Roadbeer, on 15 January 2014 - 08:06 PM, said:
You're also confused by a simple fact, that I troll ANYONE who takes absurd stands or in general cries rather than make a salient point, that goes for Pro/anti PGI. Just an alarming number of you are Anti-PGI for whatever reasons you have your panties in a bunch.
As far as buying the Clans, I make all my purchases around the 20th, so I'll begin the creep up the purchase ladder until June, not that it's any of your business.
Since it is none of my business whether you decided to buy the clans then it's none of your business whether I decide to uninstall the game or for that matter offer an opinion on my opinion of the development of the game then. You are free to stop trolling me. Also it was just before I decided to uninstall, so yes I am 100% sure you were in a match with me and you didn't do a damn thing not that it matters at this point.
I also love the fact that you dont deny being in your 40's and trolling online game forums over a video game. Hell when I'm in my 40's my kid will be going too college, and I will still be in a respectable and skilled profession. So I really dont care what you think about me or my habits, this is just a little bit of side fun, but it's something I grew up with and I see this developer poop all over it. They got some of it right but not nearly enough of it to make it ok to see a beloved franchise only notable return being how much of a money grab it has become.