Roadbeer, on 24 April 2014 - 03:04 PM, said:
I said step by step. I have 4 friends on and we want to drop (making 5 people), Wednesday night (once LM is live), tell me how we do it. Step by step.
For someone who laments people being obtuse and argumentative you sure do appear to be well qualified on conducting yourself in the same manner.
You know that under the Launch Module you can indeed play with a group of between 5 - 11 players.
You know that only one person (the group leader) needs to have Premium Time activated to use the function. It is not "Pay to Play". There is no direct cost for every player.
So don't imply that you cannot "play with my friends" of 4+. Fact is you can and you have acknowledged this countless times.
What you don't like is the structure / criteria around the function. You don't like that you have to seek additional players to make 12 (although you can quite feasible play x vs x if you wanted).
You don't like that you have to find an opponent through a third party app, you want to be able to press launch and MM finds your opponents.
You don't like that there is no C-Bills or in game rewards given for the match (not withstanding that it may or may not be an artificial match designed for farming, like someone playing against his Alt account)
You want to play the game with all the advantages of Teamwork, Comms, Synchronised Loadouts and you have said that you're quite happy to play this game style against opponents without those advantages (indeed you even started a thread coaching other people on how to work the system so more people could employ similar tactics). You don't care who your opponent is as long as they are weaker than your team.
We all know what you want, but you denying that you can't have some of what you want is just mis leading.
The game doesn't provide you the full package of your desires under the Launch Package, we all get that. It's hardly the first time that a game has not met every individuals desire.
Your quite comfortable using third party apps like TS now when it gives you an in game advantage, but if a third party app only provides equality you're demanding PGI fixes it.
But stop screwing over everyone else and being obnoxious just because you can't get your way. Your past service as a "White Knight" doesn't give you any extra entitlement to any one else that has similar concerns.
Man up.