Steinar Bergstol, on 07 April 2014 - 05:38 AM, said:
Ah yes. The invulnerable prefab buildings. Now, if our mechs were made of the same stuff those things are we wouldn't have to worry about ever getting killed.
Destructible environment where bigger, heavier mechs could pretty much just wade through those kinds of buildings (with some slowdown and perhaps a risk of taking damage in the process) would be awesome, instead of getting stuck on what amounts to little more than a corrugated sheet metal hovel when it comes to structural strength.
I will admit though that a Gundam: Journey to Jabrow level of destruction would be awesome, but I honestly dont mind non destructable environments. God knows pugs would burn up half their ammo in a race to fell every building and the massive C3 headache that would cause.
I just hate dying from getting clipped into terrain -__-
Edited by Khajja nar Jatargk, 08 April 2014 - 07:23 AM.