Mister Blastman, on 26 February 2014 - 02:22 PM, said:
I don't program games. I manage tens of millions of dollars and play the stock market for a living. I also write science fiction. When I'm published, maybe you'll read my novels, maybe you won't. Who knows?
I don't have to prove anything to you. Nothing. I owe you nothing. You are dirt to me. Just another bag of air blathering on a thread on the internet. Except in your case, you hold yourself higher than anyone else because you have a degree and work in the game industry.
But guess what? There are people out there smarter than you and you'd never even know it. Good day, sir. Find another thread to waste your time in, please.
I love how every time I challenge one of your assertions, you tack on more things that somehow make you more respectable and knowledgeable. Just skip the crap and cut right to the part where you're a billionaire astronaut writing your science fiction autobiography by flying around space and punching monsters to death with your bare hands.
It's baseless argument from authority. It's meaningless, as is my equally baseless assertion that I program games for a living. I might be an industry veteran, I might be an 8 year old girl who's never touched a compiler before in her life. You'll never know, and that should have no effect on the validity of my argument. It's the internet, we have no way of proving credentials. Thumping your chest about how smart you are does nothing to advance the conversation.
I've very carefully explained my point, and you've very carefully ignored it in favor of waving your genitals around. We are at an impasse, sir.
Edited by Josef Nader, 26 February 2014 - 02:33 PM.