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Ui Feedback

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#661 Dymlos2003


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 01:11 AM

View PostViper CCCP, on 06 February 2014 - 01:22 AM, said:

I have not found how to show description for PPC, for example.

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You mean this?

#662 Ceefood


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 01:14 AM

Ok, I participated in the playtest for UI2.0 & read basically every post in there and posted my own feedback. I did get likes on both of them from multiple people so some people must agree with me!!!
From what I can see from the implemented UI2.0 is basically/essentially you didn’t read any of the feedback given by the players who took the time to download the client, play in the limited time available & finally give you feedback on what we saw as problems good bad & otherwise.
I can accept ignoring people who didn’t follow the guide you wanted (although I feel they should be listened to as well) but many did & the feedback was similar for a lot of people.
The only thing I can see implemented as a change is in the mechlab your mech now shows on the graph area the hardpoints the mech has – BUT WHERE ARE THEY LOCATED? They still don’t show up on the mechs to buy – WHY would I buy a mech which I have no idead what hardpoints it has & loadout?? Its like buying a midsized car but having no idead how many seats it has & what features it has you wouldn’t do it so why expect us to
Seriously if PGI cant read & implement changes to requested feedback why ask?
If UI2.0 is supposed to be more coder friendly, which is why you have spent SO LONG making it, why was it rushed out with basically no changes?
At present the new UI is SO BAD like the playtest version I have stopped playing as of now as its too frustrating to use
Do you WANT to fix it? Then read
  • Implement smurfy mechlab or equivalent
  • Ability to sort mechs similar to what you have now
  • Use smaller icons with bigger words to show items we are looking at
  • Show hardpoints for what a mech has & where they are located – similar to previous UI was perfectly fine
  • Show loadout for mech & where those items are similar to previous UI
  • Listen to your player base & implement what they want – cause if you don’t you alienate them & lose money which is what you want isn’t it???

#663 Zerberoff


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 01:21 AM

After 3 Days Testing the new UI i say, i like it.
There still is a bunch of Work to do, but its runing stable and looks shiny.

I guess you already got told that the font needs some tweaking and the Mechlab getting a
workover, so no need to say.

Not sure if anyone mentioned but within the Pilot Tree im missing information about how many
XP/unlocked Skills i got with Mechs i dont own anymore.

#664 Viper CCCP


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 01:22 AM

View PostDymlos2003, on 07 February 2014 - 01:11 AM, said:

Posted Image

You mean this?

Yes, I meant this kind of info. How can I get it? When I click on weapon or hover mouse over it I can't see any pop-up windows with such info.

#665 Flyto


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 01:47 AM

Something new that I noticed today:

The order of weapons shown in the mechlab does not always reflect the order of weapons that appear in game. I have a Shadowhawk that mounts an AC5 and a UAC5, both in the left torso. In the mechlab, the UAC appears in the upper position and the AC5 below it. In the game, they're the other way round.

#666 Spuds McHaggis


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 02:31 AM

Just updated after not playing for months and whilst other have brought up some good points or bad points, I would like to say one thing and one thing only about the UI update,

Why does the game still start and stay in a window until you get into battle?

Seriously! Is it that hard to give us the option of full screen mode all the time?

Looks like I will not be playing this game for another couple of months.

#667 Rebel Ace Fryslan


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 02:37 AM

I wanted to give my feedback.

Visualy, it's better.
A bit more overview of inforation
inventory option is a nice extra.
rename, ordering of mechs, weapons/settings.

Now here comes the, "why did you do it like this"

  • no alt-tab / wndowed mode available.
  • No exit game, only log-out and then quit.
  • would like different video setting in the launchscreen then the game. (more visuals)
  • not able to turn mech around

  • Menu's the placement of main button on the left and mech on the right it's just wrong.
  • not able to click the part you want to change.
  • not visible what the hitbox is on the mech.(removed?!)
  • For ammo / powerplant / weapons you still have to go to the full left.
  • I could sum up allot more
  • IN ALL IT"S TOO VISUAL AND NOT practical, first make it practical/quick then make it nice.
  • SHOULD be with the loadout, because they just need to be.
  • too complicated, no double clicking, button to equip but non to undo, you have todrag it away ????
  • unlogical
  • YOU can not look around without the BIG icon menu's
  • Very weird shadows on the mechs
  • You cannot zoom in on the mechs, here and loadout and so on.

  • the pup-up info isn't working in te store.

  • I do not want to know people are in mechbay/store or so. I'll talk to them in TS
  • list is very short.
  • list shoots up to the top when someting changes.
  • group is way up left corner, WHY ?
  • You have to be in the social group thingy too ready up?
  • The LEADER, can't pre-select the GAME MODE
  • Bug: crashed on creating a goup (2-4)

This sum-up will be missing something.
Thx for the new UI, it's needs to be MORE PRACTICAL.

Ps: take a look a "li song mechlab"

#668 Jimmy Page


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 02:59 AM

Uninstalled game and will not return. My last post. If PGI spent 1.5 years working on this then there is simply no hope for them. I had low expectations for it anyway but i was flabbergasted at how bad it was. The worst UI i have ever encountered in MY LIFE. Imagine the debacle DX11 and Clan Warfare will be several years down the road when they finally finish it. The new UI is worse than the old one by a mile. It looks like a super nintendo game. Adios and Best wishes everyone.

#669 1Sascha


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 03:05 AM

View PostMowie, on 07 February 2014 - 02:31 AM, said:

Why does the game still start and stay in a window until you get into battle?

Check your video-settings. The game should be set to "full windowed" by default. When I played around with it last night to get Shadowplay-capability back, it seemed to me that even the game (not the Mechlab) runs in a window in this mode. When ALT-TABbing through open apps in this mode, you actually get a preview window showing the in-game action - usually a sign of an app not running in fullscreen.


#670 cranect


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 05:28 AM

I personally like the way it is set up. It looks great and for me it is easier to read everything. It also seems to respond better. I miss 2 features:
1. The ability to see modules without going into the mechs loadout
2. The ability to see where the hard points are on the mech quickly and easily and the ability to see the weapon positions as well.
These are things I miss but overall I like the new UI a lot better. I also think that is easier to use once you figure it out. It still needs work but I know that is happening even as I type here. Keep it up PGI! Oh and thanks for the game.

#671 N0V0CAIN


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 05:37 AM

I want to run Mechlab windowed, but the game full-screen, like I have been doing for the last more-than-a year, so I can see my TeamSpeak friends while setting up groups etc..


#672 somanov


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 05:43 AM

View PostN0V0CAIN, on 07 February 2014 - 05:37 AM, said:

I want to run Mechlab windowed, but the game full-screen, like I have been doing for the last more-than-a year, so I can see my TeamSpeak friends while setting up groups etc..


This bugged me as well, but there is an easy workaround: ALT+ Return lets you switch between Windowed/Fullscreen on the fly. Its not perfect but its good enough for me.

Edited by somanov, 07 February 2014 - 05:49 AM.

#673 Moromillas


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 06:04 AM

View Postcranect, on 07 February 2014 - 05:28 AM, said:

I personally like the way it is set up. It looks great and....

Perhaps you should log in and have a look.

#674 NextGame


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 06:16 AM

After playing with this for a bit theres a couple of things I would like to see

1) Obviously the mechlab i.e. configuration area needs to change, and be based around a paperdoll of the mech, but I appreciate that's in the works.
2) Mechs are much easier to find in the skills section than in the mechbay, can we have mechbay laid out like that as well with headers for each chassis? Or even better just merge the skills section into the mechbay as a whole. I don't really understand why they are treated as very separate areas.
3) Would really like a custom filter for mechs, in order that I can create an easy to find group of mechs that I am working on.
4) I would like it to be immediately aparrent how much XP I have on my mech without having to drill down.
5) On friends list, instead of "offline" I would like a last seen, or last online date against my friends, in order that I can remove defunct players.

Thanks for your consideration.

Edited by NextGame, 07 February 2014 - 06:19 AM.

#675 1Sascha


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 07:26 AM

View Postsomanov, on 07 February 2014 - 05:43 AM, said:

This bugged me as well, but there is an easy workaround: ALT+ Return lets you switch between Windowed/Fullscreen on the fly. Its not perfect but its good enough for me.

Plus you can use TS' built-in overlay as a workaround. It's in the settings under "plugins".


#676 BluesunZ


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 07:51 AM

ALT-F4 if you want to quit the game and I found the quickest way to access your desktop by pressing the Statistics button. I run Crossfire/Eyefinity setup and can't run in window mode without FPS drop.

#677 Admiral Jimmy Rustle


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 08:08 AM

After trying to use the new UI 2.0 I am convinced hiring this guy will result in an improved UI.

Posted Image

#678 Magos Titanicus


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 08:11 AM

the only thing that the glorious UI2.0 does is stealing time and frustrate people.

i am pretty new to the game and it got me really quick :angry: so i have spend a few hundred bucks to get things done fast. i found myself surfing the forum a lot to suck of information of the game / lore /as well as the experiences peoples are mentioning and complaining about pgi. In the first time i thought like: ok well people exaggerate a little. BUT now i understand their complains very well and that there is a good reason why people are so pissed.

with delivering a totally broken product and saying: Look people we have met the deadline and kept our promise, is like a ******* slap in the face of everyone spending money on the game and those who where waiting for them to deliver what is really wanted!

i hope for a quick and USABLE Ui2.1, until then there is not much left for me to enjoy the game. The mechlab is the most important part for me and then comes the game. i just loved hanging around in the mechlab and actually only watch and thinking about making my mechs more efficient and powerful. actually i have spend a third in the game and two third in the mechlab. and now i am playing civilization V again....

#679 Hordamer Mendelbaum


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 08:50 AM

I frequently play with a limit on how much time I can spend in-game. Now that the mech lab is full-screen, I don't get to see the system tray, which I've been using to check the time between matches. Is there any way that we could get a clock display in the mech lab, so that we don't have to Alt-Tab to check the time? Thanks.

Edited by Hordamer Mendelbaum, 07 February 2014 - 08:52 AM.

#680 warner2


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 08:57 AM

You could buy a watch? Or a wall clock? It's a little old-fashioned of me but then you could tell the time even when you're computer is off :angry:

Bug: Phoenix chassis, those whose name ends in (p), don't show up in the 'mech inventory.

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