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#11421 Jon Gotham


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Posted 20 August 2018 - 11:39 AM

House Davion in this event are just plain embarrassing.

#11422 Maddermax


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Posted 20 August 2018 - 10:31 PM

View PostJon Gotham, on 20 August 2018 - 11:39 AM, said:

House Davion in this event are just plain embarrassing.

I noticed Davion loses in the mornings and wins in the evenings(Aus time, so likely flipped for Americans). As such, I just make sure to complete missions in the evening, and I'm good

Edited by Maddermax, 20 August 2018 - 10:33 PM.

#11423 Bulletsponge0


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Posted 21 August 2018 - 02:31 PM

The level of cowardice in FP is simply astounding....

#11424 Electroflameageddon


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Posted 22 August 2018 - 07:06 AM

I hate leveling new mechs. Absolutely hate it.

They have promotions for when you buy MC you get GXP, why not when you early adopt a mech pack? I'm still spending real money.

The new mechs don't seem to run decent until you get 10 to 20 points into the skill tree. I really wish that PGI would give some GXP to be converted into SP for early adopters to make up for them eliminating modules. It doesn't even have to be enough to master a mech, just enough to make ONE playable and before you snap at me, YES I KNOW there are one or two exceptions. Those mechs are all in the tier 1 Solaris queue. You know, the group of mechs that are actually playable out of the box and will wreck regardless on whether they are skilled up. They especially wreck when they are mastered.

Yeah, I know that some people will complain "Pay to win", but what is the use of buying new mechs if you have to do the un-enjoyable grind and get absolutely LRM slaughtered before getting to the battle because you don't have a single point radar deprivation? So enjoyable to get a brief LOS to a LRM wagon and feel the rain even though you are playing duck and cover. Slaughtered early = no XP = No level gains = Why bother? = I"ll just drop in my Urbie and have more good games than bad.

It takes quite a bit for me to even want to buy a pack now. The last one was for the decals. No really.

Edited by Electroflameageddon, 22 August 2018 - 07:11 AM.

#11425 Bulletsponge0


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Posted 26 August 2018 - 09:00 AM

I swear, on Sundays, the potatoes come out in force... and the "matchmaker" .. well... its non functional, at best...

#11426 loopala


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Posted 26 August 2018 - 11:45 AM

so i am derping on my WM account over on the test server and someone calls my EXE build a cute LRM boat. HAHAHA it only has 2 Lrm 10s on it and 2 erll and 6 ersml. and proceeded to tell me what a stupid non meta build i was running. a hmm i thought the test server was for testing.
oh BTW lock time is ridiculously short. which is what i was testing to see

#11427 loopala


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Posted 26 August 2018 - 07:48 PM

so i am looking at the new mech challenge and i get to wondering, when did PGI do away with the "get a kill on (insert name of new mech here)" reward??

#11428 Electroflameageddon


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Posted 27 August 2018 - 07:57 AM

View Postloopala, on 26 August 2018 - 07:48 PM, said:

so i am looking at the new mech challenge and i get to wondering, when did PGI do away with the "get a kill on (insert name of new mech here)" reward??

I haven't seen it since they went to the new challenge subroutine.

Probably because it was one of the easiest things to accomplish in 90% of the released mechs. It probably was bad for business to put a bounty unskilled mechs. This caused them to be slaughtered in droves and probably kept people from buying new mechs.

#11429 mad kat


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Posted 27 August 2018 - 02:13 PM

Urgh another awful night of Nascaring at least I'm winning some for a change. But every single match is a stomp.

Some players are just terrible though Nascaring is getting worse we're even down to eight mechs chasing a squirrel on domination and geuss what losing to the timer. Spectate says it all though.

#11430 Electroflameageddon


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Posted 28 August 2018 - 12:33 PM

View Postmad kat, on 27 August 2018 - 02:13 PM, said:

Urgh another awful night of Nascaring at least I'm winning some for a change. But every single match is a stomp.

Some players are just terrible though Nascaring is getting worse we're even down to eight mechs chasing a squirrel on domination and geuss what losing to the timer. Spectate says it all though.

At least you didn't have 3 LRM IS assaults hanging in the back. 290 tons of useless. One that I passed on my way to the battle field didn't have anything but missile tubes. He died quickly to a light, whom he showered with confetti.

Normally, I hang with the assaults and protect them from wee predators like myself until they get to the front, but when I see this, I weep.

Then I leave them to the wolves while trying to protect the only assault asset on our team....

#11431 mad kat


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Posted 29 August 2018 - 02:22 PM

So tonight:

First match on alpine peaks, team splits up get sliced in two and mopped up by enemy at least I managed to AC20 a wolfhound in the face and kill it.

Match two, team does the same, splits up. I manage to hit a spider twice with the same AC20 both times the reticule flashes red but barely any damage registers.

Next match someone says form up on the assaults and go where they do (I'm in a highlander) they **** of and NASCAR and abandon Charlie Lance. We lose.

Then a match on polar Highlands our base starts getting captured no one responded to it so it gets to 20% captured and going down quick so I day we'll lose if we don't defend the base so I end up turning my long range centurion back to defend it and a Nova eventually follows suit find a spider 5v or 5d and a mist lynx on the base (no wonder it was going down so fast). Shoo them away to turn around to rejoin the fight to find our team has crumbled.

Anyway had a couple of other matches but they were all the same derpy ****

Lost every match and got stomped in all but one.

Edited by mad kat, 29 August 2018 - 11:32 PM.

#11432 Gen Lee


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Posted 29 August 2018 - 08:20 PM

Yeah, I was in that Alpine match with you. Horrible matches today. Bad teams doing ridiculous things. Teammates shooting me trying to hit enemies through my back and terrain. Teammates parking right behind me and refusing to move as the enemy trashes me due to being stuck out in the open. I swear, it's enough to make someone just want to quit playing sometimes. I would start playing FP more and drop with people who know what the hell they are doing, but I have no intention of playing LRM Boat Online.

Edited by Gen Lee, 29 August 2018 - 08:35 PM.

#11433 Jon Gotham


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Posted 01 September 2018 - 03:57 PM

Hatamoto-Chi FINALLY and no melee in the game. No katana action *waaaaah*

#11434 Bulletsponge0


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Posted 01 September 2018 - 08:23 PM

I just want PGI to actually play the game, just so they can see the things the players see every day. Especially the mechs with broken hit boxes, and the piss poor hit reg, especially for PPCs/ERPPCs.

But man, I cannot remember the last time I saw anyone from PGI in game... it has to be over a year and a half since the last sighting....

#11435 mad kat


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Posted 02 September 2018 - 10:57 PM

So i finally did it. I've uninstalled MWO...

...Reason being my computer gave me the red screen of death last night then restarted. Since then the game would load again but tried to put me in my alt account then the resolution was all messed up. So tried fixing that but now the game crashes every time i try to log in. The splash screen still loads though.

If it's a hardware issue i'm not sure i can be arsed spending money on fixing it.

I'm re-downloading it but should i bother.....

#11436 Alienized


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Posted 03 September 2018 - 10:02 AM

it is still alive... the hell you doin!
and yes mad, you should. i promise i wont massacre you again =(
(well, not on purpose....if you are red i have to )= )

#11437 Gen Lee


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Posted 07 September 2018 - 12:57 PM

Had a teammate intentionally teamkill me today because he got mad that I was behind him, telling me not to stand behind him. In no way did I keep him from backing up, yet he felt the need to tell me to not stand behind him. I told him to move his ***. There was one damaged enemy we were both tearing apart, and neither of us were taking any significant damage. I finish the guy off, we tag team another enemy and I get the kill.

Teammate then tells me not to stand behind him, after I helped him take down two mechs. I told him to move his ***. Then, while the team converges on and is finishing off the last two mechs, he turns and starts hitting me with alpha after alpha until I'm dead. In no way did I impede this player's movements, he didn't get wrecked because I parked behind him and used him as a meatshield. In fact, I was beside him half the time, helping keep his *** alive. I reported him, but you can bet that if I see him in another match, I'll likely be using him for a meatshield, something I actively try NOT to do in any other circumstances.

What would y'all do if you had a teamkiller on your team in a later match? Use him for a meatshield? Or just park behind him so he gets wrecked by the enemy team?

#11438 Jon Gotham


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Posted 08 September 2018 - 02:31 AM

Well done cowardly and timid player base:[color=#8F98A0]
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#11439 Electroflameageddon


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Posted 08 September 2018 - 07:11 AM

View PostGen Lee, on 07 September 2018 - 12:57 PM, said:

What would y'all do if you had a teamkiller on your team in a later match? Use him for a meatshield? Or just park behind him so he gets wrecked by the enemy team?

Hard to say.

Step #1: Write the call sign down. Refer to "L7: Bricks are Heavy-Track 10".

Step #2: If on my team, stay away from him. It would be to tempting to "accidently" leg his mech and leave him to the tender mercies of the red team. If I was in group on TeamSpeak or Discord, let my team mates know the score so that he is isolated as much as possible. Lone mech = dead mech = no enjoyment.

Step #3: Sacrifice blood and souls to the match maker gods so that he appears on the other team. Relentlessly hunt him down and kill him. A lot of the time he is alone, because his caustic attitude has spilled over to his team mates and they have referred to step 1 above. I usually try to back stab kill, it is some how poetic. If I'm lucky enough to play against him more than once and kill him more than once, troll in All chat, "Hey playername, was the TK worth it?" Watch the rage quit. (I got to do this once and it felt great. I may have been reported, but if so, it was so worth it).

Usually someone who TK's for some perceived slight doesn't last too long in the game. I rarely see any one who has made my personal "Track 10" after about a week or so. If the puss-rotted gods are benevolent that is.

#11440 Daggett


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Posted 09 September 2018 - 08:30 AM

Just had a match where someone accused a Thanatos pilot of aimbotting because he took head damage twice or so.
In the end that Thanatos had 0 kills and only 81 dmg. Not very successful for an aimbot...

It used to be that only players with much higher skill got accused of cheating by bad or mediocre players.
Nowadays scrubs seem to get triggered by anything...

Edited by Daggett, 09 September 2018 - 08:49 AM.

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