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Ui Feedback

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#741 Moromillas


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 10:21 PM

View PostAloha, on 07 February 2014 - 10:01 PM, said:

Anyway to turn off the mouse-over sound? It's getting to be very annoying.

I could have sworn there was an option for that. Looking, wish me luck.

Oh, I guess not.

Edited by Moromillas, 07 February 2014 - 10:25 PM.

#742 Erik Hollister


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 10:26 PM

The UI makes me stop play way before I normally would. It is SO far from being user friendly it isn't funny. After about the fourth mech switch, I am so tired of navigating this mess I bail out. Add to the unusability the FACT that is VERY unattractive (ray traced graphics look like something out of 1986). You should be ashamed of yourselves to put this piece of garbage out and call it an upgrade. Pure crap. I recently sent you folks a few bucks for MC, have spent a bit of them on vanity stuff like new colors. I now feel like it was a TOTAL waste of money...you guys are going to screw this game right into the ground. Part of the fun of this game was tweaking my mechs to get the most out of them... now it is a total chore that I dread. I literally just logged off because I didn't have any desire to "loadout" a mech that I had stolen an XL engine out of. Completely and totally disappointed in your efforts on this one, PGI.

Edited by Erik Hollister, 07 February 2014 - 11:09 PM.

#743 Leded


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 11:38 PM

Too many Clicks to exit the game?

when you want to exit, hit Alt + F4

problem temporarily solved :)

#744 MountainCopper


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 05:05 AM

After testing the new UI for some days, here is how I feel about it. I'm aware that many or all of my comments might have been already mentioned by previous posts...


- The UI now having the same resolution as ingame, the size of everything is too small. An option for 100%, 150% and 200% size is needed.

- The "Upgrades" design is pretty weak in my opinion. All the upgrades are put as items into one line, one after the other. There is no indication of dependency between them, like 2 upgrades being linked to each and mutually exclusive (maybe graphically as 2 items being onto the same horizontal level and have a coloured link between them).

- Having now a much larger Mech model on the home screen and in the Mechlab, the standard colour "basic green" looks rather ugly on them and doesn't exactly increase my interest in buying that Mech.

- While being in the Mechlab, and I wanted to better look at my Mech model, I can't make it that everything but the Mech model is collapsed from view.

- At many points it says something is "invalid" instead of being more specific. A more detailed explanation would be more helpful, like "not unlocked", "something else is equipped"...
Also, these messages could be visually presented at different horizontal heights (not all being a big red beam at the same place).

- What do these tilted banners mean with "Basic", "Elite" and "Mastered"? How am I supposed to figure out that eg a "Mastered" banner means "Mastered 0/1" and not "Mastered 1/1"?

- The biggest complaint I have, is the new way you change the loadout of a Mech. The options to select components by clicking on either the component on the 3D model itself, or the small model near the button we previously had, are completely gone!
This makes changing a loadout more difficult and less enjoyable since you always have to imagine which Mech area is currently being looked at.

Missing information compared to the previous UI

- Can't see how many XP the Mechs have, I don't currently own.

- Can't see how many XP it took to unlock an efficiency. Now it says "unlocked" and that's it.

- On the home screen, I don't see if the selected Mech is "ingame" or "ready".

- I don't see which engine is equipped, if any. Also, no information how many heat sinks are equipped.

- I can't see where the equipment is located in the Mech with a mouse-over like before.


- You can't click and therefore can't select items in any list of "inventory" which are at position 1 or 2 from the top.

- Ingame and while spectating a Mech, the now (newly?) displayed weapon groups don't seem to be correct. (Do they show my own weapon groups...?)

- Ingame ammunition screen is still only working in 1 out of 5 matches. Also not correct when you change Mechs in Spectate mode.


#745 War Steiner


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 06:01 AM

Am I the only one that it takes 30 to 45 seconds to go from the Mechlab to the Social screen to Ready?

#746 MrRaaaager


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 06:44 AM

I cant believe it tool you all a year to make UI 2.0. This feels like something someone took 2 rushed weeks to make.

#747 arghmace


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 07:16 AM

Where is my XL375? Where are my Target Info modules? Where are my FRR holograms? Finding your owned items is just impossible with 40+ mechs like I have.

Also "owned" should mean "owned", not "free in garage". Right now if I have 4 Target Info modules and 2 of them are equipped on some mechs (don't ask me which, I don't know either!) the UI says that I own 2 modules. No, I own 4, 2 of them are equipped and 2 unequipped. Why not show all these numbers? And if I wanna free the ones on mechs I would like to just hit a button not browse through million mechs and menus.

Oh yes, I really liked the 4 ready mechs -thingy of the old UI. I always kept 4 mechs there and they had modules, engines and cockpit items equipped. When I wanted to play some other mech I stripped one of those 4 mechs. This way I didn't have to search for my stuff all the time like I now have to. This is just horrible. I stopped using cockpit items completely because of UI2.

#748 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 07:28 AM

View PostBaldaeous, on 07 February 2014 - 09:12 PM, said:

Wow - I never post, but I had to chime in. I love this game, but this has to be the worst user interface design I have ever seen.
Look at the feedback. Almost nothing positive. I'm afraid this hurts the game and chases new players away.

Imagine being a noob and playing this for the first time? Are you kidding me?

View PostHelsbane, on 07 February 2014 - 09:31 PM, said:

Why do I have to click four damn times to exit the game? I know I want to exit, so stop asking me if I'm sure I want to. Hell, I want to exit more often now than I did prior to UI Derp.0, so stop making it a chore to get out of this hellish nightmare of a UI. One click, out of game, done.

I will add that the "exit" button you cleverly designed as a social tab is functioning VERY well. Most of the time I click it and I'm back at my desktop. Hell it takes our group nearly ten minutes between matches as we reload modules, switch mechs, and then attempt to ready up again without crashing, and that's a fast turn around.

I know several folks have already mentioned this, but I have to reinforce that THE NEW UI SUCKS HORSECROTCH! The person responsible for this trainwreck should be beaten within an inch of their life with a whifflebat. Why? Because it would take longer.

Instead of going down, they have to start listening to their user base. We are offering them million dollar suggestions for free..

#749 Flyto


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 07:28 AM

View PostBaldaeous, on 07 February 2014 - 09:12 PM, said:

Wow - I never post, but I had to chime in. I love this game, but this has to be the worst user interface design I have ever seen.
Look at the feedback. Almost nothing positive. I'm afraid this hurts the game and chases new players away.

To be fair, at this point PGI could cure cancer and this forum would still be overwhelmingly negative ;-)
Not that I like the new UI much.

#750 lumpymoon


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 07:35 AM

View PostFlyto, on 08 February 2014 - 07:28 AM, said:

To be fair, at this point PGI could cure cancer and this forum would still be overwhelmingly negative ;-)
Not that I like the new UI much.

"We've cured cancer! yay!!!"

But since the cancer is now unequiped, you have no idea how many free slots are left.

Edited by lumpymoon, 08 February 2014 - 07:36 AM.

#751 DemonRaziel


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 07:45 AM

View PostFlyto, on 08 February 2014 - 07:28 AM, said:

To be fair, at this point PGI could cure cancer and this forum would still be overwhelmingly negative ;-)
Not that I like the new UI much.

Possibly, the negativism is at its finest around here.

But it should be said that they did not, in fact, cure cancer, but instead yet again release something atrocious and barely functional upon their player base, disregarding the feedback provided during the testing. Or pushing it back until further fixes, if you will.

I understand they got themselves into a tight spot where they had 2 options - push the release back and start yet another crapstorm for yet another missed deadline, or release it as is and endure a (perhaps) smaller crapstorm. A tough decision to make, but a situation the devs brought upon themselves solely with their (in)actions.

After all, haters will always hate (They missed yet another deadline, amateurs! / They released an unfinished UI, amateurs!) and fanboys will always praise/defend the devs (It's better to miss a deadline than to release a broken product. / They told us right away it's not unfinished and will be tweaked further. Would you rather they missed a deadline?).

Though what worries me the most is the possibility they will need to spend so much time fixing the new UIs many issues, that they will actually really miss the upcoming timelines for the features announced to be released later this year.

Edited by DemonRaziel, 08 February 2014 - 08:14 AM.

#752 Nightmage61


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 08:04 AM

Perhaps you might contract with this group out of MIT for some help with UI design.

The User Interface Design group
http://groups.csail.mit.edu/uid/gn Group

Edited by Nightmage61, 08 February 2014 - 08:05 AM.

#753 greyfox485


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 08:15 AM

I also dislike the new UI very much.

Why can't we just have something similar to the old Mechwarrior games where you could see you entire load out, rather than just 1 part at a time? Why do I need to have 8 dropdowns, when I could just have 3 (weapons, equipment, ammo)?

Also, I don't know how many other people run 3 screens, but this UI does not work well with that setup. With the load out menu taking up ~2/3 of the screens, some of the items get lost in between monitors.

The 1 cool thing was the addition of the inventory page, that has been needed for a long time.

#754 Rumble Chicken


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 08:33 AM

At first it's a little bit cumbersome, but works. Takes a minute for that grey matter to see. We have all seen worse.
Basically I knda like it. It kinda removes the mechanic in a lot of us. "one may have to absorb there known calculations from a different perspective" and that's good for the Brain.
My only let down is Dragon cant carry 2 x ac 20's
In a month a patch or 2 and bla bla back to normal.
The complaint line will never be short. Lone Wolf >>

#755 Teribnunu


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 08:55 AM

PGI you are killing this game !

Change this interface

#756 SuperBroHeroFella


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 09:21 AM

So i just took a look at the Hawken UI. I was confused the first 2 minutes, but then it was eeaaaasy.

Not so with this UI. It scares me.

#757 Alekzander Smirnoff


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 09:25 AM

My main gripe with the UI is the social button. Its completely away from all the other button's on the UI and to close the chat box you have to move even further away from all the primary buttons.

I suggest making the social button larger, moving it to the top left corner and making it a toggle so that you can open and close the social panel with a single button instead of moving the mouse all over the place.

I play at 1980x1200 and dragging the mouse all over the screen when I'm grouped is driving me nuts. I feel sorry for the few folks out there with triple monitor setups and I believe it would be an improvement to move all those buttons together to reduce the amount of mouse movement now that the mechlab is full screen instead of a 1280x780 window.

#758 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 09:47 AM

View PostDemonRaziel, on 08 February 2014 - 07:45 AM, said:

Possibly, the negativism is at its finest around here.

But it should be said that they did not, in fact, cure cancer, but instead yet again release something atrocious and barely functional upon their player base, disregarding the feedback provided during the testing. Or pushing it back until further fixes, if you will.

I understand they got themselves into a tight spot where they had 2 options - push the release back and start yet another crapstorm for yet another missed deadline, or release it as is and endure a (perhaps) smaller crapstorm. A tough decision to make, but a situation the devs brought upon themselves solely with their (in)actions.

After all, haters will always hate (They missed yet another deadline, amateurs! / They released an unfinished UI, amateurs!) and fanboys will always praise/defend the devs (It's better to miss a deadline than to release a broken product. / They told us right away it's not unfinished and will be tweaked further. Would you rather they missed a deadline?).

Though what worries me the most is the possibility they will need to spend so much time fixing the new UIs many issues, that they will actually really miss the upcoming timelines for the features announced to be released later this year.

We really have to stop categorizing people as 'haters' and 'fanboys' every time an opinion is expressed. If you think about it, it doesn't make much sense to do so, and it isn't productive to the topic.

View Postmarcos6, on 08 February 2014 - 08:33 AM, said:

At first it's a little bit cumbersome, but works. Takes a minute for that grey matter to see. We have all seen worse.
Basically I knda like it. It kinda removes the mechanic in a lot of us. "one may have to absorb there known calculations from a different perspective" and that's good for the Brain.
My only let down is Dragon cant carry 2 x ac 20's
In a month a patch or 2 and bla bla back to normal.
The complaint line will never be short. Lone Wolf >>

Can you make your comments more clear? It's hard to understand many of your points. Thx

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 08 February 2014 - 09:49 AM.

#759 UNO168


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 09:49 AM

The current camo tab does not have pre-made camo pattern with colors. like the one with cobra and pirate.
It only display the color we own right now.

#760 DemonRaziel


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 09:52 AM

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 08 February 2014 - 09:47 AM, said:

We really have to stop categorizing people as 'haters' and 'fanboys' every time an opinion is expressed. If you think about it, it doesn't make much sense to do so, and it isn't productive to the topic.

What I was saying is that a certain group of people will almost always be negative, or positive, no matter what. The rest of us should make our decisions and state our opinions based on facts and comments.

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