Medium Vs The World
Posted 03 March 2014 - 01:21 AM
Mostly went back to work with my Dragons Saturday into the night. Only scored 1810 which I see slipped from the top 150 down to 215th. To the Atlases I usually protect (even in PUG matches), since the Dragon is more a support mech, Yeah sorry. It is just for the weekend. It also meant I didn't waste much effort swatting Spiders, so.... To the enemy Heavies, yes, I was targeting you. Mostly in the 5N(C), though the 1N and 1C I have better stats in my profile, but seem not as much fun to pilot over many games.
Scoring... No, I didn't want to load up on machine guns and eat all the armor off. Dragons are such a large hit box it is more likely to survive if I can get the head shot and not worry about total damage points. Now theres a thought, least amount of total damage to the kill and you have to do more than 60% of the total damage along with the kill for the score.
Some of the lights did tend to leave, looking for that disconnected Atlas for the damage points and the kill. Not sure if the scorring took that into account. A disconnected mech should distruct on their own after a minute and not provide scoring. Just saying. Only some of us like hide and seek in a mech in any event and it is a rather pointless side game.
Would like to hear from other dragons on their score, though I would prefer that a breakdown by chassis type was eventualy published.
Had fun and killed lots of time so those were the importnt bits. :-)
Posted 03 March 2014 - 01:27 AM
Posted 03 March 2014 - 02:00 AM
Velah, on 03 March 2014 - 01:27 AM, said:
Agree, the prize pool could be a lot more exciting. Medal to the winners (even better: trophy that has to be defended next time this type of tournament is held), a free colour to all participants etc.
Posted 03 March 2014 - 02:01 AM
Velah, on 03 March 2014 - 01:27 AM, said:
300mc is still a free mech bay
and for most of us
this is the real prize

Posted 03 March 2014 - 02:14 AM
The criteria to drop as a single player (games where you drop as a team will not count towards your top 10 matches) allows players who usually just drop on their own (which most people do from the numbers shown) a chance to be in teams where winning is possible.
This is in contrast when very experienced players (who never drops as a team) dropped on their own only to a bunch of new players because of their high ELO levels. Forcing people to drop single is a good move to mix the better ones with the new crowd.
This is why I think this event is pretty successful.
Edited by Jeffrey Wilder, 03 March 2014 - 02:15 AM.
Posted 03 March 2014 - 03:06 AM
although being top 10 in kintaro is price enough for me =)
Posted 03 March 2014 - 03:17 AM
Thiak, on 03 March 2014 - 03:06 AM, said:
although being top 10 in kintaro is price enough for me =)
Being in a top is already a good prize, of course. And I am not complaining about money reward, but what I really want is some ribbon, banner or statuette, doesn't matter, just something memorable.
Posted 03 March 2014 - 04:05 AM
Posted 03 March 2014 - 04:17 AM
Waiting for the "Strong Scouts", "Hungry Heavys" and "Angry Assaults" Tournaments

Posted 03 March 2014 - 04:33 AM

-Jon (only plays in groups)
Posted 03 March 2014 - 04:40 AM

Posted 03 March 2014 - 04:48 AM
Glad it's over, this sleep deprivation is starting to take it's toll. Hanging out with my kid during the day and fighting all night, in some of the toughest battles since starting to play this, was fun. The frenzy for the kills was hilarious at times, and even conquest's were total mayhem of destruction.
Even though there were a lot of matches that went totally bonkers 'cos team went berserk in battle lust, there were numerous matches were communication worked beautifully and team play was what turned the tide to our favor. Few of the best PUG matches I've been in.
Thanks all.
Posted 03 March 2014 - 04:58 AM
I did only a few solo tournament drops on Sat/Sun in my Griffin, but mostly they were bad.
I used 2PPCs and 3SSRM or 2PPC, 2SSRM, 2ML with a XL275 and 1JJ as my builds. When the enemies pushed aggressively around the flanks, there was not much to do an I died in seconds. Usually by barrages of ACs or even LRMs. Nothing unexpected.
I tried to use 2ERLL, 2ML and 2SRM6 build for a few games, but the punch was just gone and people were basically ignoring my weapons and killing me with a smile on their face (I imagine).
The games where I had some good numbers where usually with me using PPCs and Artillery strikes very aggressively and people on the team also working together.
These games sometimes were so fast that I couldn't shoot many targets at the end.
I got something like 160th place (from about 700 at the start) with my ~15 games and stopped playing.
Every time there was a meta team, the game was too frustrating for me and I had to stop playing to not enrage myself too much.
In the end, the tournaments are ok, but have a few very major problems:
- kills over everything. (you need to get 5+ kills to get over the 2000 mark or very high damage and assist count)
- rewards for using assault/heavy mechs giving the "meta" more fun than the actual target group, because they can easily hunt the fragile mediums.
- solo and premades are still mixed for the tournament.
- no reason to be precise (head/leg shots or disabling a weapon) over high damage other than to take the killing shot.
As much fun it might have been last year to use a 3SRM6 Cent and blast an atlas in the back, it's much to frustrating to have 12 mediums vs 12 assaults (exaggerated) where there are also premades and ultra-pro players in the same game.
The only good thing in the match score formular is the substraction of team damage for your scores.
I would like to have something closer to this:
Objectives conquered (conquest) x 20 (assault) x 100 (max 5 per conquest match)
+ ( Kills - team kills ) x15
+ assists x 7
+ component destructions x 7
+ ( damage done + damage taken - team damage done ) / 15
+ (time alive - match time in seconds) /60
+ saviour kills x 10
So a match with 10 minutes where
you died after 8 minutes, killed 3 guys, did 500 damage, received 300 damage, 5 assists (4 saviour kill assists) and destroyed 10 components and helped conquer 4 bases in conquest (win) would look like this:
4 Objectives conquered (conquest/assault) x 20 (max 5 per conquest match) = 80pts
+ ( 3 Kills - 0 team kills ) x15 = 45pts
+ 5 assists x 7 = 35pts
+ 10 component destructions x 7 = 70pts
+ (500 damage done + 300 damage taken - 0 team damage done ) / 15 = 53pts
+ (480s time alive - 600s match time in seconds) /10 = -12pts
+ 4 saviour kills x 10
80 + 45 + 35 + 70 + 53 - 12 + 40
311 pts total
instead of 173 (3 kills, 5 assists, 500dmg, dead and victory).
I think it favours the teamplay aspect more with damage taken and staying alive to protect the bases with all you've got.
Time between death and end of game as a negative instead of using 20/10 for survival/death gives you even more reason to stay alive.
This might sound like you need to hide, but you won't kill/destroy anything with hiding.
And the saviour kills (like in XP and CBills also) will give a good chunk of bonus to further increase the need for teamplay.
Posted 03 March 2014 - 06:00 AM
However, in my opinion, this model could be refined and made better. For instance:
- Limit the number of drops (like best 10 of last 20 drops). This would bring a higher risk to mindless repetition.
- Reward more team play, putting more weight on team victories.
- Reward damage done in a more significant way - this would diminish the kill-stealing spree that we verified this weekend.
- Bump up the prizes and contemplate the whole top 10 spectrum, emphasising the top 3 (gold, silver, bronze)
- Create a full page for each tier, of the top 100 or top 50 so that more people get motivated OR allow some kind of Rank sharing so that that unlucky pilot that got the 11th place can prove (for whatever reasons) he got that place. Hey it's not a gold mech, but it has it's value.
Congratulations to the winners!
Posted 03 March 2014 - 06:00 AM
That said, the stand that the "10 best games" rule needs to be tweaked totally gets my vote.
The current system benefits people with time to burn way too much. Make it the "10 best out of the first 40 (or hell, 20) per class after opting in". If you keep counting best 10 games out of unlimited for a full duration of 2 days you're skewing the ladder towards luck and stubbornness.
Just to satisfy our curiosity, could PGI release numbers on how many games in total people in the Top 10s played during the tourney?
Posted 03 March 2014 - 06:05 AM
Reno Blade, on 03 March 2014 - 04:58 AM, said:
I used 2PPCs and 3SSRM or 2PPC, 2SSRM, 2ML with a XL275 and 1JJ as my builds. When the enemies pushed aggressively around the flanks, there was not much to do an I died in seconds. Usually by barrages of ACs or even LRMs. Nothing unexpected.
I tried to use 2ERLL, 2ML and 2SRM6 build for a few games, but the punch was just gone and people were basically ignoring my weapons and killing me with a smile on their face (I imagine).
I didn't participate in this tourny and personally can't wait for it to blow over and matches to return to some form of normalcy, I much prefer speed over firepower in my GRF-3M.
Posted 03 March 2014 - 06:15 AM
Reno Blade, on 03 March 2014 - 04:58 AM, said:
Why they not just use matchscore for the tournaments is beyond me. Win or loss shouldn't count at all because it's never in your hands if you get teamed with a bunch of terribads or newbies. It also includes all your actions, be it spotting, capping, damage, kills and assists.
I sometimes wonder what matchscore is even used for.
Btw this is my build: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...61b8aa04d873787
And the outcome:

I have played 52 games (+-2 maybe).
Posted 03 March 2014 - 06:18 AM
Bors Mistral, on 03 March 2014 - 06:00 AM, said:
Just to satisfy our curiosity, could PGI release numbers on how many games in total people in the Top 10s played during the tourney?
Well, when you limit the possible matches then you can almost quit when you get too many bad ones and it will be all about luck. Forcing players to not play the game is no proper solution.

That said, I would like to know the number of games as well.
Shredhead, on 03 March 2014 - 06:15 AM, said:
I sometimes wonder what matchscore is even used for.
Matchscore is useless because it's highly influence by damage done.
Posted 03 March 2014 - 06:21 AM
To be honest only went in the event just out of curiosity as I am not very big on this sort of thing but was curious as to how
I size up in the big scheme of things I this game as a pilot.
My final result was a bit of a shock and a surprise, I played about an hours worth of drops between gaps in training with my unit
while doing my usual 900+ dmg 4+ kills etc which I thought was common for one of my builds from the talk I see around here.
but never winning. this had me at 15th an I thought I might give this a real crack.
On the second day once the Europeans had posted their numbers I only slipped one place, an it took just 3 consecutive big wins to reclaim and set a buffer, an I left it at that though about other chassis but was chuffed with how well I did.
One final shout out to all the Kintaro pilots I crossed sights with or managed to drop it he same lance with. there was no douschebaggery from what I could see and the 2 I did drop with in the same lance while we gave it our all we wern't {Richard Cameron} to each other. tough I think I did upset ALOT of light pilots as they took up the bulk of my kills
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