Ui Feedback
Posted 02 March 2014 - 11:34 PM
Posted 03 March 2014 - 01:12 AM
VXJaeger, on 02 March 2014 - 11:34 PM, said:
Trololoo, you can't

Only viable way I've found is to:
1. go to smurfy and build it
2. make mwo windowed in 1024x768
3. strip the mech
4. build the mech from the smurfy template one part at a time
5. check out
6. make mwo full screen again
Such a hassle :S
Posted 03 March 2014 - 02:26 AM
1. Quick and complete information display.
2. Fewer clicks.
Neither of these were considered when developing UI 2.0.
Posted 04 March 2014 - 06:32 AM
Mechlab: Mechs organized by weight class
Store: Mechs not organized at all
Mechlab: click and/or mouseover to view mech info
Store: can't view info at all
Do you really expect people to just buy mechs they can't even see the loadouts/hardpoints for? A lot of them aren't even on the website to view, are people just buying these blind?
Posted 04 March 2014 - 08:44 AM
odinsreign, on 02 March 2014 - 08:48 PM, said:
For an old player this is just confusing for a newer player why should they bother?
It went from easy to understand easy to read easy to play to " wtf is this shit " makes everything 5-6x SLOWER so UI 2.0? more like UI downgrade.
With this " update " It just makes me play less, Might as well play a new game. Thanks PGI.
I am playing a new game, Thanks PGI!
Posted 04 March 2014 - 09:54 AM
Just some Food for Thought. Feel free to Reply and see what you actually get.
Posted 04 March 2014 - 10:42 AM
Ultraviper, on 04 March 2014 - 06:32 AM, said:
Mechlab: Mechs organized by weight class
Store: Mechs not organized at all
Mechlab: click and/or mouseover to view mech info
Store: can't view info at all
Do you really expect people to just buy mechs they can't even see the loadouts/hardpoints for? A lot of them aren't even on the website to view, are people just buying these blind?
The whole UI is a joke and lacks alot of important info. I just bought a two camo's that were on sale and thought they would apply to all my mechs the same way that colors do. I learned the hard way that that's not the case. Most of this UI is guesswork on the users part.. click and see what happens. I feel sorry for new users trying to navigate UI 2.doh. Actually I feel sorry for the game and the direction it is headed..
HammerSwarm, on 04 March 2014 - 08:44 AM, said:
Which game? WoT?
Posted 04 March 2014 - 01:16 PM
Posted 04 March 2014 - 06:25 PM
Butane9000, on 04 March 2014 - 01:16 PM, said:
They said March... and apparently the expected early date couldn't be today.
All I can say there's a significant number of errors in the omicron.log.
The only notable thing (I'll have to put up a screenshot) that when I don't have enough MC for the MC version of consumables, the error message is that "Not Enough C-Bills"... which is clearly the wrong message for the UI to display.
Posted 04 March 2014 - 06:25 PM
Posted 04 March 2014 - 07:06 PM
patch today
now its to laggy to play
still cant read text in mech lab
tried all the settings for video dosent help
zero button still does wierd things with the menu
Posted 04 March 2014 - 07:18 PM
Posted 04 March 2014 - 08:47 PM
Stuka42, on 04 March 2014 - 07:18 PM, said:
You are right. They haven't responded once in this forum to any of our concerns. I can only imagine how many users they are losing every single day.
Posted 05 March 2014 - 02:23 AM
Posted 05 March 2014 - 06:01 AM
No new fonts.
I guess you really do not want our money.
Posted 05 March 2014 - 06:25 AM
I honestly do not think my post will be read by any one in the feedback or development team but on the off chance here are my initial thoughts.
In the US Military rules and instructions are written with a 6th grader level of english to ensure comprehension, Instructions and user level manuals are very simple and easy to understand. This UI.2 seems way to complex for what it needs to be.
At a glance:
Old UI- I could see my Mechs load out, engine, modules, and weight at one glance
New UI - I have to click several times to search additional screens to check each of these things individually. Its confusing to find.
When I am prepping for a 12 man or even a 4 man and my unit says, Hey bring a light with ECM or switch to a light with Streaks, it was a very simple process switching engines, Open mech #1 to configure, remove engine, save. Open mech #2 install engine, save. Click ready.
I tried doing that last nigth and it was a much longer process, it was hard to see what my mechs had, and finding the engine from this HUGE grid list of engines I didn't own was to messy and cluttered. A drop down menu like the first UI was much simpler.
Organizing mechs
Old UI - We could not organize mechs or rename them
New UI - We can click weight groups an rename mechs but cant organize them like I want.
I thought we would have the ability to Set up groups, my main mechs, my support mechs, my unused no engine scrapped mechs ect. I really do not like being shown trail mechs or additional mechs to buy when I ask only to be shown what I already have. I purchased Legendary Founder, and Overlord plus Saber Pack, now really considering Clan, Do I also need to be shoved these unwanted trail mechs in my list when I feel like I already have spent enough money on a game that I was unable to play for over a month due to crashes ?
My over all impression is that this UI was made way to complicated unnecessarily. Its cool to see weapon arches and speed and graphs and all that techy looking stuff but its not useful as say seeing engine, speed, weight, weapons and loadout plus modules. Leave that cool option in for Min-maxers but have that in mechlab under an analysis screen or something. Most of us don't need it.
The Old UI was simple, a few changes to it would have made it great. The ability to rename our mechs, allow us to organize our mechs either by tonnage or by letting us move them around to our preference. Getting ready now is way more complicated then before, with a simple button on top now I have to search several screens to get ready. Also the font is way to small.
Im sure this is all the same stuff others have said but like I said, I just saw my UI.2 last night for the first time. Hope PGI lets us know what they plan on doing with it.
Edited by Gamgan, 05 March 2014 - 06:26 AM.
Posted 05 March 2014 - 09:48 AM
This is a UI! An optical interface. I don't need audio confirmation that I am hovering over a freaking button with my mouse!!!!
And why upgrades are not possible to make while fitting the mech is beyond me, as you already acknowledged that it was terrible in UI 1.0, and fixed it then!
Posted 05 March 2014 - 01:56 PM
I was going to have a quick match before going to sleep but I got lost in my own mechbay, I couldn't get a good overview of what I had (Why are those trial-mechs shown on my on hangar?). I didn't remember the loadouts on most of my mechs, and when compared to the old UI, it is really painful to get the needed information out fast. When I finally found out where my engines are, I was staggering when I tried to move one engine from a 'Mech to another. During the transfer, I found out that I could not get a good overview of my single 'Mech in mechlab, the navigation listings on the left confuse me when I try to find out how many slots are free in my 'Mech and what equipments do I have and where is... well, everything. And in between there is a list of huge icons yelling at me.
Navigation lists are constantly changing and require more actions to move from place to place. Even mech/pilot trees are slower to check out now. If I click a 'Mech, why can't those efficiencies be shown over the 'Mech model on the right? There is just too many clicks, too much navigation, too much waiting for information of 'Mech loadouts and the basic information shown on the bottom of the screen is disappearing on the background because of its font, and it is also located far from where my cursor will be when clicking a 'Mech.
UI 2.0 looks good, it runs smoothly, overally. But it isn't quite what we waited for. I hope and believe it will be intuitive and more logical some day.. I had to abandon a bottle of beer when I got lost in my hangar and disappointed. Now I'll just open my bottle of whiskey and try to sleep.
Edited by SirDubba, 05 March 2014 - 01:59 PM.
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