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The Etiquette Of "gg"

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#61 Gladewolf


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Posted 09 February 2014 - 10:38 AM

View PostNextGame, on 03 February 2014 - 02:11 AM, said:

Others on the other hand think that it is some kind of universal display of sportsmanship.

What are people's thoughts on the appropriate manner and circumstances under which "gg" should be said at the end of a round?

I believe that one should expect a certain amount of sportsmanship and trash talk in any competitive game or sport no matter the form...and if GG, no matter how it's used, gets under your skin, well, you are not cut out for competitive anything.

#62 RadioKies


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Posted 09 February 2014 - 10:39 AM

GG = Good game, I had fun and hope you guys also had fun

GG, close = Sarcasm, MatchMaker really screwed up again, thnx Obama!
I say this when I'm on the losing team and also when my team won with 12v0/12v3
Posted Image

GJT = Good Job Team, for when the team played well together and it really showed resulting in a win

NTT = Nice Try Team, for when the team played well together and it really showed even though we lost in the end

Edited by RadioKies, 09 February 2014 - 10:47 AM.

#63 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 09 February 2014 - 11:37 AM

I say "gg" regardless of score, as long as there was no bickering or foul language... and even where there is, I'll just say gg and point out our community's lack of need for foul behavior. I don't care if we get stomped as long as we're having a good time and not acting poorly.

#64 Josef Koba


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Posted 09 February 2014 - 01:56 PM

If you see me use 'GG' it will be because I thought the game was well played and hotly contested. I will give shout outs to enemy players who I thought did a good job in a duel. I will use it in team or lance chat if we did an exceptionally good job, tactically or whatnot. I don't use it otherwise because it feels cheap; I'm not for reflexively throwing out gg no matter what. I don't care for it being used by the OPFOR in open chat when they defeat my team 12-1 because they know and I know that it wasn't a good game.

I've also noticed the ggclose nonsense. Seems in bad form to use it when you run roughshod over the enemy. I mean, 12-2 isn't close. Nor was it a good game, most likely. It seems patronizing.

Edit: It seems to have lost its meaning, to be honest. It's like "hero" being used by civilians to describe any person who is or was ever in the military. Many of my fellow veterans are uncomfortable with that, but they keep on saying it. So the meaning of 'hero' has shifted somewhat, as has, I think, the meaning of 'good game.'

Edited by Josef Koba, 09 February 2014 - 02:00 PM.

#65 Docta Dakka


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Posted 09 February 2014 - 02:10 PM

i think your just being a sore loser. if 2 letters gets you upset what do you do when they straight trash talk you?
Shrug it off, if you read it at all, is what i say.

#66 Kjudoon


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Posted 09 February 2014 - 02:15 PM

GG by the winning team at the end of a stomp is taunting, not gracious IMHO. I've stopped using it entirely except for in team chat on occasions and expressions of appreciation for exceptional game play. I know someone using it towards me, particularly GGClose, is insulting.

GG when it's an 8-12 victory, or an 11-11 cap race victory for one side, THAT is a GG. Otherwise... please don't. Just tell your teammates good game because they DID do a good game in a stomp.

#67 Josef Koba


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Posted 09 February 2014 - 02:19 PM

View PostRazuko, on 03 February 2014 - 07:14 AM, said:

Apparently none of you played baseball when you were little... You say GG and high five everyone on the opposing team regardless of the score. It's just a way of saying thanks for playing. Anyone that takes offense needs to get over themselves and quit being so damn sensitive...

I never understood that either. Why say "good game" after routing the other team? If it's a way of saying "thanks for playing" why not just say, "thanks for playing"? My little league team was beaten soundly a few times and it always made me wonder why we made everyone say this. I remember thinking, "That was not a good game; we played terribly." In high school our team was dominant, and I was always somewhat embarrassed to tell the other team "Good game" when you could tell by the look on their faces that they didn't feel that it was a good game at all.

I suppose my idea of sportsmanship is different from most. I have no problems with congratulating a stellar play by a stellar player; I applaud performance. Being bested after a hard fought performance is rewarding too, and worthy of congratulations. Reflexive "gg'ing" just cheapens the sentiment to me, especially when the opposition slaps your hand and utters the words like a zombie - no enthusiasm at all. Others no doubt disagree with my perspective and that's cool. I am really fine with whatever anyone wants to do.

#68 Kjudoon


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Posted 09 February 2014 - 02:28 PM

View PostJosef Koba, on 09 February 2014 - 02:19 PM, said:

I never understood that either. Why say "good game" after routing the other team? If it's a way of saying "thanks for playing" why not just say, "thanks for playing"? My little league team was beaten soundly a few times and it always made me wonder why we made everyone say this. I remember thinking, "That was not a good game; we played terribly." In high school our team was dominant, and I was always somewhat embarrassed to tell the other team "Good game" when you could tell by the look on their faces that they didn't feel that it was a good game at all.

I suppose my idea of sportsmanship is different from most. I have no problems with congratulating a stellar play by a stellar player; I applaud performance. Being bested after a hard fought performance is rewarding too, and worthy of congratulations. Reflexive "gg'ing" just cheapens the sentiment to me, especially when the opposition slaps your hand and utters the words like a zombie - no enthusiasm at all. Others no doubt disagree with my perspective and that's cool. I am really fine with whatever anyone wants to do.

I seem to remember having more kids on my youth competition say 'funny' things like 'bad game' or 'f you' when going through the sportsmanship line. If you wanted that to have value, say it at the beginning not after you've kicked their butt up so high as to be earmuffs and expect them to be grateful about the opportunity to be humiliated.

#69 Grey Black


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Posted 09 February 2014 - 03:02 PM

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I always say gg unless I'm convinced that some on either team didn't try and play their best. If it's an especially good game I say before it's over, "Regardless of who wins, gg wp all."

I also put my pregame macro in sometimes. If you've seen it, you know it.

#70 Ngamok


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 10:32 AM

View PostBhelogan, on 03 February 2014 - 03:57 AM, said:

Did Seattle GG the Broncos?

I am pretty sure some players went out and did the knuckle bumps with the opposing team and said good game even though it wasn't. Pretty sure none of them said GG CLOSE !!

#71 Ransack


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 10:51 AM

Gave up on GG and use "Well Played" now due to all the whining about people saying GG. Can't be a sportsman when people have a bug up their *********

#72 Ngamok


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 10:59 AM

View PostParappaman, on 03 February 2014 - 05:17 AM, said:

My netiquette.

If it's a close match, either when we win or lose:

Parappaman<All> gg

If we stomp the other side:

Parappaman<Team> gj team

If my team gets stomped, all I do is lower my head and go cry in a corner with my wrecked mech's company.

Which is why I have taken to typing out: TFTM or Thanks For The Match. Because win or lose it thanks everyone for the match and no one gets upset at two letters that are the same.

#73 MavRCK


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 11:35 AM

I feel gg = thank you for playing -- thanks for being a part of a game that I got to play.. because without 23 other players, I couldn't have this multiplayer game.. so thank you.

ggclose was originally designed to be ironic - funny -- used at the beginning of the game.. ie completely ridiculous since the game hasn't started yet!

A few of us used to make fun of it by saying stuff like ggdontgettoocloseismell... and so forth..

Unfortunately, a few really terrible people have corrupted this into a flat-out insult and thought-less idiots continue to follow their behaviour and leadership.


Things changed and sometimes for the worse and I'm sorry it has become like this.

I cut my ties with that group because actions speak louder than words.

GL HF HH was what I always used in Mechwarrior 2 and onwards - Good Luck, Have Fun, Happy Hunting.

Edited by Egomane, 10 February 2014 - 11:45 AM.
inappropriate and unneeded reference

#74 Xeno Phalcon


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 12:34 PM

Iv never been a fan of GG in any game iv seen it displayed in, as its so misused to be more insulting than sportsmanly: I mean if its a hard fought game with only a handful of guys left standing at the end sure GG away but when its twelve to zero, take your GG and stuff it up your ejection port cause no one enjoys being so severely rolled and trying to pretentiously be congratulated for the buttsexing you just received isn't helping.

#75 L Y N X


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 12:47 PM

People who consider "gg" as anything but polite, have serious issues. Get a life, play a sport, the after competitive game etiquette has a long standing tradition. Just because insecure people don't like losing is no reason to change the "Good Game" mantra afterwards. You wnat to be a poor sport? well that is your choice, but calling those being good sports names because you are too insecure to deal with a loss then that is your issue not those saying GG.


#76 Navy Sixes


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 12:55 PM

OK, say I just fought you in a ROFLSTOMP. I mean we just killed all of you and, like, one of you managed to get over 100 pts of damage, and it wasn't even you. You were pathetic. Really. You suck.

Or at least that's how you feel about yourself. That's how you feel about yourself if you're any good at the game, anyway. Fierce self-apprasal leads to fierce self-improvement. You know who the real losers are? The one's blaming everyone else for the mistakes they made, as individuals and as teammates.

So I get and understand that you're a little down on yourself, right now. I also get that it's easy to project that on to the winning players, to feel certain they see the match the same way you do, and in saying "GG," there's no other way to take it except sarcastic trash-talk from a bunch of sore winners.

My policy is, while your team may not have given us the best game in the world, it's better than there not being enough people online to put together an enemy team at all. So after every match, whether you think you did well or not, I am going to let you know
  • that I'm playing an awesome MWO game that I love. I'm glad to be here. No matter how well or poorly you did, I'm glad we fought. As opposed to doing the dishes, kissing my bosses a**, or getting a root-canal, even a one-sided stomp is a good game.
  • that I respect your effort, regardless of whether or not it resulted in a spectacular performance on you or your team's part.
  • that we've all been there... hell, I'll probably be on the losing end of a 12-0 next match...
"GG" is shorthand for this sentiment. I suppose I could take the time to type all that out for you at the end of each match, or I could just shut up and not say anything, because that would make the sore-losers feel better.

No. I am a good sport and "GG" embodies that. It stings to lose; it's supposed to. Just because you can't stand to be on the losing side doesn't mean I should have to be a poor sport to stroke your bruised ego.

It's the end of the match. The winner puts out his hand, and you shake it. If you don't, whatever your excuse, you're a ****.

#77 LauLiao


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 01:05 PM

I know I'm probably a stranger in a strange land with this analogy on a video game internet forum, but have ANY of you ever played organized sports of any kind? At the end of the game what do the athletes always do? They meet at mid-field or mid-court or whatever, and shake each other's hands. It's part of being a good winner and also being a gracious loser. It doesn't matter if it was a blowout or came down to the wire. It's called sportsmanship.

The Seattle Seahawks just got done blowing out the Broncos 43-8. Did you see Peyton Manning whining "I can't believe Russell Wilson tried to shake my hand! He was just rubbing it in and being a jerk!"? Nope.

This isn't to say that there aren't occasions of inappropriate post-match comments. For example, "GG close" when a pre-made stomps a hapless pug drop 12-0 is a little smart-alecky and not appropriate, but anyone who accuses another person of being a poor sport for wishing someone "gg" obviously needs to learn the meaning of the phrase.

#78 Xeno Phalcon


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 01:43 PM

Posted Image

Need more passive aggressive insults in this thread. Its not nearly the same as real sports and anyone trying to compare the two is in denial and is too busy trying to degrade others to get a clue.

In most sports, real sports not wannabe E-sports, there is respect and a appreciation for having someone to play with as well as having a fist full of rules and in most cases a referee to ensure everyone is playing nice.

Now what if those rules lax and the ref hardly does his job? You get hockey. Two guys beating the crap out of each other on the ice and looking for their missing teeth afterward while a ref sometimes pretends to break them apart but usually not because thats what the fans want, they don't want people apologizing to each other when one guy checks another into the wall no they want sticks breaking gloves comming off and punches being thrown....very sportsmanlike.

In MWO there are very few rules of fair play, five guys catch one guy wandering off on his own? One guy gets a kill the other four get a easy assist. If i go out and ask a guy for a duel what are the odds the rest of his team OR my team will respect it? Nope some monkey is going to get in the way. Some rolls in MWO are simply one team having better luck than the other, but when people are disconnecting, rushing off on a suicide blitz or just being dumb on purpose as a whole it most certainly is not a good game. Can you imagine if football or basketball was played with the same approach by its players as that taken by the majority of MWO players? Welp other team won the ball we are screwed, I'll just go sit on the bench for the rest of the game.


#79 Kjudoon


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 02:07 PM

View PostXeno Phalcon, on 10 February 2014 - 01:43 PM, said:

Posted Image

Need more passive aggressive insults in this thread. Its not nearly the same as real sports and anyone trying to compare the two is in denial and is too busy trying to degrade others to get a clue.

In most sports, real sports not wannabe E-sports, there is respect and a appreciation for having someone to play with as well as having a fist full of rules and in most cases a referee to ensure everyone is playing nice.

Now what if those rules lax and the ref hardly does his job? You get hockey. Two guys beating the crap out of each other on the ice and looking for their missing teeth afterward while a ref sometimes pretends to break them apart but usually not because thats what the fans want, they don't want people apologizing to each other when one guy checks another into the wall no they want sticks breaking gloves comming off and punches being thrown....very sportsmanlike.

In MWO there are very few rules of fair play, five guys catch one guy wandering off on his own? One guy gets a kill the other four get a easy assist. If i go out and ask a guy for a duel what are the odds the rest of his team OR my team will respect it? Nope some monkey is going to get in the way. Some rolls in MWO are simply one team having better luck than the other, but when people are disconnecting, rushing off on a suicide blitz or just being dumb on purpose as a whole it most certainly is not a good game. Can you imagine if football or basketball was played with the same approach by its players as that taken by the majority of MWO players? Welp other team won the ball we are screwed, I'll just go sit on the bench for the rest of the game.


Interesting match results.

I see the one team had at least 2 nearly full lances of premades (6-8 teamspeaked players) with probable metas comptetative practice going on. Possibly, but not likely, a sync drop.

The losing side probably all or nearly all pug non competative players with no real premades or at least not competative level of play. The fact that only 3 players on the losing side cracked 200 damage and 4 of them with sub 100 damage says a lot to the skill mismatch (or HSR failure). Not only that the one side had both more assaults and heavies giving it a distinct tonnage advantage as well.

If the losing team was on the East side of River City, the mismatch is even more palpable as that side is heavily biased to win based on the map construction.

To me, this looks like a half team or more of NFL players mixed in with High School football players. It should have been a stomp. Where's the GG in this when the deck is so heavily loaded against one team? This is a good illustration of why so many say MM is broken IMHO. Problem is, I don't think there is any way to prevent it unless you start developing locked player classes or ditch all premades under 12 mans. Neither is a good solution.

#80 LauLiao


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 02:22 PM

View PostXeno Phalcon, on 10 February 2014 - 01:43 PM, said:

Can you imagine if football or basketball was played with the same approach by its players as that taken by the majority of MWO players? Welp other team won the ball we are screwed, I'll just go sit on the bench for the rest of the game.


You mean like when Dez Bryant walked off the field when the Lions took the lead with 7 seconds to go, just enough time for a hail mary pass. The exact kind of pass that Tony Romo could have REALLY used him?

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