I've mentioned it in a couple threads...but if PGI really wants to get some maps without paying money for it, release the map tools to those of us who've done this thing in dozens of games previously. Some of the best, most beloved maps in a lot of shooters were made by modders/mappers, and I know I'd sit around for days on end just making new maps to submit for consideration. Hell, I would even take time to redesign existing maps to try and improve them for various gametypes (River City on Assault, for instance) or create new variants (HPG Manifold post Clan invasion?) just to have something different to try out. I know there are some other mappers out there who would also jump at the opportunity.
And hey, PGI could even make a game out of it: submit your best maps, and anything chosen for the game wins you a bit of MC or a shiny cockpit item to ride around with. Like I said, I'd have a few dozen submissions that I'd love to make.
Give us the tools if your map making team has it on hold. I guarantee, some of us out here will come up with something that will be great to play on.