rolly, on 18 January 2014 - 11:10 AM, said:
Nope. WYSIWIG. Oxide is fine the way it is. Jenners are already a prime threat as light mechs along with spiders. What more do you want? AC/20 equipped ECM Jenners?
Jenners may be, but the Oxide isn't.
Both common sense and the numbers (as seen by the devs) indicate this.
If they are concerned about mechs being competitive. Lets start first with the game being fully viable first. UI 2.0, Fix MM, review weapons balancing issues, disconnects, in-game VoIP or communication function trees, etc. The list goes on and I'd rather have that than any buff, how about an entire game buff?
Those are all valid issues that should be harder to solve than tweaking some files (especially since the Oxide apparently had 6 missile slots to begin with, so they probably still have the art assets, etc, necessary to fix it).
You're poll also is bias and lacks the option for users to vote against buffs.
That's because he overestimated the intelligence of the user base.
Stingray1234, on 18 January 2014 - 10:47 AM, said:
a jenner withouth JJs, just doesn't seem right. The other hero mechs I don't really think need buffs, except maybe the GRID IRON. Hunchie has not much more need than once ballistic, when you're only 50 tons your weapons become limited on ballistic due to weight restriction, an extra missle slot instead I think is more logical.
What about the poor Pretty Baby
