Bishop Steiner, on 22 March 2014 - 10:25 AM, said:
the point is that your main issue is a symptom, and one that will not stop because the main issues, the open customization, and pinpoint convergence are not being addressed.
I'm addressing weapons balance as a whole in terms of what weapons do for damage.
Yeah weapons convergence is something to be looked at, but by the year 3050 I would think targeting systems would be developed to at least make it possible to hit the same section on a mech (not the same hole).
Customization may not be TT spec, but MWO wouldn't make it if certain amounts of customization weren't allowed, or even worse, what if they decided to take away customization YIKES..!! I think if they did that, then certain Hero Mechs would be sold that would have a distinct advantage, maybe.
As far as weapons balancing is concerned, I would like to see PGI come up with a set number for each weapon in relation to it's range/speed/damage output, and stick to it, if that's even possible.. The other issues might never be changed, i'm not sure exactly what would have to be done to change them.
Question: Do you think they will limit the customization EVERY player has been able to use now, and do you think convergence is actually going to be changed, and if you do think convergence can be changed for the btter, please explain how.