Shadey99, on 14 May 2015 - 07:44 AM, said:
Actually... I'd like it if normal vision mode it was invisible, but alternate vision modes would show the Tag beam... 'Thermal' mode already highlights laser beams (Tag should be dimmer though), If night vision is actually light amplification then it should pick up lasers as well...
Usually I take TAG on my LRM boats though to null ECM, not a dedicated scout. Dedicated scouts just suffer to much in PUG games. Even team games with say a lance of Dedicated LRM boats can be questionable against a good group. Which is why LRMs are not considered good in the first place...
TAG being highly visible in Night vision makes sense. It being visible in Heat vision, not so much. I still think all we should get is an indicator icon like ECM and never see any in-game effect (except in night vision). Until they make this change, TAG will only be used by LRM boats and the occasional newbie scout.

loopala, on 14 May 2015 - 07:58 AM, said:
Nice pun.
That Dawg, on 14 May 2015 - 05:46 PM, said:
During that time, bought a PB.
and...the PB is the least effective of all of them.
tried 'all' the builds, and theres a couple that are easily twice the fun, and twice the stats vs. the PB.
Settled finally on the 4smalls/2mg's
all have the same engine, all have close to the same rated firepower and the peanut butter is clearly the weakest among them.
Am I alone in thinking a locust with ecm would dominate the field of all variants?
To find rather the opposite?
Same play style, same same. 4 locusts: PB has about a hundred battles in it, and comparatively speaking, its the lowest one stat wise.
Probably a combination of low range and high threat rating (because ECM). Try switching to 4x ML and hiding behind the fatties. Pop out, shoot, hide again.