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The Etiquette Of "gg"

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#121 Ngamok


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Posted 11 February 2014 - 02:25 PM

View PostxTrident, on 11 February 2014 - 01:25 PM, said:

That's just sportsmanship. But they'd be lying through their teeth if they were saying "good game."

And I'm one that agrees with someone else that mentioned early on in this thread that there's a difference in RL compared to in game on a screen when it's said. You can get a much better sense through facial expressions, tone etc... I also gave a very recent example (last night) of why I take GG stompings as insults.

But I don't see a comparison from a RL big game taking place in the NFL from a much smaller much less to lose scale that is online gaming.

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#122 sokitumi


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Posted 11 February 2014 - 02:50 PM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 11 February 2014 - 12:03 PM, said:

I guess because I understand sportmanship, and we were (and are) playing a game? No matter what level one achieves, it is still just a game. For people to get their egos involved, their panties in a bunch over it is pathetic. Period. Also sportmanship long predates the 80s. Sadly, it seems to have fully died since the social media/internet age descended.

If you can't comprehend basic courtesy, that is your failing, not mine. So complain about me not being PC all you like, if that makes you feel better. Oh....and.... GG.

No one's unable to comprehend courtesy. Just arguing that THAT isn't that. Letting you know how silly some think it is to offer trite sportsmanship, isn't really complaining, sorry that's just not accurate. However pulling an archie bunker about the kids on the internet could be seen that way i suppose.

#123 Deathz Jester


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Posted 11 February 2014 - 03:08 PM

I usually dont say anything, sometimes I say GG out of spite if someone on the other team was obnoxious and we won. But in general most people here (myself included sometimes) seem to react like Crabtree pouting and pushing Richard Sherman's facemask.

Yea, the guy could've timed it better, but he was so damn excited about the win. Did Crabtree have to pout, and shove Sherman like a child, no.

See what I mean?

I really dont care about football, but figured that was a comparison that could be used for this discussion.

But in some cases I'd say its about 50/50. You've got %50 who genuinely mean its a Good game and %50 that are saying it out of spite/reflex.

Edited by Iron Harlequin, 11 February 2014 - 03:11 PM.

#124 Villz


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Posted 11 February 2014 - 10:04 PM

View PostJigglyMoobs, on 11 February 2014 - 01:54 PM, said:

Villz, why am I starting to get the impression that you are the source of all evils in this game? :ph34r:

If you think making stupid things up in a video game is evil then i'd hate to see your face when you find out the real truth of whats going on in the world.

Red Pill!

#125 Jon Gotham


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Posted 12 February 2014 - 04:38 AM

View PostGladewolf, on 09 February 2014 - 10:38 AM, said:

I believe that one should expect a certain amount of sportsmanship and trash talk in any competitive game or sport no matter the form...and if GG, no matter how it's used, gets under your skin, well, you are not cut out for competitive anything.

Agreed it's only human nature to gloat and be self sure when you happen to be in the dominant position. It's a base form of behaviour, but sadly a base form of behaviour too many indulge themselves in.

Is it truly so hard for people to keep their fingers to themselves and keep their mouths shut at the end of a match? Does it hurt to have a slight bit of dignity? It seems so.
The best solution to this "issue" would be to remove the ability to chat cross team. then the gloating and "gg close" idiocy COULDN'T happen.

If I'm on the winning team, I keep quiet-I've just won, There's no need to troll the other team as well.

#126 wanderer


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Posted 12 February 2014 - 06:59 AM

I call it like it is.

If you beat us 12-0, 12-1, 12-2? "Good stomp,we sucked."

Because we did. We did not provide you with a good game or good opponents, it was a waste of your time and ours.

12-5 or better? Sure, "GG". We lost, but clearly you can see it took some effort to beat us and we obviously hit back.

We won 11-12 to 5-12? "GG" again, you played well,we just played better this time.

We stomped you 4-12, 3-12...0-12? "Sorry for the stomp.". Clearly, your team shouldn't have been matchmakered against ours, because the skill levels were that badly mismatched. Hopefully, the broken MM system won't put newbies in Trial 'Mechs in half your team slots next time, or you won't end up with three Locusts and nothing above 70 tons vs. the horde of meta that ate said newbies within two minutes of contact.

#127 SniperCon


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Posted 12 February 2014 - 08:22 AM

I admit, I say "gg" after 12-0 wins just to rub salt in the wound. <- Precisely no one has said this.

#128 Helbrecht


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Posted 12 February 2014 - 04:35 PM

ive said it before and ill say it again. at no time do i EVER need to see the opposing teams chat. it is and will always be a tool for the trolls.

#129 Karl Marlow


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Posted 12 February 2014 - 04:49 PM

Usually I think it is poor form to offer a gg from teh winning side. If the losing side had alot of fun and wants to offer a gg then great. I know I've had times where I've been involved with a really intense fight that was alot of fun even if I lost. As for ggclose. I have never seen that used as anything other than an insult. If you are saying it it probably wasn't clsoe as all and probably wasn't much fun for the other team.

Of course I tend to not pay attention to the in game chat in the first place since it is nearly unreadable unless I dip my mechs cockpit down so I have something dark to read the text against. So I rarely see the GLHF's or other related phrases common at the beginnings of a match.

#130 lsp


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Posted 12 February 2014 - 05:52 PM

I try to always say GG wether it's win or lose. If it was a good a game, you're taking it too personally. How anyone can take insult over GG is beyond me, you guys are all way to up tight. Wouldn't want to be around you in real life. If someone is attempting to personally attack you or a group of people with either direct or indirect insults, that's a different story.( which people like to do alot in these forums.)

Just like some people taking offense to GLHF, seriously? It used to be custom back in beta that every match you'd see it from both sides. Now when someone does say it, people respond with stuff like screw yourself. The community here went downhill when the game went open beta.

Edited by lsp, 12 February 2014 - 05:56 PM.

#131 Alzarns Fire


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Posted 12 February 2014 - 06:13 PM

Interesting discussion on two letters often typed at the end of a match. Personally I use it if I think the game was good. This is regardless of a win or loss. And yes I'll use it if we stomp if I think the stomp was at least mostly due to good team work. I've seen teams put up a heck of a fight and go down 12-0. I'll also use if we lost and the enemy team did a good job. (As opposed to me/my team stuffing up. Big difference) I agree with Isp above - how anyone can get offended over a gg is beyond me. The other guy thought it was a good game - you didn't? That's your problem not his/hers. You have to remember that 'good' is subjective and is many things to many people.

#132 Tremendous Upside


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Posted 12 February 2014 - 07:06 PM

I can't figure out how grown adults (for the most part) get so butt-hurt over simple taunting. It's a freaking game. I could care less if I'm verbally "teabagged" by another team when we lose - regardless the score. One side wins... one loses. It's one click to re-launch and get things "right"... Yeah, with the matchmaker as it is now, you'll get those streaks where it seems like you're grouped with paste-eaters on your team time and time again ... but for that to provoke the kind of rage some of these players have? It's more amusing than aggravating.

#133 Ngamok


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Posted 12 February 2014 - 07:32 PM

View PostBanky, on 12 February 2014 - 07:06 PM, said:

I can't figure out how grown adults (for the most part) get so butt-hurt over simple taunting. It's a freaking game. I could care less if I'm verbally "teabagged" by another team when we lose - regardless the score. One side wins... one loses. It's one click to re-launch and get things "right"... Yeah, with the matchmaker as it is now, you'll get those streaks where it seems like you're grouped with paste-eaters on your team time and time again ... but for that to provoke the kind of rage some of these players have? It's more amusing than aggravating.

It's those 90's Y generation kids. Us generation X'rs are cooler.

#134 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 12 February 2014 - 09:01 PM

View PostHelbrecht, on 12 February 2014 - 04:35 PM, said:

ive said it before and ill say it again. at no time do i EVER need to see the opposing teams chat. it is and will always be a tool for the trolls.

Exception: those of us mature enough to actually respect the other team.

I pray some day you will find an area of your life to be less paranoid in.

#135 Scurry


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Posted 12 February 2014 - 09:26 PM

This is why I sometimes hate online comms. Misinterpretations galore.....

Anyways, people say gg, no problem. I usually keep quiet. In STO I say 'thanks for the match', but people here are usually gone before I can type that out.

Although people who go 'ggclose' before start or after a stomp plain don't compute to me. I mean, it just makes them seem like kids. It's more funny than infuriating, when you think about how it might be a middle-aged man on the other end trying to puff himself up the way teens do. The mental image mismatch can sometimes be hilarious!

Honestly, though, I'm usually more irked at people on my own team or the matchmaker than the other team.

#136 cSand


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Posted 12 February 2014 - 09:44 PM

View PostSembrin, on 03 February 2014 - 02:18 AM, said:

I think Piranha needs to seriously get its act in gear if this is the kind of stuff being discussed.

What do you want them to do? Hire people to go to people's houses and stop them from typing "gg" if they win?

#137 Navy Sixes


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Posted 12 February 2014 - 09:54 PM

View PostxTrident, on 11 February 2014 - 01:34 PM, said:

I'm not telling you or anyone not to say it. I'm telling you how I interpret it depending on the circumstances. I don't care if you change, as I'm not going to either.

So, we'll keep being good sports and class acts when we win. You'll keep getting pee-pee hurt because someone typed two letters to show their respect for your effort, even though you got utterly stomped.

Sounds good to me. Moving on...

What's everyone hoping to see them put into Community Warfare? I'm really interested in the logistic side of things. I'd like to see dropships and transportation overhead for merc units. The economy in general would be fun to see explored. I really think some kind of repair-rearm really needs to come back into the game, but in a way that doesn't punish LRM-based mechs, who are already screwed in-game. I'd also like to see them put together a monthly (bi weekly?) "News From Around the Inner Sphere" download, complete with video clips that capture the flavor of the different factions they cover. Decals. Unit decals for Mercs and House units. I don't know how they'd do it; would someone have to go through all of them and make sure they were game-appropriate?

Edited by Tycho von Gagern, 12 February 2014 - 10:04 PM.

#138 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 12 February 2014 - 10:24 PM

View PostTycho von Gagern, on 12 February 2014 - 09:54 PM, said:

What's everyone hoping to see them put into Community Warfare?

I am actually not sure I want to see CW happen. B)

Adding "meaning" to the PVP side of WoW by setting up something similar was discussed in great deal while I was playing that particular game - they couldn't come up with a way to do it without potentially screwing over one group or another
IE: What would happen if the Davion players decided NOT to stop the invasion of the CC in favor of other targets?
Or in the case of WoW - all but one of the best PvP players were on the Horde side of my server - what would stop them from wiping out say, Stormwind?

From what I have seen PGI's plan is to leave only the borders open to conquest - but that rather removes the 'meaning' to actually conquering the planets doesn't it? (If I recall there is only one factory in the conquerable areas - and that one IRC was for the Atlas -K)

Of course I have never been much of a PvP gamer - so I may be missing something about the appeal to it. :P
(There is more to what I would say... but my brain is shutting off....zzzzzzzzzzzz style)

#139 Navy Sixes


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Posted 13 February 2014 - 12:00 AM

View PostShar Wolf, on 12 February 2014 - 10:24 PM, said:

From what I have seen PGI's plan is to leave only the borders open to conquest - but that rather removes the 'meaning' to actually conquering the planets doesn't it?

I definitely don't think any faction should be able to conquer any other, no matter how many battles are won by one side. It really does take away the sense that war can get you somewhere, can achieve positive results. I'm OK with that; it's the spirit in which the original Battletech universe was conceived. It's supposed to just go on and on and never amount to anything. If the ridiculously OP Clans couldn't come into the IS, kick everyone's [REDACTED], and win a final victory, who could?

View PostShar Wolf, on 12 February 2014 - 10:24 PM, said:

(There is more to what I would say... but my brain is shutting off....zzzzzzzzzzzz style)

Do yourself a favor and don't fall asleep at your keyboard. Who knows what your forehead will type...

#140 xTrident


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Posted 13 February 2014 - 06:11 AM

View PostScurry, on 12 February 2014 - 09:26 PM, said:

This is why I sometimes hate online comms. Misinterpretations galore.....

Anyways, people say gg, no problem. I usually keep quiet. In STO I say 'thanks for the match', but people here are usually gone before I can type that out.

Although people who go 'ggclose' before start or after a stomp plain don't compute to me. I mean, it just makes them seem like kids. It's more funny than infuriating, when you think about how it might be a middle-aged man on the other end trying to puff himself up the way teens do. The mental image mismatch can sometimes be hilarious!

Honestly, though, I'm usually more irked at people on my own team or the matchmaker than the other team.

Agreed. Can usually tell within the first 30 seconds or the first place your team is going whether or not it's going to be good.

View PostcSand, on 12 February 2014 - 09:44 PM, said:

What do you want them to do? Hire people to go to people's houses and stop them from typing "gg" if they win?

No, it's a forum. If someone has a problem with what's being discussed then don't join in. (not directed at you cSand) I know I'm the most recent one to be down the whole "gg" after a team beats me (specifically a completely one sided match). People need not misinterpret how it comes across to me as if I'm wanting everyone to change. I don't, I really don't care enough. This thread is titled "The Etiquette of "GG", I gave my opinion on how I think it should be used. Take it or leave it, doesn't matter.

Edited by xTrident, 13 February 2014 - 07:59 AM.

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