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The Daily Whine

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#101 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 03:41 PM

View PostKjudoon, on 02 April 2014 - 03:19 PM, said:

Attack/Defend is supposed to be the next play mode. Rush mode is in the development stage supposedly. We'll see if those things are worth anything.

I have hopes for A/D.... but fully expect the defending team to wander off... frequently - resulting in either massive changes to the mode....
Or it being played like the 3 modes we already have.

View PostThatBum42, on 02 April 2014 - 03:19 PM, said:

Those people who use arty strike on the last man standing when their team is already stomping. ;)

That one is very frustrating.... especially when you are spectating (or playing) on the winning side.... and your team-mates hit eachother with it.

#102 loopala


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 07:45 PM

playing with over clocking... well in a good match. alpine peaks conquest. my team has the city start. my lance is on top so we head for sig. enemy all heads for thata/eps/kappa my lance gets sig np. rest of the team shows up and we fight a hard fight at thata/eps. team sticks it out plays smart using the hills for cover and for once targets the ecm mechs 2 DDC hard. so now we have sig/thata/eps/kappa. one of the red team snuck in to gamma. as the 6 of us that are left head for gamma... my pc resets GRRRRRRRRRRRR

still a good game

#103 Night Fury76


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 10:29 PM

View PostPoptimus Rhyme, on 02 April 2014 - 02:10 PM, said:

Ok so my whine may be a bit outdated but it is pretty darn relevant to me.

Have been toning down my playtime recently after the UI2.0 was launched, due to crashes and other frustrations...

I come back a few weeks later and what do i find? my stats have been reset, and while everyone else seem to have adjusted to the blank ELO slate in my absence, I am consecutively stuck with worthless teams that hide or suicide, my ELO wont increase like this and useless team mates detract so much from the experience i can hardly even bring myself to log in anymore, I cant remember seeing any decent coordination in the past 2 weeeks, i even witnessed a premade assault lance go for the wide flank on a conquest map to get at the enemy missile boats in the back, naturally they were long gone and occupying central high ground when the assault premade finally made their entrance at the enemy rear area, and everyone but myself and my ECM spider was dead, with little to no dents in enemy armour as the friendly main force folded like wet tissues when the enemy pushed over the ridge...
Have the game received alot of attention on childrens social networking sites or something?
Perhaps a console port was made that shares ervers with the pc version?
Or maybe, just maybe, gamers are by and large a bunch of worthless potheads that cant understand what they are doing?
Either way it absolutely puzzles me that the "R" button is so hard to find, that people dont use UAVS but complain about ECM and lack of locks, and that i still log on to get my ass whopped by a bunch condescending frat boys in their fotm no skill mechs...

*tears out hair and drops the mic in the toilet*

I may have been in that assault lance?
we took our 2 assaults and 2 mediums around the side on Tol to smash the usual spot where pugs like to camp and #$%#$% me if they didn't just blob up and push through and you said like a wet blar blar.

So you were that ecm spider that went right out the back, didn't type mech numbers, didn't communicate at all and because you were on such a wide arc around the side and back, we could only assume the main force was around there somewhere. aka in the usual camp spot.

Good scouting Sir, good scouting.

#104 ImperialKnight


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Posted 03 April 2014 - 01:05 AM

give one team the premade and all the better players and the heavier mechs. why not, why the hell not

Posted Image

#105 Poptimus Rhyme Wallace


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Posted 03 April 2014 - 02:33 AM

View PostArdney, on 02 April 2014 - 02:49 PM, said:

@ Poptimus: IIRC ELO wasn't actually reset. Just personal fluff stats (K/D, accuracy, win loss, etc.). You seem to be suffering from MOBA syndrome aka "It was my team's fault we lost!!" :D

[edit] Yep, found it.

Emphasis mine.

Huh? did not catch that as sarcasm... can it be true that i'm actually right here? (that players are worthless, obviously i was mistaking about the ELo being the cause...)
For the record i play supporting roles such as scout, harrasser and mobile fire support (C-1, 3-L, 5-D and D-DC mostly), i give ECM cover, throw up UAVs, report on enemy flanking maneucres and rarely do less than 400dam with 2 kills as minimum average, I do my part, but assault hide in cover, missile bopats attack hills and light mechs attack full lances alone all-around me every single round...
Did this game finally succumb to mainstream gamers getting a piece of the pie?, has the average skill level really taken such a dive in the past 2 months? if so, its a sad, sad day... luckily custom matches are soon here and I wont have to play alongside random drunkards, quadroplegic children and people in comatose anymore...

View PostNonreflectiv, on 02 April 2014 - 10:29 PM, said:

I may have been in that assault lance?
we took our 2 assaults and 2 mediums around the side on Tol to smash the usual spot where pugs like to camp and #$%#$% me if they didn't just blob up and push through and you said like a wet blar blar.

So you were that ecm spider that went right out the back, didn't type mech numbers, didn't communicate at all and because you were on such a wide arc around the side and back, we could only assume the main force was around there somewhere. aka in the usual camp spot.

Good scouting Sir, good scouting.

Nah, It was on Frozen, and I was smack in the middle of the friendly blob because the 3 D-DCs (only other ECM mechs around) and their HGL was going jenner highway.
we did have an ember pilot that rushed through cave and attacked the blob from a stationary highground position though, perhaps thats the scout you think of?

Edited by Poptimus Rhyme, 03 April 2014 - 02:34 AM.

#106 Caelroigh Blunt


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Posted 03 April 2014 - 10:54 AM

Here is an oldie but a goody: I hate when I'm dueling someone and a bunch of others crash the duel. My side or against me, I hate it. The lame ass gang tactics the game model forces us to play takes away most of the fun for the pure warrior. I mean, I can sort of handle two on one but when it's four or five on one, that's just boring... Again: for me or against me, it's boring.

#107 Jon Gotham


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Posted 03 April 2014 - 11:15 AM

My whine for today.....?

Where have the euro timezone players gone?
I hop from TS to TS server, nearly all dead during EU primetime. They come alive around 2300 onwards....WHERE are all the EU players?
All doggedly playing solo?

One night I hopped across ELEVEN servers-all near enough DEAD. This is very worrying......

Is there any unit out there that has GMT/GMT+ timezone players on?

Edited by kamiko kross, 03 April 2014 - 11:16 AM.

#108 oHans


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Posted 03 April 2014 - 12:28 PM

A new grouping system needs to be introduced based on weight classes of mechs and number of hours logged or K/D ratio based. tired of groups wiping 5 minutes in and being the only one or couple mechs left.

#109 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 03 April 2014 - 02:01 PM

People whining about LRMs :lol:

#110 Jody Von Jedi


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 05:38 AM

View PostUstarish, on 26 March 2014 - 10:11 AM, said:

bought gryfon. loved his cockpit view. hate streak gameplay...

Do you have BAP installed? It makes a big difference.

#111 Jody Von Jedi


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 06:18 AM

View PostThatBum42, on 02 April 2014 - 03:19 PM, said:

Those people who use arty strike on the last man standing when their team is already stomping. :D

I was brawling 3 lights on Crimson Strait the other night in a QKD-5K with no streaks, just lasers. I'm holding my own against them. Landing enough hits, it's a fair fight. Other team was winning, we're down by several kills. I'm under the platform below the pass. All of a sudden, I see red smoke. Too late to move, boom leg gone (dang Quickdraw).

First off, how can Art or Air Strike hit under the platform?
Second, the 3 lights really didn't need to take me out that way. They would have taken me down and it would have been a lot more fun for both them and me. (Of course I'm assuming it was them, it could have been a by stander sitting on the sidelines in his Atlas, IDK)

#112 Jon Gotham


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 10:28 AM

Just cheap exploitative play Jodi. Give people of that caliber a tool like that and they will abuse it.

Anyway today's whine? Another patch yet again in Euro prime time. you really don't like us eh PGI?

#113 Fang01


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 10:37 AM

View PostJody Von Jedi, on 04 April 2014 - 06:18 AM, said:

I was brawling 3 lights on Crimson Strait the other night in a QKD-5K with no streaks, just lasers. I'm holding my own against them. Landing enough hits, it's a fair fight. Other team was winning, we're down by several kills. I'm under the platform below the pass. All of a sudden, I see red smoke. Too late to move, boom leg gone (dang Quickdraw).

First off, how can Art or Air Strike hit under the platform?
Second, the 3 lights really didn't need to take me out that way. They would have taken me down and it would have been a lot more fun for both them and me. (Of course I'm assuming it was them, it could have been a by stander sitting on the sidelines in his Atlas, IDK)

were you near a hole? the rounds can drop through and if you're near the edge of an overhang you can certainly catch some of it

View Postkamiko kross, on 04 April 2014 - 10:28 AM, said:

Just cheap exploitative play Jodi. Give people of that caliber a tool like that and they will abuse it.

Anyway today's whine? Another patch yet again in Euro prime time. you really don't like us eh PGI?

On the contrary, they gave you a free license to build and play anything you want for a couple hours with no negative implication towards your account stats. Seems a good deal to me :D Use some of that free test mc on some priority strikes and piss some people off :D

Posted Image

#114 Jon Gotham


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 11:00 AM

That is assuming you have an internet connection that is capable of downloading it within a reasonable time frame:) I just got home from a 12 hour shift and boom! There goes 50% of my (gaming) time today. It's nearly always european primetime. They can choose other times of the day........

It would just be nice, if they could do it at a time where very few US players are on, which would coincide with not many euro players on. These times do exist...... :D

Edited by kamiko kross, 04 April 2014 - 11:00 AM.

#115 Fang01


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 11:14 AM

Ahh they made it sound like the PTS was on the same patch from last week. How does your faction keep changing all the time? lol

#116 Superslicks


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 11:19 AM

Id like to moan about!
Idiot team members that run into me.
Idiot team members that use me as there personal cover system.
idiot team members that shot me in the back.
idiot team members that go into scatter mode and run of to all 4 corners of a map.
idiot team members that think they are john Rambo and take on the whole enemy team single handed, only to die very quickly.
I could go on, and am properly guilty on more than one occasion from the above :D
I stand by my words.....

#117 Ustarish


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 11:58 AM

View PostJody Von Jedi, on 04 April 2014 - 05:38 AM, said:

Do you have BAP installed? It makes a big difference.

its not like i have problem with it. its just not satisfying to me.

#118 Jody Von Jedi


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 12:06 PM

View PostUstarish, on 04 April 2014 - 11:58 AM, said:

its not like i have problem with it. its just not satisfying to me.

Understood. I had purchased 2 of the Griffon chassis too and sold them before I had even the basic efficiencies unlocked. I know what you're talking about. :)

#119 Jon Gotham


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 02:35 PM

View PostKhajja nar Jatargk, on 04 April 2014 - 11:14 AM, said:

Ahh they made it sound like the PTS was on the same patch from last week. How does your faction keep changing all the time? lol

I'm shopping around for a unit basically. Most of my friends list is very empty most days. Many got fed up of derp assault lances/teams. Fed up of being outweighed by several hundred tons. Some left when UI 2 came out and most left when lrmaggeddon happened. Some left because of STILL no CW. Some left because Assaults/heavies (the overfast/agile ones) make mediums obsolete....

I've seen an awful lot of people leave the game since last December:(

#120 Kjudoon


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 02:48 PM

I no longer have Haven in my unit. Yes... I has a sad. :)

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