want, but grow up a bit.

If you don't like the prices, mention it once, and move on. Be the better person please.

#514 WM Jeri


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:14 PM

Dont care about more mechs...I have over 60 now that I was mindlessly playing the same thing over and again to the point I rarely drop anymore...when I see the content that makes there use immersive then I might spend more until then no thank you.

Edited by WM Jeri, 13 December 2013 - 07:16 PM.

#515 Wales Grey

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Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:15 PM

My question is "why will we be able to buy these with Cbills?"

oh and "why the sam hell does an omnimech need variant chassis?"

#516 Ryvucz


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:15 PM

View Postecued, on 13 December 2013 - 07:10 PM, said:

its twice as many mechs as the pheonix pack for 3 times the price. and is that a 500 dollar mech i see. you have to be effing kidding, right? that comes with all the other clan mechs i hope. not real clear what your 500 dollars is buying, it can't be 1 mech, can it? wheres the 30 days of extra premium for the early birds.

seriously gentlemen, i know your excited because you have done so well with your other packages, but that was good faith money. the natives are getting restless and you (pgi) just parading out one sale after another with out giving the game direction or purpose is wearing thin. the grind has to stop, game mechanics and mechs still need a lot work, and how many useless mechs in this pack. the locust is an embarrasment. i would certainly hope that for 240 dollars, we will not be getting another clunker like that.

i have seen corporate greed ruin many a good title, if you put out a good product for a fair price, you will make lots of money. this pack is too expensive. needs to drop to 160 at least with early bird 30 day premium bonus a must. i am calling for all players to boycott this until a better price is issued. now i know that you want theses mechs, but dont let pgi start this trend. tell them no now, and we will set a presedent telling them the just can't sell us anything. what happens when we all buy thi? how much will the next one be?

That $500 is just for the golden mech. For collector's mostly, or insane people. Or both, like me. ;)

#517 Almond Brown


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:15 PM

View PostAidenDark, on 13 December 2013 - 07:08 PM, said:


I'm not even certain the game will still have a playerbase in 6 months.

Add AidenDark to the List. I will miss him. ;)

#518 IceNinja


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:16 PM

So, my questions are...
1.Do players who helped finance PGI/IGP by purchasing Founders packages get some sort of discount?
2.Will we be able to purchase clan weapons for our current mech inventory?
3.when will the correct prices for these packages be announced as it is very obvious there has been a huge miscalculation in pricing?(Fire the accounting staff A.S.A.P please).

Excuse me if these questions were asked before...as I`m too pissed off to read all the comments.

#519 Griffinhawk


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:17 PM

Well from a business POV every move PGI makes has had a reason other than greed. They have investors that they answer to.

Founders Package - Initial jump start in funding to show potential to attract investors

Phoenix Package - Goes on sale Jun 25th. 5 days before mid year and quarter end for the business. That 5 day influx would be enough to boost the bottom line.

Clan Package - Goes on sale Dec 12th. 19 days before year end. They learned from Phoenix that people trickle buy for a couple of weeks. This sale will boost their bottom line more. I believe this is so that they can receive or increase their budget for the next year.

What I deduced a while ago... they're manipulating their revenue by timing new package sales. They aren't making enough money on microtransactions. MWO is not a self sufficient title without investors and these Package sales. Their aggressive pricing to the point of insulting the player base suggests that they haven't done a price point analysis. I think I'll post some ideas I've had on some microtransactions that would work in the Suggestion forum.

I enjoy MWO more than most, even without CW, UI, etc.. I'll keep playing it, and I would like PGI to succeed, but from my previous experiences, PGI needs to revamp their business model. Otherwise, they have maybe two more packages after clans. Next package will probably be another round of unseens, and finally a few more clan mechs. After that, they'll be looking at a quick end to this ride.

Good luck PGI! ;)

P.S. You can expect big sales of some sort at every business milestone. Quarter End, Mid Year, and Year End. ;)

#520 RG Notch


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:17 PM

View PostAugust55, on 13 December 2013 - 05:02 PM, said:

I think a Dev post on where all this money's going needs to be posted as well...

You think all those vacations are cheap?

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