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Ui Feedback

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#41 BSK


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Posted 04 February 2014 - 01:38 PM

My feedback? Why was there NO announcement that weapon groups were COMPLETELY deleted and need to be configured again? I went into a battle, shutdown after 2 alpha shots and got almost killed. Was that intended to support the sale of the Firestarter? I am so mad at this, I go offline ..

#42 Dimitry Matveyev


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Posted 04 February 2014 - 01:41 PM

1. Gallery/list view buttons are not working.
2. I'd like to see the loadout of my selected mech on a HOME screen.
3. I'd like to see my CB and GXP on HOME screen.
4. When I hit OWNED MECHS I don't want to see trial mechs.
5. When I configure a mech I'd like to see a combined info of what have I mounted already, how many free slots and free tons I have left (sth. similar to smurfy's)
6. I'd like to be able to save my configs (like it was in MW3).
7. I'd like to see a mech (weapon, equipement and etc.) info not when I hold a coursore over it, but when I click on it.
8. I'd like to see which engines are equipped in my mechs.
9. I'd like to see the locations of hardpoints of the mechs.

Overall, the new UI is LESS user friendly, than previous.

Edited by Dimitry Matveyev, 04 February 2014 - 02:13 PM.

#43 ApolloKaras


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Posted 04 February 2014 - 01:42 PM

Whats the Stalker Trial mech loadout without launching, and without consulting the website.

Edited by Saxie, 04 February 2014 - 01:45 PM.

#44 stjobe


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Posted 04 February 2014 - 01:42 PM

Also, why on earth can't I access the pilot skills of an already selected 'mech by pressing "Skills"? That just brings up the list to select the 'mech again...


#45 nubcake


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Posted 04 February 2014 - 01:42 PM

View Poststjobe, on 04 February 2014 - 01:27 PM, said:

1. Usability - whoever thought it a good idea to have more than half the screen width between clicks should really never be allowed near a UI again.
2. Usability II - too man god-damn clicks to do stuff. Click-click-click-back-back-back-click... Make some shortcuts or dropdowns.
3. Usability III - really, that smurfy view for the loadout screen can't come soon enough. Did someone really think that the current setup was a good workflow?

Who would have thunk?

Another comment that I made about half a year ago - "hopefully it will be fixed"
Well, guess what, - mmmm, NOPE.
Yes, those torsos are similarly configured and I wanted both PPCs to be on top. Nada, as soon as I leave mechlab they end up messed up like that.

My posts often sound pretty bitter, but guess what PGI - you deserve that for not caring. You wanted feedback on the UI, you got it, you didn't care.

#46 Serapth


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Posted 04 February 2014 - 01:42 PM

View PostBSK, on 04 February 2014 - 01:38 PM, said:

My feedback? Why was there NO announcement that weapon groups were COMPLETELY deleted and need to be configured again? I went into a battle, shutdown after 2 alpha shots and got almost killed. Was that intended to support the sale of the Firestarter? I am so mad at this, I go offline ..

On top of that, there doesn't appear to be a way to toggle chain fire in the weapons group screen.

#47 Void Angel


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Posted 04 February 2014 - 01:47 PM

Basically, much of the problem with the new UI is that the 'mechlab looks like this:Posted Image

And not like this:Posted Image

And that we need better data filtration and presentation systems in the main UI - such as our ready bays, the ability to manually sort our collections, and more accurate/robust filters for looking at BattleMechs.

Other things are a huge improvement, like the ability to see data on 'mech movement ranges and the like via mouseover. Once the UI is cleaned up to be ergonomic and intuitive, it'll be great. But it's not there yet.

Edited by Void Angel, 04 February 2014 - 01:45 PM.

#48 Sudden


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Posted 04 February 2014 - 01:48 PM

well i am not going to say much other than this. THE MECH LAB SUCKS BIGTIME. ui looks good but thats as far as it goes. really noooo improvement over the older mechlab except it looks nice

#49 Avicron


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Posted 04 February 2014 - 01:49 PM

UNBELIEVABLE FAILURE ! - the UI no longer even shows whats on the mech , you cant see the hardpoints . I won't even bother going into the other problems with this UI because the fact you CANT SEE THE HARD POINT LOCATIONS makes it a complete failure.
Each patch the game get worse , less fun , more grief to player base . You gotta wonder why the development seems to be nose diving the game into the ground. Remember how much more fun it was last spring ?

#50 JJ Dark


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Posted 04 February 2014 - 01:49 PM

I can't seem to find the number of used/available slots displayed on the mechs.

#51 killahcam


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Posted 04 February 2014 - 01:53 PM

Hi i noticed in the store when buying a new mech it doesnt say the loadout or slots available, actually nothing to help a player be informed when purchasing a new mech. Then i noticed in my mechbay doing loadouts on a mech theres no slots available section? Other than that looks good and will take a bit to get familiar with.

#52 WaddeHaddeDudeda


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Posted 04 February 2014 - 01:54 PM

Good jerb in letting a 8 year old boy with autism designing this horrible thing you dare to announce (and celebrate) "UI2.0".

Was it really TO hard to come up with something decent? I mean, you didn't had to re-invent the wheel this time.
There are plenty of great MW-Titles (and Smurfy) which show how you can do it right.

With the exception of the options to (finally) rename mechs and (also finally) assign weapon groups in the lab (as shown in MW4 for example more than 14 years ago) you've utterly failed at EVERY OTHER ASPECT of the new UI.

And to top that: you had about 1,5 years to come up with something decent AND you've even put it onto the test servers not long ago.
How can there be so many bugs?
How can this new system be so super unintuitive?

Edited by WaddeHaddeDudeda, 04 February 2014 - 01:56 PM.

#53 Anais Opal


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Posted 04 February 2014 - 01:55 PM



I've found that the inventory system is not updating correctly if at all when you sell a component when you complete the sale and it says refreshing data the values of the items don't change. Also, the top two items in the inventory list are not selectable no matter what sorting is applied to the list (Price Asc/Price desc etc)

Completely log out and back in refreshes the inventory.


Camo Spec

If you have rotated your 'Mech while changing its camo/colours, Mech remains in that position when returning to MechLab.

Go back and rotate your 'Mech how you want it ( unless you really want to stare at its bottom......)


All components do not display their weight, lists components that fit that part of the 'Mech/Hard point but not how much tonnage they are compared to available tonnage on the 'Mech.
(not implemented - fix required) (Go to Smurfy's and build your 'Mech there first......)

UI does not list the total number of Heatsinks on the 'Mech.

(not implemented - fix required)(Go to Smurfy's and build your 'Mech there first......)

No save 'Mech Configuration button.

Go to Weapon Groups, UI will prompt you to save the configuration.

Pilot Tree's

GXP doesn't update after unlocking modules.

Completely log out and back in refreshes GXP.

Mech Tree's

Cannot see what efficiencies are unlocked on a 'Mech chassis unless you OWN that 'Mech (UI 1.5 let you see this without having to own a particular 'Mech if you partially unlocked one then sold it)

(not implemented - fix required)

Edited by GlycerineOxide, 04 February 2014 - 03:03 PM.

#54 stjobe


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Posted 04 February 2014 - 01:56 PM

View PostJJ Dark, on 04 February 2014 - 01:49 PM, said:

I can't seem to find the number of used/available slots displayed on the mechs.

Can't find what engine it has, what modules, what loadout, you can basically see the name and nothing else until you go into "Configure" - and then it's just for that one 'mech.

Unbelievably bad, and you've ran this through internal testing and not one but TWO user tests?

That's a whole new level of fail right there.

#55 The Schwartz


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Posted 04 February 2014 - 01:57 PM

Yeah, Void Angel summed it up nicely.

#56 sabujo


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Posted 04 February 2014 - 02:03 PM

Oh well, since most of the suggestions and issues reported on both of my test runs were not implemented, I will not waste more saliva (or fingertips) on this matter.

I just hope Jakob Nielsen does not find this game, or we'll have him publish another usability tome soon enough. Either that or he will just loose what's left of his cranial hair.

#57 wobbles3285


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Posted 04 February 2014 - 02:03 PM

I don't know what to say except all of you in the UI team should all be looking for new jobs about now. How you can take something that was simple and fairly intuitive and turn it into this absolute POS mess is beyond me given the time you were working on it. Maybe that's what the problem was. Maybe you had too much time to geek out about adding yet another menu dropdown, graffic, or ridiculously unreadable small type sized and bizarelly fonted text that we should have only expected a mess like this. You had WAY too much time on your hands to screw things up. The UI literally hurts to look at. How in the heck did you manage to achieve fail before the content even gets seen. That's just some amazing stuff right there.

You want to fix this mess? SIMPLIFY it and make it user friendly, not geek who has never been laid in his life but works on the UI team friendly. You have essentially ruined the game for myself and many others for a long time to come it looks like. Loved the game yesterday, hate it today. And YOU are the team responsible for that. Start looking for new jobs, probably at Microsoft since they love to geek out on things and make them cool to them but annoying and over-complicated for the end user too. You'll fit right in.

See you in a month or so when they send you all packing and hire someone to fix the mess you made.

#58 Daneiel


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Posted 04 February 2014 - 02:06 PM

The worst thing that could happend to that game is actual a fact - UI 2.0 is terrible in every single aspect .You proved that you never read players feadback , There is nothing changed from the first test .

#59 Zomboyd


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Posted 04 February 2014 - 02:09 PM

A step in the right direction and then you have to actually navigate the UI.
Ii think customizing your mechs is way too unintuitive. The inability to see all aspects of your mech while building makes for some frustrating and often times annoying problems. look at smurfy for example, Every aspect of the mech is able to be seen on one page.
This allows a better feel and understanding of the mech and how the systems are put together. It also makes quick changes easy instead of feeling like work.

one thing in your favor i can now rename my mechs....... then read above peoples of comments again

Edited by Zomboyd, 04 February 2014 - 02:18 PM.

#60 Elder Thorn


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Posted 04 February 2014 - 02:11 PM

View PostKarl Berg, on 04 February 2014 - 01:17 PM, said:

My fault :angry: This will get hotfixed soon. What's happening is logins to the website are showing players as online in-game, but the system currently doesn't handle push messages to web, hence the 'Unable to send' message. The hotfix will remove website logins from displaying as online.

thanks for clearing that up

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