Roland, on 02 April 2014 - 05:18 AM, said:
I described them as "low skill" weapons.
The box you need to roughly hold the reticle inside for an LRM lock is larger than the entire mech's chassis.
So yes, that's huge. If you have trouble doing that, then it is no wonder you don't like direct fire weapons, because you aren't able to hit the broad side of a barn.
Sometimes you speak perfect sense bro, other times, I think you stick to rhetoric far too much and are far too dismissive of the fact that many of us have just as much experience at this game, as yourself.
Very little of the actual "point and shoot" in this game is "skill", TBH. It is all easy mode, with perfect convergence, weapon accuracy only impinged while up-jumping, etc.
The basic act of aiming is indeed simpler in execution with LRMs. That tends to be balanced by the PLETHORA of inherent limitations to the weapon system itself, such as the length of time of exposure (yes a good team can counteract this with spotters and such, that is the TACTIC, the teamwork that makes the weapon work easy, not so much the weapon itself).
Let's be honest. Most Comp players are not about the "Church of SkilL", no matter the protestations. It is about finding the easiest, highest reward, lowest risk method to play the game. Poptarting is STILL that, by a landslide, as the results in the tournament, and the consistently tapering use of LRMs (and their almost complete lack in any 12 man I have played) show.
If they are true "EZMode" in a PUG environment, that is because the competition MAKES them easy, by being stupid, by driving slow mechs, by not understanding cover, by not comprehending flanking and simple basic tactics. Tactics, which, BTW, are another skill, even if the idea seems missing in the twitch lexicon, often. I have run LRMs, and generally find that boating them is about as exciting and interesting as Poptarting. Aka, paint drying. But then I have also fought quite effectively with them, grabbing my own locks and fighting in the open at mid ranges (the old Founders cat, 2 ALRM15s, 3 mediums and a TAG can still scrap). I choose not to do it most times, because it doesn't suit my preferred playstyle.
I like to get in faces and mix it up (which doesn't, as a general rule prove conducive to huge KDrs), yet despite preferring full on brawlers (and leveling up the most painfully unmaneuverable mech in the game, the Banshee, over the last 2 weeks), for such an EZMode weapon, I am barely affected by them, even when the other team proliferates with them, despite not using ECM or AMS.
If they were so easy mode, even facing n00bs, I should be getting LRM smoked every match.
Just because something doesn't fit in your comfortable perception of skill, doesn't mean it does not involve it.