Hot-Fix Patch #11.1
Posted 18 February 2014 - 08:36 PM
Posted 18 February 2014 - 09:05 PM
Posted 18 February 2014 - 09:39 PM
Some quick notes on the new UI 2.0 and Skills.
1) On UI 1.5 I used to be able to get Master level after having completed 2 Elite variants per Chassis. I know because I did it with both the Cicada and the Shadowhawk, and I specifically noticed that it changed with UI 2.0. Unacceptable change IMO.
2) Need to be able to:
a) see how much Mech XP you have on EVERY chassis, not only the ones you currently own, but also

c) be able to upgrade to Master after 2 Elites are complete like it was in UI 1.5.
BOTTOM LINE: I shouldn't have to clean out 3 of my 4 mech bays to work on a new variant or have to buy each mech twice at 8M C-bills a pop!
Lastly, I'm looking forward to seeing the new "Smurfy-like" MECH Lab. Thanks.
Posted 18 February 2014 - 09:46 PM
Posted 18 February 2014 - 10:10 PM
Edited by BrstCloak, 18 February 2014 - 10:11 PM.
Posted 18 February 2014 - 10:29 PM
... Or did I miss something?
TheDruid, on 18 February 2014 - 09:39 PM, said:
Um, this hasn't been changed since closed beta (well, the mechanic anyway... back then it was two elites for Master, but they were required to be different chassis).
You're able to Master a CDA and a SHD as long as you have three Elited in the medium weight class... so any combination of three medium 'Mech variants that are Elited... like two CDAs and a SHD, or one CDA and two SHDs. Also, I would prefer it if you would remove yourself from my lawn.
Edited by KnowBuddy, 18 February 2014 - 10:41 PM.
Posted 18 February 2014 - 10:31 PM
You guys are seriously starting to address issues? You're starting to surprise me! No offense intended, but I really like where this is going. Huge thumbs up to you Kyle! This kind of communication is all we have ever asked for -> a dialogue. So thanks for sticking around with us, I guess you don't have an imagination of how much this is appreciated.
Flying Blind, on 18 February 2014 - 04:16 PM, said:
Yeah... and those are hardly earned today. This might be the first time I really have to admit: great job PGI on this one! Keep on going like this, pretty please.
Posted 18 February 2014 - 10:52 PM
(Allready looking forward to 2-12 player mode as we get to know and pick up more mechwarriors as we go and 1-4 player slowly isn't enough and the huge gap to a full 12player is far but filled.)
And as I see all can enjoy the Griffin now, it is one of my favourite designs - so have fun with this beauty!
Great job PGI!
Edited by Ryoken, 18 February 2014 - 11:00 PM.
Posted 18 February 2014 - 10:56 PM
Gasoline, on 18 February 2014 - 10:31 PM, said:
You guys are seriously starting to address issues? You're starting to surprise me! No offense intended, but I really like where this is going. Huge thumbs up to you Kyle! This kind of communication is all we have ever asked for -> a dialogue. So thanks for sticking around with us, I guess you don't have an imagination of how much this is appreciated.
yeah kyle and thomas i think have been the ones that communicate most to the forum communities
at least thats what iv seen
Posted 18 February 2014 - 11:06 PM
Posted 18 February 2014 - 11:10 PM
Props on Garth for jumping ship. Nice to see that one of the smarter rats is deserting the listing ship. Wishing Garth all the best.
CW in 90 days!!!
Posted 18 February 2014 - 11:18 PM
IqfishLP, on 18 February 2014 - 04:00 PM, said:
Still something to cry about?
Sure... they still released a patch fully aware that it's broken. Handing over a hotfix soon after release doesn't change this fact. I take this hotfix as self-evident, anything else would have been the next poor mistake.
They could have postponed the whole original patch and get the hotfix right into it, without releasing a broken version of the game to the public. That would have been the smart way...
Posted 18 February 2014 - 11:21 PM

Posted 18 February 2014 - 11:32 PM
Posted 19 February 2014 - 12:00 AM
Kyle Polulak, on 18 February 2014 - 04:18 PM, said:
Yeah, right. You still manage to produce bugs like when people can't drop together in a team oriented game at an incredible rate. So who does the testing? Monkeys?
Zolaz, on 18 February 2014 - 11:10 PM, said:
Agreed and QFT.
Posted 19 February 2014 - 12:09 AM
Posted 19 February 2014 - 12:10 AM
Rebas Kradd, on 18 February 2014 - 07:55 PM, said:
Or they could have actually tested it and didn't introduce the bug in the first place. What people keep forgetting is this isn't beta anymore. Its a released product, that is bugged and broken in too many ways. But instead of fixing they give you new content, which is utterly meaningless. Give a candy to a kid and all his problems go away ...
Posted 19 February 2014 - 01:58 AM
It is most remarkable day on MWO forums since Clans Invasion announcement for me:
- PGI proved able for personnel reorganization (Bye Garth! Be ready Paul!)
- PGI made most quick and correct reaction on their own misstep (minor shortcomings like errors in posters do not count)
- PGI has confirmed intention to change spin of community relations once again (at least some of devs act consistently)
- Starter bundles announcement was a good step towards new playerbase (but please, check comments in related feedback section, they have so much reasonable corrections and suggestions!)
P.S. Want to hear 'well done'? Give us CW before Clans Invasion! ↓
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