" ... having to try to determine an arbitrary number of players we would consider over powered in the public queue."
- I'm not convinced that with the rules coming in the Launch module that this will be the case, especially if groups of similar size are dropped against each other. A 7-man group (plus 5 solo players) against a 3-man group and 9 solo players is probably going to be a ROFLstomp, but match groups of similar size, and each team is more or less equally over powered.
"5-11 not supported" ... BOO ... "not in the trash" ... YAY ... "do not have resources" ... BOO ... "group launches, no matter what size, were always going to be a smaller subset"
- Let us try it in a reasonable way, we might surprise you. The subset might not be as small as you think.
"It would probably replace the current 12-man public queue."
- Please do not take away our ability to match 12 of our guys against random opponents, and put 12-man groups only in private matches.
"A solo player would have MUCH greater success at winning in the regular public match than up against teams."
- If those solo players are filling out groups of similar size matched against each other, so what? Wouldn't they have the same chance as anywhere else?
"... the Grouping interface cannot allow teams of 11 players, the Match Maker cannot create groups of 11 players (5+6, 4+7, 3+8, 9+2, 5+2+4, etc)."
- It might be useful to match 11-man groups only against other 11-man groups (or combinations), rather than cut that out as an option.
"The 3/3/3/3 rule still works but we cannot ask the Match Maker to match exact tonnage ..."
- 3/3/3/3 is going to be the cause of numerous "failed to find a match" popups. (Hint - solo players filling the gaps for one group per team could alleviate this.)
I am concerned.
The impression I get is that this is a "be careful what you wish for, you just might get it" kind of solution.
We say we want larger groups, you produce something that looks at first glance like it will be very difficult to find matches, driving the groups of 7, 8, or 10 who can't find a match to break into smaller groups, play private matches, or rage quit.
I also get the feeling that community warfare is going to be a huge letdown if this is the way you plan on allowing larger teams to play the game.
I might be wrong ... it might work the first time and every time, but I have a feeling that it won't. I have a feeling that the first time groups log in, join up, and start dropping, there's not going to be enough groups of the right sizes and mech mix to meet the 3/3/3/3 requirements and most groups will fail to find.
Below is my recommendation (copied from previous feedback threads).
Edited by Kageru Ikazuchi, 14 April 2014 - 09:08 PM.