Craig Steele, on 09 March 2014 - 10:14 PM, said:
So let me first start off that even the guys at Catalyst that run the BT universe have disavowed Sarna as a canon source. If we are going to talk about Canon, it cannot include Sarna.
(1) Fair enough.
(2) True
(3) False, all 16 other Clans voted to invade the Inner Sphere, that means ALL the Wardens too.
(4) False, this was never the Warden movement it was Ulrics vision. Had it been the Wardens goal then the two camps would have waging a civil war in Clan Space for 250 years. All Clans believed in Nicholas's words that they would return to the Inner Spehre and protect it / rule it. Never did Nicholas even hint that they woudl have to kill each other before they got there.
(5) yes they did, although I have said many times already that every Clan had slight nuances on how it would be achieved. These are Nicholas' words (from the Wolf rememberance as well)
There will be a time when our descendants return to reclaim what is our right. With honor swelling their hearts, they will crusade against the dark emotions that have dimmed the Inner Sphere for so long.
So key words are "we", ie ALL Clans, "return to reclaim" , the SLDF mantle as protectors of the Terran Hemagony, "Crusade" this word implies combat and is the cornerstone of some of the extreme 'conquer them all' interpretations "Dark Emotions" refers to Alexanders writings which basically paints the 5 Successor Lords as the holders of dark emotions, so it is translated by most Clans as the House Lords.
This is the actual guts of the Crusader vs Warden argument, the actual words. There is nothing there about interclan warfare, nothing about negotiating. The key difference of opinion between Warden and Crusader is the timing of the return. The Warden's believe that they should wait until humanity has a threat and leave the House Lords to screw it up, the Crusaders believe we go now and rebuild the Star legue so when a threat comes we are stronger than ever.
(6) They are both canon, but they are not in conflict so I don't see the problem.
(7) Absolutely not, and I refute the implication you make. You made the statement "Guess" and I informed you of the canon reason why, I also fully quoted it was not the only reason. Theo negotiated and was only aided by the visions. In all of these posts I have always tried to differentiate with specific language the canon sources and my personal opinions. This was a direct canon source quote.
(8) So what? Yes you are correct, but is your argument that they would have picked a harder task than the easiest path they were set? Tukayyid suggest otherwise as there Ulric quite openly wanted the easiest objectives and to land last in the battle. If you review my point, it is that there is no basis to say Clan Wolf is a superior military Clan on the basis of their performance in the IS invasion. They did fight the weakest army, they did have their flanks protected and hence enjoyed significant advantages. It's comparing apples to oranges. Clan Jade falcon fought 9 worlds in the first wave, 7 of them had regimental or greater defenders. ofc they took more casualities, they were fighting much harder opposition. They still won them all, ergo, same result against tougher opposition implies Falcons were better in a military sense. (Thats a very tiny sliver and not representative of my full opinion, contrast raised to refute your point)
(9) They were also the only Clan who didn't finish their battle against their opponents because Ulric called the campaign off before they could either be forced back or win decisivily. This is not evidence of anything other than they didn't finish what they started.
(10) Jade Falcons were also judged to have fought a draw, or do you only consider the Wardens worthy of any attention?
(11) What? You can't have it both ways. I have shown over and over that Ulric was fighting against the Clans seizing Terra. You agree with me here and then go on to say that somehow had he failed, Clan Wolf would have been the Il Clan by virtue of what? He picked a side, the IS and he betrayed his own Clan and the Grand Council to do so. He doesn't get to come back afterwards and say "oh hey, my bad. But were back now so lets play nice"
(12) OK? I am already down as saying the Crusaders were politicing and talking it up, whats your point? Politics plays a part in Clan society, Nicholas empowered the Grand Council as a majority motion entity so policiting is certainly accepted. What's your point?
(13) It's hardly an every day occurrence. Widowmaker was because they 'killed' Nicholas 'accidently'. Mongoose was because they over relied on politicing, Burrock was because they had been supporting the Bandit Caste, and Wolf was because they committed a massive betrayal. They're all unique.
(14) My point is (and remains) that Ulric gets no credit for what the end odds are and that regardless of those odds, they lost. The attackers forces are determined by guess who, the attacker. Ulric gets no say in it. You assume that "narrow loss" implies a strong casualty count. I have yet to see a canon source (Sarna not being canon) that confirms that but I'm willing to accept it on face value.
Let me give you another example. Is Kai Allard Liao an exceptional mech pilot because he killed 60 Jade Falcon pilots at the great gash by setting off hidden explosives that buried them all under rock? The fact is he won and is (rightly imo) celebrated for that. The fact is Clan Wolf lost, and their weakness should be acknowledged instead of hiding behind mechanics. I could argue that ANY mech jock could press the red button and bury the Falcon Guards under rock, it certainly doesn't make Kai great. But his later actions (Solaris etc proved he is absolutley worthy of the title). Clan Wolves later actions consisted of beating up the weakest IS army and loosing to Jade Falcon in the Refusal war, so I continue to maintain they are weaker than other Clans in a military sense.
(15) No, there is not. Once the defender announces his defending forces he is not permitted to change it and he has no input into the attackers bidding.
(16) Have you a source for this. My Source cover virtually every engagement during the Invasion and there is no mention of the 4 Clans attacking each other. The closest is the Bids between Ghost Bear and Wolf for a couple of FRR systems and the trials the reserve clans had to secure basis for wave 5.
(17) The fight wasn't stacked against them. Ulric made his request knowing it was 16 to 1, that was the vote. If anything he should be greteful the other clans bid each other down to 4 to 1 to give them a chance. In terms of culture, it is quite appropriate that the field could have been 16 to 1 and that what would you say, oh they lost because it was 16 - 1. Well guess what, they still lost and hence, were bound to the will of the Council by their defeat. That they defied the council afterwards is what got them Absorbed.
(18) You can make that claim, but you have no canon to support it. My point has never been that Clan Wolf was not capable, indeed in many of the posts I am in high praise of Vlad and his efforts to RETURN Clan Wolf to where it once was.
My claim is and remains that from 3048 - 3058, Clan Wolf was led by a traitor, twisted away from Nicholas's words by Ulric's personal agenda, tricked into fighting against their fellow Clans by a leader pursuing a personal agenda opposite to his own peoples will and was defeated time and again by fellow Clans yet still refused to accept the judgements decided in battle. The only claim the had to any success was beating up the weakest IS power in the Invasion corridor with their flanks protected.
My point is and remains that from 3048 - 3058, Clan Wolf was shadow of a real Clan and had it not been for Omni mechs would not even be worthy of the name Clan (and indeed, the Grand Council found exactly that in 3058 and approved their absorbtion which true to Clan culture, Clan Wolf failed to defend)
If you think I'm a Crusader guess again, I'm a big fan of Clan Ghost Bear but you don't see them activily sabotaging other Clans, you don't see them ignoring the will of the Grand Council to pursue a personal agenda. You don't see them rushing for Terra either. They are much truer to the Warden credos which is "stay strong until we are needed" and they do an admirable job.
I'm sorry, but can you actually quote that the creators of BT have disavowed Sarna as completely non-cannon? And in a way that I can actually read it for myself. Oh, and I'm not going to reference to source that I don't own, like the 183654 p. of teh Jade falcon source book that says "we lost, bo ho". I don't have access to that material. I'm also not going to go reading through the novels I own to prove my point either, as then it would take me months to formulate a single response back... Especially seen as Sarna has, so far as I can tell, been fairly accurate to what I've read. I also can not check up your sources, so as far as I can tell, you might be just making it all up. (I don't think you are for the record, but how can I know you aren't either?) I use what tools I have for references, and you are actually the first person to tell me that Sarna is not a cannon source...
3. The Wardens did not want to invade the Inner Sphere until Clan Smoke Jaguar manipulated events and information about the Bounding Light. That was the tipping point. Wolf saw through the deception, where as all the other clans were worried about an invasion themselves into their own back yards. So, on this fact, no. I am not wrong. They did not want to invade the Inner Sphere, but were basically manipulated into doing so. As it is, none of the Wardens, besides Wolf and later Ghost bear (as they changed their views), participated in the invasion itself.
4. I should have phrased that better. This is what I wanted to say , "The Wardens wanted to protect the Inner Sphere, even from the Inner Sphere (themselves)". Worded confusingly, and I didn't realized (with that long post) that it was worded incorrectly. It sounded like I was saying the Wardens wanted to protect the Inner Sphere from the clans, when I mean for it to be protecting the Inner Sphere from themselves... Makes more sense now?
5. (The way you are doing these quotes is making it exceedingly difficult to respond back to you... just saying... Anyway...)
There will be a time when our descendants return to reclaim what is our right. With honor swelling their hearts, they will crusade against the dark emotions that have dimmed the Inner Sphere for so long.
Doesn't say that they have to invade the Inner Sphere, just return. Their right is to create/join the Star League. They will "crusade" to restore order. That doesn't mean that they have been ordered by Nicolas to "destroy the Inner Sphere and remake it". The Wolf mentality for the invasion was still fitting. They didn't want to destroy the culture of the Inner Sphere, but police and protect it. They didn't feel then was the right time, or that the invasion was the right means...
You twist words like a Falcon...

(That's suppose to be a joke.)
6. But, by your standings, I am wrong, even though it is clearly mentioned in Twilight of the Clans why the Nova Cats supported the Inner Sphere, or should I say the new Star League... There is a conflict between the novel lore, and the lore you are mentioning from some source book. Wonder what Sarna says about this...
Something fun: "They were impressed with Clan Wolf's progress compared to the other Clans, and admired Khan
Ulric Kerensky's tactical abilities, innovativeness, and personal integrity."
Tyra Miraborg's fighter crashed into the
Dire Wolf, killing ilKhan Showers, the Nova Cat Khans voted to return to Strana Mechty to choose a new ilKhan. Sickened by the other invading Clans' attempt to blame Ulric Kerensky for ilKhan Showers' death, and further vowing to oppose any policy set by the Smoke Jaguars, the Nova Cats voted a resounding "no" against this measure. On the other hand, a measure to vote Ulric Kerensky into the position of ilKhan was supported by the Nova Cats. This was due to their respect for Kerensky rather than the other Crusaders' attempts to hobble Clan Wolf's leadership."
(On the concept of Diplomecy being a "cowards" and "not honorable" way of "combat"...)
"The initial steps taken by Clan Nova Cat were ones of pacification. As part of the process of sharing their invasion corridor, Clan Smoke Jaguar ceded the worlds of
Sawyer, and
Tarnby to the Nova Cats. Additionally, a narrowly won Trial of Possession won them the world of
Courchevel. While the Nova Cats had planned a quick sweep through the planets to enforce their control, years of Smoke Jaguar mismanagement led to worlds filled with discontent rebels with plenty of anti-Clan experience. Rather then repeat the Smoke Jaguar's mistakes, Nova Cat spent several weeks rounding up goverment leaders and negotiating a more amicable relationship. For the most part, the civilians of these captured worlds were content with Nova Cat control, compared to the more brutal hands of Clan Smoke Jaguar."
3058, Inner Sphere leaders cooperated to form what would become known as the
Second Star League. While the other Clans saw this new Star League as a sham, the Nova Cats saw it as fulfilment of destiny."
3060, with the goal of removing the Smoke Jaguars complete, the Star League would issue a Trial of Refusal against the entire Clan invasion. Now called the
Great Refusal, it pitted the best of the Inner Sphere forces against the might of the Crusader Clans. To the surprise of everybody, the Clan Nova Cat Khans fought directly on the side of the Inner Sphere rather the sit on the sidelines with the other Warden Clans. Clan Nova Cat forces, lead by their two Khans, defeated
Clan Ice Hellion to secure another victory for the Inner Sphere, at the cost of the lives of Khan Severen Leroux and saKhan Lucian Carns. While the Inner Sphere won the Great Refusal, this did not shield the Nova Cats from retribution."
Seems to me (and what I read in the novels) that Sarna agrees. Nova Cat basically joined the New Star League, seeing it as what the clans (their vision of it) was suppose to do...
7. But but... Clan Nova Cat fought beside the Inner Sphere to protect the Inner Sphere. That MUST make them trators and unclan like! That is what you've been saying about the "weak" Wolves, right?
8. They bid higher than the other clans, which placed them at a disadvantage to start with. They had to drop last, and all surviving Comstar fources could attack them, instead of just a piece of them (like most of the other clans). This was because the Clans agreed to let the Comguard move surviving forces from one area to another after a clan left. This meant that Wolf started outnumbered, seems to be a common thing with them.
Also "the ilKhan's offers of advice and warning would henceforth be ignored by all Clans save his own." Looks like the Wolves tried to warn the other clans, only to be ignored again...
"As Clan Jade Falcon succeeding in briefly capturing Olalla, and inflicted significantly higher losses on the Com Guards than they suffered in turn, the ilKhan and the Precentor Martial agreed that they had earned a draw." Not a marginal victory, unlike the Ghost Bears. So the Falcons did lose.
"While poor deployment by Com Guard forces allowed the Ghost Bears to earn a marginal victory and the savagery of the Jade Falcons allowed them to extract a draw, Clan Wolf comprehensively defeated ComStar at every turn, even when facing four full Armies."
10. There is a difference between a draw, and a win. Ghost Bear and Wolf was the only clans to actually win their matches. Falcon only got a draw. Or is a loss only a loss when it's Clan Wolf fighting four times it's number in a Trial of Refusal?
11. Had the Trial at Tukayyid failed, Clan Wolf was already set up and ready to take down Tarra. If I recall correctly, they were closest to the objective. He had it set up so either the war would stop at Tukayyid, or the Wolves would become Illclan through combat. Either way that the Trial went, the Wolves were set up to take advantage of it.
12. Just saying that manipulation of facts was preformed on both sides to encourage their ideals. Wolves manipulated the other clans into being less effective (while letting his own clan advance farther, which is acceptable within clan society last I recalled). Meanwhile the Crusaders made up facts and did some scare mongering of their own to get the dead lock of the invasion vote to fall into their favor. This will depend upon who you ask and which side they stand one on who is bad, good and who was clan or unclan like...
13. Wolf was because they bid such a large force in the Trial of Refusal (their whole clan). After a while, the Refusal turned into an Absorption, as it was one clan against another. Either that, or it would lead to an Annihilation. Clan Jade Falcon wanted to strengthen themselves from this, so they went to absorb Wolf, to help make up for their losses. Only to have Wolf come back as Jade Wolf, and then back into Wolf again anyway...
14. "The fact is Clan Wolf lost, and their weakness should be acknowledged instead of hiding behind mechanics." And most clans would have claimed that a dishonorable tactic lead to the lose, and it wasn't a fair mech on mech fight... Thus, the clans would not have seen that as weakness. It would be seen as someone who used a cowards weapon to win, and there was no honor in it to be gained. Where as, in the Inner Sphere, it was seen as a victory, and was celebrated as much. Difference of society and culture.
15. He didn't change it. He probably talked to the attackers (which is permitted) and either intimidated them, or tried to convince them that more honor would be had by bidding lower (which would be true). That is part of the bidding process. He may not be able to determine anything other than what he brings in, but he can try to convince or persuade the other person's bidding.
16. Oh, I'm sure there was some fighting between the clans. Just not much. Still some Trials for blood names. Some mech/supply trials... etc. They just may not have fought for planetary control. However, looking at the Nova Cat page, the Nova Cats left an entire Galaxy in their invasion bid to just deal and attack Smoke Jaguar (attack and protect themselves). This tells me that, most likely, the other clans did something fairly similar. Probably not with front line units though...
17. You seem mistaken again (in part). Just because they lost, does not mean that they are weak. They fought 4 to 1 odds, and narrowly lost. That means they almost won. That means that, yes they lost, but they are not weak. They killed more of the enemy than the enemy did of them. That should still say something. And the got absorbed because of the scale of the Trial of Refusal they started against the charges (and conviction) against Ulric. They bid their entire clan. If they hadn't bid that high, they probably wouldn't have been absorbed. However, then the truce would have been broken and the invasion would have continued (what Jade Falcon wished).
18. You seem to like Vlad, and the Crusader Wolves. However, the Wolf Clan was powerful before Vlad. From my understanding, pre and invasion Wolf standings was very high. They were considered one of the stronger clans, if not one of the strongest clans. I'd probably call them one of the top 4 clans for most of their history. However, there is no source I know of (or can find) that just says each clan's standings amongst the other clans. Calling them weak I still think would be a mistake, even under Ulric's command. Actually, with exception to the end, the wolves benefited greatly from Ulric.
I'd have to say, I'm from none of the clans. I'm a Davion supporter. But Clan Wolf, Nova Cat and Ghost Bear have a lot of my respect. (I like Jade Falcon for their emblem though...

Craig Steele, on 10 March 2014 - 07:30 AM, said:
(3) Canon very clearly states that Clan Jade Falcon was adjudged the same outcome as Clan Ghost Bear, which was NOT a defeat. I can only go by whats in canon as I have in every post and tell you whats written in black and white. Clan Wolf DID loose the refusal war (they were absorbed and became the Clan Jade Wolves) and Clan Jade Falcon did not lose at Tukayyid. I'm not going to start lying to you all now am I?
(4) Someone offered up Ulric as a genius and the savious of the Clans, I have shown irrefutably (for anyone without a bias) that is not true. How is it not related to the thread?
(6) It absolutely is. As Il Khan it was his duty to set appropriate cut downs for all Clans, he failed in this and hence betrayed the Clans. Really this stuff is Clan Culture 101, it's not new. The senior officer sets cut downs at bids to ensure his operational goals are not jeapordised. We can theory craft about the Clans going below cut downs if he had of, but had there been cut downs set the other Khans would have had the right to summon forces up to the minimum Ulric considered required without major shame. So here is another example were Ulric failed in his duty as Il Khan in ensuring all Clans were striving for the Grand Councils will and deliberatly sabotaged there efforts.
(7) The Wolf Clan source book only talks about one night, if you have another source that indicates firm dates I'd be happy to review it. But in either case what is clear in the source book is that the end of the battle was still not decided when Ulric called the campaign over. He prevented the Wolf warriors earning (or loosing) a decisive decision. If the battle had been allowed to continue and Comstar had counterattacked as they had against virtually ever other Clan then it is possible considering the Wolves were low on ammo, had taken heavy casualities and were bogged down that they too would have been forced back to their drop ships like other Clans. If so, they would not have been holding the 'objectives'. The only reason they were still there was because Ulric said , "oh dear, ok thats enough, no point now, we don't want to play anymore"
3. No. They were not. Cannon says they were granted a draw, because of the amount of damage they had done. Ghost Bear was granted a marginal victory because they took and held one target out of two. Wolf was granted a victory (which meant nothing to the trial anymore, as no one other than Ghost Bear won anyway), weather the campaign was cut short or not. Jade Falcon's did not do as well, or even the same, as Ghost Bear. They were not awarded a defeat, but instead a Draw. A Draw is still not a Victory.
4. He was a tactical and political genius. However, in the end, it wasn't enough.
6. He wouldn't be the first Illkhan to use the power of Illkhan to his and his clan's advantage. Why, Nicolas Kerensky himself used the power to farther his own agenda, and wiped out a whole clan falsely in the process to better secure his power base. He lied and manipulated the other clans into doing what he wanted, and then solidified his power in the process. Only difference is, Ulric got caught, Nicolas did not.
7. Did it matter? In the end? Even if Wolf had lost, or ended up having a partial victory like Ghost Bear, it would not have mattered to the Trial. Nor would it have mattered to the other clans. I'd also like to say they had a lot of energy weapons, so they weren't "low" on ammo. They (from my understanding) didn't have that many casualties, and in the end had the fewest of all the clans. They were in entrenched positions on the objectives, and could start to use the defenders own bulwarks against them. I don't think it would have mattered much, but even if it did continue, I think at worst the Wolves would have gotten the same as the Ghost Bears, maybe being driven out of one city, but would strongly hold the second one. That's at worst.
Out of all the clans, Wolf planed on a long engagement with Comstar. They set themselves up to go for a long time, including more energy variants. Ammo was less of an issue for them, unlike many of the other clans, who didn't bring enough ammo, and not enough energy weapons either...