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Ui Feedback

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#381 mbebe23


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 08:35 AM

1. BUG. I have many types of SRMs and LRMs in my inventory. Yet, when I wanted to modify my Battlemaster there was NONE of them on the available missile weapons list. When I tried to modify my SHD-2D2 all of these SRMs and LRMs were available again. In general the missile weapons are not available for my assault mechs and are available for light/medium/heavy mechs.

2. BUG. When I tried to modify my SHD-2D2 I found my 360 Target Retention module missing. It was equipped before.

1. filter for modules: "mounted on mechs" and "not mounted on mechs"

2. when you click "configure" on the mech you should be redirected to "Loadout" section by default: it will allow for much smoother experience with UI2.0;

3. the weapon tooltip: instant or at least much shorter animation;

4. double click to 'configure' mech, double click to equip module/weapon.

5. "social" button on the main menu in the top

6. possibility to turn of the UI sounds;

7. 'trial' mechs should not be visible when "owned" filter is turned on

8. visible mech sections border when the section is chosen.

9. visible module list on the preview of the mech on the right side of the UI.

#382 Glucose


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 08:35 AM

U2.0 needs to have an option to maintain the scale of the windows through different resolutions.

I find it's a much better interface on 1280x960 than it is on my native 2560x1440 resolution. The text / menus should remain size invariant through the different resolutions. This would help alleviate the small font issues players are having, and give a nice unified UX for all players.

I'm sure you're using some sort of TrueType font, so scaling up the textures shouldn't look ugly. There has also been complaints about the fonts looking squashed -- I'm wondering if they're respecting the aspect ratio of the different resolutions?

#383 GhostWalkn


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 08:36 AM

LOVE the UI!

I have one request or idea (if possible)

You can click your mechs in the mech lab and view the whole mech in its glory on the right

The store should have the same thing! Currently you can not preview mechs

#384 SI The Joker


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 08:37 AM


1. I did not read 20 pages of this thread. If your suggestion is in this list already... apologies.
2. There is no TL;DR. If you can't read, then move on.
3. I may come back and edit this post later if I come up with more.

Overall the UI is a step in the right direction, in my opinion. Is it great? No. Generally the consistent issue I see is too many clicks to accomplish a simple task. That said, here is the feedback I came up with as I played around with the UI.

Cut Scenes

1. There seems to be a delay in allowing me to skip the cut scenes. Can that be removed?

2. Please re-enable space bar as well as ESC key to skip the cut scenes

3. Can an option be added to skip them entirely? I know who wrote the game... I know what engine the game is in.

UI Window

1. The mechlab is full screen all the time. Can it be windowed? I'd like to move it around like I did before.

2. Move the Settings button from the far right side of the screen to the left side, directly next to Log Out.

3. Speaking of Log Out.. can this be an exit button instead? The game now takes two clicks to exit instead of one.

4. How much MC/CBills do I have? Please add a window on the left-hand side of the UI that displays my current MC/Cbills. Then move the "Purchase MC" button to the bottom of that window in the same manner as the "Premium Time" window.

5. I liked the "ready" mechs from before. Please add a vertical list window on the left-hand side that displays my "ready" mechs. Make that window look exactly like the "Current Battlemech" window, except allow me to select which mech and change that "Current Battlemech" value.

6. "Play Now" should be a much larger button and perhaps not on the right side of the screen where my eyes go last.

7. Why is the "Mech Bays" window on the left only displayed when I select a mech? Display that window all the time on the left-hand side.

8. How do I know when my mech is out of a match? I left a match early and did not see a clear indication of when that mech was free again.

9. Nice To Have: Would be really cool if I could rotate the currently selected mech around to see the nice paintjob I've paid for!

The above suggested changes to the left-hand side of the screen would completely fill the dead space on that side of the screen.

Social Tab

1. Place the social tab at the top right-hand side of the screen in the space next to the current location of "Play Now". That window should contain 2 components and always be open:

- A list of friends (clicking on names for functionality as it is today)
- An IRC style chat interface that lets me see everyone who has spoken to me. The concept of person-to-person messaging is fine... but wrap all the messages I receive into a single window, so I can see everyone who is talking to me.


I am holding off on this as there's work in progress on something new already. Suffice to say the Mechlab leaves a bit to be desired. No need to beat a horse that is in the process of being changed.


1. If I'm looking at the skills for a Hunchback... why am I still seeing the currently selected mech on the right side? Please make the mech displayed there the mech that is selected in the Skill Tree list.

2. Make the mech on the right side smaller and float the Mech Tree in below it. The extra click to get to the Mech Tree is not needed.

3. When viewing a Mech Tree, remove the little window to the right. It's really not needed.

4. Move the "XP" count into the main Mech Tree Window, next to the Mech Name at the top of the window, along with the Efficiency Level. Put the X2 multiplier into the options as it was before.

5. Why am I seeing my CBILLS and MC count in this window? Those should be displayed in the Mechlab and the main UI but not skills.

6. When I go into the "Pilot Trees" list... why do I need to click "Back"? Why not include the Mech Trees menu item as well and allow me to go straight there? This actually applies to all menu items. They should really be streamlined to decrease the number of clicks it takes to get somewhere.

Edited by SI The Joker, 05 February 2014 - 08:39 AM.

#385 Tvrdoglavi


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 08:38 AM

Problems with the new UI:

UI is not scaling properly with resolution. Everything is too small at 1920x1200.

Selecting a piece of equipment does not show any information. Only hovering over it shows a window that disappears as soon as your mouse moves away. This is horrible design there.

Weapons information does not show range any more. It has a small graph that is difficult to read and it's impossible to determine exact range from looking at it.

Mech information al the bottom right in mech lab is transparent and very difficult to see. And too small like everything else.

Having to select game mode for each drop is annoying.

It's very hard to find the social tab for first time user. I had to ask others where it's at.

It's all too small!!!! One can't repeat that enough.

#386 Mylardis


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 08:38 AM

I'm glad I refrained from buying that clan package. I can afford it, but I'm voting with my wallet.

Many things have been said before, but it's about feedback, so here's mine.
  • The font size is the greatest PITA of all - I use a native resolution of 2560x1440, making the UI unusable
  • The mechlab is not at all an improvement. It provides tidbits of information at different positions on the screen (one of the greatest sins of UI design). I wanted to fit my Cent with a new engine and just could not be bothered to find out a) what it had currently installed and ;) what engines I have in stock. Why? Because my mind was blown by a 8x6 (rough guess, didn't count) table of identical looking engines. Even if there is a filter (I will not search for it in 2.5mm letters), I just couldn't be bothered. That's the second sin of UI design right there. Software, especially the UI, should provide the user with all relevant information by itself, thus being "polite". This UI is not polite.
  • Selecting a mech? Well, it's great to see, what mechs I have...I don't want to see what mechs I can buy. If I want to purchase something, I'll gladly open a shop. I don't like money grabbing interrupting my game experience
  • Oh, and I did have a long break, can't remember my loadouts - and couldn't find any quick info on that without actually clicking "configure"
  • Skill trees - I don't even know where to begin. Multiple layers of info you have to klick, again not providing the most important info right at hand: how much XP do I actually have in general, or in a specific chassis?
  • The layout in general is comepletely borked. You klick settings (lower right corner of the screen) opening the menu items in the top left corner - that is plain and simple fail. Not even going to start counting all the other problems where you either waste lots of space or don't use it to provide meaningful information
I accept that I probably haven't seen all options, and some of that feedback might actually be invalid - but I will not hunt the few well done features while killing my eyesight.

Edited by DasAmok, 05 February 2014 - 08:40 AM.

#387 BigBANGtheory


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 08:40 AM

I prefer UI 2.0 to the original, just being full screen is a plus.

There are a couple of fetures that need work though:

1. Check out button is Save Mech loadout? Really that doesn't make sense.
2. In the inventory if say I'm looking at Engines and I see I have 2 or 3, I want to see all of them and know where they are i.e. which mech chassis have them installed
3. Same for Modules I want to see all the ones I own, how many I have and where they are installed
4. I dont see why I should have to move parts from one mech to another, why can't I just save the loadout config I want as parts list, and they get automatically fitted on launch.
5. Still can't form teams bigger than 4 and less than 12. Guys that really needs to change.
6. Premium time I know isn't showing yet, when it does though I want to see the break down of Premium time packages and which ones I want to activate.

Edited by BigBANGtheory, 05 February 2014 - 08:41 AM.

#388 DrXitomatl


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 08:42 AM

There is way too much clutter going on and not enough useful information in a way that is easy to recognize and use. A prime example is the diamond graph indicating 4 pieces of information:
  • % of available armor points that are used on top
  • alpha firepower as a visual representation Firepower divided by 250 on the right
  • % of available tonnage used on the bottom
  • heat management as a visual representation of heat management score divided by 2 on the left
Here is an example of 10 different diamond graphs from 10 very different mechs. Notice how similar they all look?

Posted Image

This is is useless. The only variable that really changes is the heat management score. Thus, this is the only variable that needs to be displayed, and simply a number or the old system of number plus a colored horizontal meter would be great.

None of my mechs come close to 250 firepower, so don't even show alpha strike on a graph. All of my mechs look about the same in terms of how far to the right of the diamond they go.

Every mech that I use uses at least 99.5% of its available tonnage, so no need to graph that either.

Every mech that I use uses at least 90% of its available armor, so there is no need to graph this either.

In conclusion: graphs and information are great, but UI 2.0 is missing a lot of critical information (and I know, this is coming soon) and it includes lots of useless information that serves only to clutter the interface.

Consider assembling a team of skilled and highly active players to serve on a advisory board to help you get this UI together in a way that the players want it.

Edited by WM Xitomatl, 05 February 2014 - 08:47 AM.

#389 ImperialKnight


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 08:43 AM

You know what the sad thing about this thread is? It's that most of these problems mentioned ARE THE SAME ONES as what people mentioned during the last public test. Did PGI listen? No. They ignored everything and just released the UI

#390 AlmightyAeng


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 08:48 AM

Played for a couple hours last night...here are my thoughts.


1. I like that you can save your weapon assignments prior to dropping.
2. I like the extra information on 'mech quirks.
3. It looks - artistically - better than the former UI.
4. Filters for finding 'mechs are nice.
5. I like being able to see the 'mechs my group is bringing before dropping.


1. The sheer number of clicks due to compartmentalized menus is very frustrating. Everything takes longer than in UI 1.5 and feels less intuitive.
2. I am unable to double click items to add or remove them...something UI 1.5 had that was much appreciated.
3. The ESC key doesn't allow me to quickly back out of menus to the main menu.
4. To exit the game I have to log out and THEN exit. It adds an unnecessary step. While I'm sure there are people with multiple accounts, please add an 'EXIT GAME' button on the home screen options.
5. I dislike being unable to SEE 'mech loadouts I'm potentially buying. That lack of information is frustrating.
6. The 'ready' 'mechs was a nice functionality for keeping favorites easily on-hand. Wasn't there supposed to be an option to create a 'favorites' filter for our 'mech list? Right now looking at dozens of 'mech pictures just feels like information overload. I'd much rather have a text list of chassis, and have that unfold into pictures of JUST the chassis you selected.
7. Opening the social tab takes away access to everything else. Annoying. Additionally, ESC doesn't work here, either, for easily backing out of a VERY limited view.
8. The Camo spec of scrolling horizontally is still a GIANT pain in the ass compared to UI 1.5 Can we get a pallet of 'owned' colors? Please? You have so much real estate...why can't we use it?
9. The 'Home' view, the one with JUST our 'mech, is the only view where we CAN'T spin it around to look at it. Really?
10. The 'checkout' button. Makes me nervous every time I have to click it and makes me think I'm spending extra money. You used 'SAVE' for the weapon assignments...please return it to the rest?
11. Clicking on a 'mech doesn't display information easily as to it's loadout. You have to actually enter the loadout screen....this makes looking through 'mechs to select one a real pain.

Overall Impression:

Artistically it's pretty...but functionally it's a pain to use compared to the old system. It is less intuitive and changing around 'mechs takes LONGER. It is more difficult to find things you want, and the system for making changes is slower.
For the first time, EVER, I have found myself getting frustrated enough with MWO to want to go play something else. And over what? A clunky user interface? It's stupid, but true. The gameplay is still fun, but the new UI is a real turn-off for me.

#391 Eric Generic


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 08:51 AM

So yeah, I want my money back. The new UI is completely awful and as much as I would enjoy spending more money on mc for mechs and the like, I will absolutely NOT be doing that now.

#392 DrXitomatl


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 08:53 AM

Yet another example of poorly executed information display, which speaks for itself:
Posted Image

Edited by WM Xitomatl, 05 February 2014 - 08:59 AM.

#393 Desintegrator


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 08:55 AM

View Postknightsljx, on 05 February 2014 - 08:43 AM, said:

You know what the sad thing about this thread is? It's that most of these problems mentioned ARE THE SAME ONES as what people mentioned during the last public test. Did PGI listen? No. They ignored everything and just released the UI

Yeah, that's true - but what can be done during 2 weeks of programming -> right: nothing !

So, they just released it to keep the time schedule. Nobody wants to announce a certain date and then say: Ops, we need some additional 6 months to work only on the major issues.

Just accept it as it is now. In 4 weeks there will be the DX11 update. So everybody needs to concentrate on that...

It needed about 1.5 years to get the right weapons balancing in the past, to don't expect the new UI works great during the next months. It will take much more time...

#394 DrXitomatl


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 08:58 AM

And here is an example of what is wrong with full screen if you have a triple monitor setup.
Posted Image
This is why we need a window for the front end UI, and full screen for in the game. Like it was before.

Edited by WM Xitomatl, 05 February 2014 - 02:57 PM.

#395 Eric Generic


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 08:59 AM

View PostDesintegrator, on 05 February 2014 - 08:55 AM, said:

Yeah, that's true - but what can be done during 2 weeks of programming -> right: nothing !

So, they just released it to keep the time schedule. Nobody wants to announce a certain date and then say: Ops, we need some additional 6 months to work only on the major issues.

Just accept it as it is now. In 4 weeks there will be the DX11 update. So everybody needs to concentrate on that...

It needed about 1.5 years to get the right weapons balancing in the past, to don't expect the new UI works great during the next months. It will take much more time...

It's not the bugs that are the main problem. It's the fact that the design is completely wrong. It did nothing to add to functionality. All it did was make the game a huge pain on the front end.

#396 Eric Generic


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:02 AM

Oh, and in response to the one question the UI asks me every time I try to do ANYTHING: YES, I'M ******* SURE I WANT TO DO WHAT I JUST TOLD YOU TO DO.

#397 SawedOffSamurai


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:02 AM

some of the things I thought were not working well:

1. when you go to buy a new mech it does not show the stats or hard points for said mech.

2. there is some kind of weird lag when buying a module, it does not take away the gxp used until you back out of the screen and come back into the menu. also in regard to the modules the consumables after used still remain in the equipped slot and will not allow you to buy a new one sometimes.

3. I also feel that the new UI has created more steps throughout its entirety in order to do simple tasks, such as having to choose the play style for a match each time you deploy. also I think you should be able to ready up from any screen instead of having to back all the way out in order to ready up. I also think that there should be some option to auto refill consumables, like a check box, if they get used after the match so that way you don't have to stop the flow of battles just to go reequip a module.

4. the social tab is also reflecting friends that are online when they in fact are not.

please feel free to add more problems to this list so we the players can create a nice to do list for the DEV's...lol

Edited by SawedOffSamurai, 05 February 2014 - 09:05 AM.

#398 DrXitomatl


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:03 AM

Here is an even better example of UI 2.0 being very undesirable for triple monitor users. The friends box is on the far right, and the group box is on the far left.
Posted Image

#399 Daekar


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:06 AM

Good update overall guys! I have a few useability nitpicks that I would like to see:

1) When you mouse-over a mech to see its loadout, can we also have it show what engine is equipped? I don't have XL engines for all my mechs so I swap them around sometimes, and it's hard to figure out what engine is where without going in to the configuration screen for each.

2) The grid views are great for showing information, but can we have a different color bar for items that are equipped? It would make those items stand out better than trying to read all that tiny print in the red bars. This goes for anything that gets equipped: modules, upgrades, weapons, equipment.

3) When you're in the store, you get no data about the mech you're looking at, which means it's impossible to buy a mech without going to an external website to see if it's any good. If there is a tooltip, I didn't see it pop up.

The workflow is SO different that I want to suspend judgement on the rest of it until I get more time in the saddle... uh... cockpit. Keep up the good work!

Edited by Daekar, 05 February 2014 - 09:08 AM.

#400 cSand


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:07 AM

New UI is pretty good, here are my suggestions after using it last night:

- Mechlab is clunky and currently the main source of issues I think here, but as long as it's being replaced by a "Smurfy-esque" one next month than no big deal.

- More info about mechs in the home area mech tooltips (Engines, and modules I believe are missing from the info. Would be nice to be able to see what's on each limb too. Lots of screen space is unused here, it wouldn't bother me at all if that tooltip was twice the size and had very detailed mech info!)

- Remove trial mechs from the "owned" category. Maybe make a separate filter just for trial mechs.

- Let me use the "esc" key as a "back" button. Saves me many clicks.

- Allow me to ready from any screen (maybe you can when Solo, but in a group you have to go to the social screen to ready up)

- The menu sounds are a little heavy.. ability to adjust menu volume would be alright, this is not that big of a deal though.

- Change "Checkout" to "Save".. I think that could confuse new players.

- Need to be able to scale the UI for big screens.

- Would be alright if we could have a chat window always available, and able to move/resize the chat window instead of having it locked in place.. (or have individual chat tabs lined up on the bottom for quick access, rather than clicking the social button and having to exit social "mode" every time I want to chat)

- Match type should be selectable in the lobby rather than in a popup window upon launch.

- A windowed mode would definitely be a good option as well.

Things that I like about it:

- Looks great.

- Nice, big, rotatable model in the mech lab. Showcases just how nice of a job the team does on the mechs.

- Can change my weapon groups in the mechlab. This is great news!

- Shows what my lancemates are doing (mechlab, etc)

- New weapon modules I think are a great addition. More customization = good

- You guys are no longer limited by UI 1.5 and can start work on CW and stuff, exciting!

Good work and I'm looking forward to this getting tweaked and polished more every patch.

Also, the new font in the HUD looks like the font from "Office Space" ;)

Edited by cSand, 05 February 2014 - 10:02 AM.

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