Posted 21 April 2014 - 02:41 PM
Posted 21 April 2014 - 02:42 PM
Koniving, on 21 April 2014 - 02:12 PM, said:
Either you encountered Alpha lance (the larger premade group on the team), or quite potentially there's someone on the other side who took charge. It does not happen so much in higher elements of matchmaker, but in the earlier ones the players are usually very new and very cooperative.
This the best example I have on video (pugging commander), but I've had matches with even better outcomes from taking command.
One such match I saw a familiar face from my merc unit on the enemy team while pugging (dropping solo). I'm in Alpha lance. I asked him, "Hey there, you alone or got a group?" "Group, 4." None of them are faces I know, so they're with the Steiner unit he also drops with. That meant assault mechs. We had mostly heavies, mediums and lights. I'm quite literally the only assault and I'm in a Highlander 733 designed as a missile boat. Bad situation to start with. So I asked Alpha lance "Do we have a premade?". We had a group of 2 + me and a disconnect. Asked Bravo. "Bravo, premade?" No other groups on our team. (If there isn't one in Bravo then Charlie will not have one). So I took command. "Listen up, we know the other side has a group and we've only got a two man. We've also got 2 D/C's. I know who it is and chances are they've Sniper's Ridge." (We're on Alpine; it's the large mountain in the middle-ish closest to their side.) I told our guys if we engaged them there we'd have no chance. I assigned locational orders, I had them rush out across the lowest end of the mountain toward a series of two sections of cover.
I chose this area because we had two layers of mech-height unclimbable cover. Most of their mechs were not jump capable and the ones that were quickly fell into our trap when the time came. It took 4 minutes, but the enemy left their position (unable to fight us from there) and charged at us. They kept trying to breach north and south. I assigned myself and Alpha to the North, Charlie and Bravo were alternated between South and center. Instructions that anyone in ranged Jagermechs or Blackjacks get behind the second line and hill hump (it could be climbed, unlike the main hill, giving them the height needed to shoot at them and the ease of escaping when needed.
The fight lasted 9-ish minutes. By the end of it while we did have some badly wounded mechs and many out of ammunition, we lost 4 players -- one who didn't cooperate and died for it (and the whole time told us how stupid we were until he quit) and a few who were guarding the line. With no LRMs left in my LRM boat Highlander (733), I raised my single AC/2 and ML and led the charge near the end. The entire enemy team was wiped out.
My unit mate on the other team couldn't believe it. As adversaries they outdid us in tonnage, outdid us in weapons, and originally outdid us by getting to the meta position. However we took them away from there, fought on our terms, and his team had no communication aside from his group and no one was coordinating their side. Later he told me, "I felt like I was playing against a 12, well 10 man premade. We tried everything but it was too well guarded. No locks for missiles. No line of sight for the guns. All we could do is try to edge the corners and SPLAT! We'd lose another one."
Every single game I play feels like the other team in your story.
I really don't mind losing. But I want to feel like I have a chance to win, and at this point, I'm not excited to play. At all. If I log in and start a game, I feel certain I'm doomed to get my ass kicked before I even see our team. If I can't win a game with 9 assaults on my side it doesn't feel like I ever can. Even thinking about logging on right now, I'm getting pissed. Just thinking about playing is enough to upset and anger me.
And I completely agree, grouping changes everything. The couple of times I played with my group/clan, i did vastly better. But its annoying to me that I feel I'm FORCED to group to find any success at all. I should be able to win... something... without grouping.
It sounds like vets have a decent (50ish%) amount of success solo dropping, while the endless stomps are a new player experience. So, the answer to my question must be, me. I AM single handed my bringing my entire team down, as does every other newb. Whatever it is I'm doing wrong is getting my whole team slaughtered every game.
It sounds like this is a game you have to pay your dues, take your lumps, and someday things get better. I thought I was stupid enough to do that,
Edited by Onyxian, 24 August 2014 - 03:48 PM.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 02:49 PM
Its in the luck of the draw, and the quality of the teammates.
Thats why I like this game, it can be a different expeience at every turn. As ive said before, its not a console reneration shooter you can conquer by memorizing the A.I.......because there aint none of that nintendo shit here.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 02:59 PM
Posted 21 April 2014 - 03:02 PM
Posted 21 April 2014 - 03:02 PM
Fri Hjert, on 21 April 2014 - 02:49 PM, said:
Its in the luck of the draw, and the quality of the teammates.
Thats why I like this game, it can be a different expeience at every turn. As ive said before, its not a console reneration shooter you can conquer by memorizing the A.I.......because there aint none of that nintendo shit here.
Except it's never a different experience for me. It's the same experience every time I play. Miserable.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 03:03 PM
W, 11-7
W, 12-11 (great match!)
L, 11-4
W, 12-11 (most amazing match ever - see below!)
L, 12-6
W, 11-7
W, 12-8
W, 12-5
W, 12-5
W, 12-7
Now, I was surprised when I saw those were my last 10 matches, because I had this feeling like I've just been getting rolled lately. And there have been some 0-12, 1-12, 2-12 matches that I recall recently. But I thought I'd pick the most recent 10 before I even looked at them, and those are the results. Perhaps the most surprising part is, those matches were all PUG drops, I play mostly solo these days, and I guess I was on a roll.
But look not only at the number of wins, but look at the fact that in my most recent 10 games, I had TWO of them go to a 12-11 nailbiter finish! And one of those was simply awesome, team was up 11-9 and a couple teammates had cherry red CT, they got taken out, leaving only a weaponless Thunderbolt remaining on our team, but at least he was actively trying to get to the last remaining enemy, so it looked like he was going to at least have the courtesy to end the match more quickly. He got there, started getting shot by the last enemy - a legged Ember - and... he dropped an Arty Strike on him! The poor little fella was legged and couldn't get out, and he died. Our weaponless teammate had pulled victory from the jaws of defeat! Cheers went all around, and it was probably one of the greatest moments I've had in this game, and it's why I always spectate after I die, because cool stuff like this can and does happen.

Anyway, if I go back further, I'm sure I could pull out some horrible, un-fun stomps from my own game log, and when I'm experiencing that first-hand, it isn't much fun. But there are times when it's better, and I stay around and play for those times.
Good gaming!
Posted 21 April 2014 - 03:14 PM
Onyxian, on 21 April 2014 - 04:51 AM, said:
I really wanted to like this game... Scratch that, I wanted to love this game. But the only emotion I've felt while playing, after the initial gee whiz, is despair. A month straight of endless beat downs capped off last night by 10 straight games of 0-12,1-12,0-12,0-12,2-12,1-12,0-12,2-12,4-12(!),1-12,1-12,1-12.
I don't know how to post screenshots, but I took a few, and its a joke. My team will always have 6 people with about 50-100 damage, while the red teams *worst* will have 200+. Every game. EVERY GAME. I know I'm part of the problem, but just through random chance, I should get put on one of these fantastic teams once in a while??? Nope, all of us crap players get lumped together for target practice for the better players.
I asked this same question a couple weeks ago, (why am i always losing) and the answers I got were
"Bad luck" - ok, bad luck with the matchmaker I can understand for a night, maybe a few nights. But a month straight of bad luck with the matchmaker?
"wait for your Eli to stabilize" - its been a month. How many weeks of getting slaughtered every time I play should be enough for my elo to drop? Because I think a month is long enough, if it hasn't dropped by now, then I don't have the stomach to endure however many more it takes.
"Get a team/clan/group" - designing your game in such a way that new players are doomed to get destroyed until they join a group is fundamentally flawed. Last night when I was on, none of my group was.. I understand grouping is a distinct advantage, but I, and other players, should be able to play without getting absolutely destroyed without my group.
I want to know, and no one can answer this, is why the red team is *always* ALWAYS perfectly coordinated while my team never is? They know exactly the best sniper spots, they know exactly when to push, they know exactly when to fall back, and when they do they have covering fire to protect them, they know exactly when/where to flank. Every game. Every every game. My team often runs in 6 different directions (despite me warning them it will get us killed, then they call me a know-it-all. "Its called flanking, genius, ever heard of it?". Nobody ever says Gee, you were right, sorry, when we get annihilated though. But that's better than the names I get called while dead players are spectating me, so I have that going for me). And if my team actually stays together, we mill about like sheep.. kiling us is like shooting fish in a barrel.
I know I'm part of the problem, but *surely* I can't be the reason my team gets stomped. Every. Single. Game. The only answer I can come up with is that it's no accident, the matchmaker is set up to put all us crap players together for the entertainment of the better players. Yeah, I know that's ridiculous, but its the only thing explanation for what I've seen. If the matchmaker was truly putting together *even-ish* teams, then just through random chance I should be getting on the better (or winning) teams occasionally. Ive gotten stomped when the other team had 2 disconnects (so having me on a team is *worse* than being short a player???). I've gotten stomped when my team had 9 assaults with 3 DDCs.
I wanted so badly to love this game, but its going to have to go unrequited. I've run out of the neccessary amount of masochism, stubbornness, and stupid it takes to force myself to keep playing in the hope it will get better.
Good luck all. I wish I could say thanks for the memories, but I want to forget this last month as quickly as possible.
You can thank russ for pandering to the competitive players... He was the one who gave instructions to loosen the Elo variances which is now at 1000... so you can have an assasin with 2500 match up versus Joe schmoe 1500... so yes the match maker is borked.. and yes you are getting fed to better players....
do me a favor and email your complaint to support.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 03:38 PM
But I still dont understand whats going on with the OP's situation. Everyones had plenty of bad runs..just not that many..in a row..over a month. I mean if hes got a bad build..cant aim...no idea of tactical awareness..whatever..why isnt he that guy, on a team that wins..Ive seen plenty of those, plenty of drops with half a team averaging under 100 dmg..and we win..even if he is awful, he should still be able to be awful on a winning team more than he is. Taking ELO mismatches into account and all that..he is still only 1 player on a team of 12. I get losing streaks, doing little damage, and all the rest of it..but his situation seems a little odd, Id actually like to know what his W/L ratio is, to see if things really are going as sour for him as he feels. None of the examples of ELO matching/mis posted in this thread fail to explain why he is constantly paired on the wrong side of the ledger other than bad luck, which would seem to be bucketloads of.
Out of interest OP it would be interesting to see your W/L record, apologies if you've posted it allready and I missed it.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 03:41 PM
Onyxian, on 21 April 2014 - 02:42 PM, said:
I truly appreciate the offers, my wife cannot believe the whiny little b***h this game has turned me into (her words). I really don't mind losing. But I want to feel like I have a chance to win, and at this point, I'm not excited to play. At all. If I log in and start a game, I feel certain I'm doomed to get my ass kicked before I even see our team. If I can't win a game with 9 assaults on my side it doesn't feel like I ever can. Even thinking about logging on right now, I'm getting pissed. Just thinking about playing is enough to upset and anger me.
And I completely agree, grouping changes everything. The couple of times I played with my group/clan, i did vastly better. But its annoying to me that I feel I'm FORCED to group to find any success at all. I should be able to win... something... without grouping.
It sounds like vets have a decent (50ish%) amount of success solo dropping, while the endless stomps are a new player experience. So, the answer to my question must be, me. I AM single handed my bringing my entire team down, as does every other newb. Whatever it is I'm doing wrong is getting my whole team slaughtered every game.
It sounds like this is a game you have to pay your dues, take your lumps, and someday things get better. I thought I was stubborn, stupid, and masochistic enough to do that, I wanted to like this game so much. I don't think I am, and my wife is getting tired of me bitching endlessly.
you need to find a new measure of success
the YOU WIN screen is not the only thing that shows your progressing
this game is HARD! , like ultra hard
my clan is a hardcore Battlefield clan, we smash that game into pieces even on a bad day
iv always been a mech jock so MWO is totally my cup of tea
i got most of my clan mates into it, i had my whole clan playing for a bit
but most of them quit, they would cite bad graphics and things but they couldn't handle how hard it is
i remember the first time my clan leader scored above 30 damage in one match
he was so excited and was so impressed with him self
as far as he could tell he was doing everything right, using cover, flanking ect
he even survived many games but he still only ever did under 50 damage
i saw the same thing with all my other recruits
it took them weeks before their scores improved to over 100 damage
this is from guys who take a 34kills 6deaths game of battlefield and call that a bad effort
this is how much a noobie helps his team
he thinks he is doing great and by his standards he is
but in reality base turrets are more useful than noobies
all of it because this game is so different to anything else
there is always something more to learn
you will never master this game
give up your aspirations of winning and just look to improve your self
start by dedicating your self to one mech
how you chose this mech matters not, load out, reputation, looks, stats, it matters not what attracts you to it just pick one
after you have chosen your ride go here and find and read as many guides and threads about the chassis you pilot
only read the ones about your mech or its variants
check out the builds people share, try them
find the builds that are as different from yours as possible and try those especially
then over time save up and buy all its variants
elite them all, pick your favorites and sell the rest
(you can fav all of them

learning how to play is the hardest thing
never stop learning
Posted 21 April 2014 - 03:41 PM
kamiko kross, on 21 April 2014 - 02:19 PM, said:
I find players on MWO to be much more timid and cowardly than WoT, but WoT playerbase is generally more tactically unaware.
Also MWO has a much steeper learning curve than WoT has and you need your team mates more, so if you get bad ones the problem can be that bit worse. I've been having a monstrous losing streak ( was 70 games +, now just 13 or so-in ONE week) lately with some frankly shockingly bad numbers from team mates.
But that is life in online gaming.
If the op don't like it, then try something else till he/she likes what they find. But be prepared op for this to happen in every online game you play......WoT and Warthunder are my other two games and each playerbase can shock you in it's own way.

This is one of the best arguments I've heard for single player games in a while. Makes me want to go play Final Fantasy X.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 03:52 PM
go here https://mwomercs.com/profile/stats
click start and type snip in the search bar, then open Snipping Tool
take a snip of your stats, upload it to http://imgur.com/ you dont need an account or anything
then paste it here
if your loss rate is really as bad as you say then support should be notified
there could be some weird edge case bug going on
and im sure they will want it fixed
uploaded mine for reference, and i cant ask you to do anything im not willing to do

Edited by Naduk, 21 April 2014 - 03:54 PM.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 03:56 PM
Man I feel you. Big time. The best advice I can give you is to set the game aside, for now. For at least a week, don't even start up the game client. Just walk away from it cold turkey. Go play WoT or something "fun" and low stress. You are stressing yourself out on this game and making it worse.
Then after a week (or 2 even), come back to the game. Don't even worry about "wins" or "losses" or "kills". Not at all. Just fire up the game and drop into a match. Tell yourself you're just going to have fun regardless.
That is what I did. I was to the point where I was really starting to hate the game. Tired, bone tired of being fed to the "LEET" players.
But I persevered. And when I came back, my game was better. My playstyle may have changed a little, but I was still the same "me". Only difference is I really was having fun. Sure there were still stomps, but not as many, and I was having fun either way. Just focusing on improving my own playing, and not worried about the wins and losses.
Funny thing was, the wins started showing up, as did the kills. I started to not be "terribad" at the game. And low and behold, it was fun too.
I 100% agree that premades should NEVER be dropped in same match with PUG's. But that will never happen. Dirty little secret is there aren't enough players online at any one time to pull that off effectively. You start splitting the player base, and wait times for matches will get very long. So yeah, sometimes us average to below-average players get fed to the "LEETS". And yeah, that sucks. But when it gets real bad, I just go do something else for the remainder of the day/night.
And, supposedly, we have an actual IN GAME VOIP "coming soon" . If it comes, and the application isn't totally borked, it will help immensely.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 04:33 PM
Onyxian, on 21 April 2014 - 02:42 PM, said:
There's a few things you can do.
1) Wait for the 29th. The launch module is supposed to change a lot and the upcoming 'group only' queue will take most of the groups away. This means lots more solo-players and a single group per team.
2) Take command. Feel your team is a disorganized blob? Organize them.
3) Equip your mech to deal with what wipes out your team most often. If it's lights, boat a crapload of streaks on a fast and armored mech. Assault mechs and heavies with AC/20s, load up the LRMs and let it rain. Think about what kills your team most often and gear up to combat that if possible.
4) Hang back with an ER PPC (or 2) and just watch (and snipe). Your team will win or lose with or without you. But by hanging back, you can see what almost always does them in and perhaps you can do something to stop them?
Posted 21 April 2014 - 04:51 PM
For example .
A lrm boat needs protection from lights .
The lights when there risking there behind sending you targets need the team to make it rain / kick butt and help them do damage if they start attacking someone etc etc.
Problem is I've come to accept the fact as a person who usually PuGs I'm alone they wont help me they wont listen. I've tried to communicate doesn't work.
I've literally had people stand behind me doing nothing and watch me die. Tried to go in to help someone get out of trouble he's run off and left me in a 2v1 which would of been a 2v2 , putting me on the back foot trying to retreat that's what you get for trying to help folk I guess.
I sort of learnt its sad but trying to help others in PuG land will get you killed cause sadly in most cases they wont help you.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 05:07 PM
Flaming oblivion, on 21 April 2014 - 04:51 PM, said:
For example .
A lrm boat needs protection from lights .
The lights when there risking there behind sending you targets need the team to make it rain / kick butt and help them do damage if they start attacking someone etc etc.
Problem is I've come to accept the fact as a person who usually PuGs I'm alone they wont help me they wont listen. I've tried to communicate doesn't work.
I've literally had people stand behind me doing nothing and watch me die. Tried to go in to help someone get out of trouble he's run off and left me in a 2v1 which would of been a 2v2 , putting me on the back foot trying to retreat that's what you get for trying to help folk I guess.
I sort of learnt its sad but trying to help others in PuG land will get you killed cause sadly in most cases they wont help you.
Sometimes I feel like Im playing a completely different game to other people. Pugging can be frustrating, but more often than not theres more communication and assistance than Id expect, especially if I go looking for it. Game mechanics and missing bits aside, the saddest thing I find is that the game provides such a vastly different experience for players in terms of how matches play out for them.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 05:25 PM
Onyxian, on 21 April 2014 - 05:37 AM, said:
I just retyped and deleted pretty much the same rant as above... but it boils down to a question no one is going to be able to answer. Can't just be bad luck for an entire month straight. I can't be worse than a farmer or DC, and after a month my elo should have dropped. So why/how is this possible? And how/why is this NORMAL?
Jherej, on 21 April 2014 - 01:47 PM, said:
He wrote about "10 straight games of 0-12,1-12,0-12,0-12,2-12,1-12,0-12,2-12,4-12(!),1-12,1-12,1-12." thats a tiny bit more than "a match".
I experienced the same. I have days, where I lose 10 games in a row then other I lose 6, 7, 8 of 10. Statistically, if the matchmaker would be fair and not totally bugged, one should have an average of 5 wins 5 loses, even if I am the worst player on earth and shot down as soon as I engage, it is totally impossible to lose that many games in a row if the matching was really equal.
I wrote that in the other thread already but this got ignored, so its good to see, that I am not the only one who experiences this. Sometime I feel like I am piloting alone against 3 lances that coordinate via voice, you never see them alone, you can never pick one out they are smoothly organized while my team runs around in blind chaos. And not only one game, no, several times in a row. Prematched teams should only go against other prematched teams and random teams should always be random. Also the XP maybe should more count the shot, hit and damage taken-ratio because this is totally disbalanced and it frustrates very soon when you have days where you only lose.
After reading about your experiences as well as another player who had a >26 match losing streak, it would seem that there is something wrong with the matchmaking. It may or may not be working as intended in a 1000 match data set but no game will survive if it consistently allows such significant losing streaks to occur.
I would seriously suggest that anyone having this problem contact support@mwomercs.com who may be able to escalate this up to the developers for them to look into specifically. They are also more likely to be able to provide you with an explanation of why you are experiencing these losing streaks.
As a last resort, I second what some others have suggested and just take a break from the game and just re-visit the game from time to time to see if the game is more playable in the future. I know taking a break helped me personally and funnily enough, I'm playing better these days (or maybe I'm just fooling myself

Best of luck
Posted 21 April 2014 - 05:31 PM
However judging by the scores at the end of matches im getting 4 or 5 people on my team twice as good as me with the rest either at or below my skill level. against a full team of players on the level of the 5 best guys in our team.
Or im getting a match with a team that cant hit above 100 against a team hitting around my damage numbers doesn't seem right. Had quite a few matches where I've done 400+ damage the next best damage on my entire team ? 90 . The lowest score on my enemy team was around 3 times that, Almost made me wonder if I was being trolled
Edited by Flaming oblivion, 21 April 2014 - 05:43 PM.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 06:28 PM
My first Mech was one that was hard to play, the Awesome. What can I say, sometimes I want a challenge of taking something hard and making it work.
Since then, I have played nothing but Awesome, Hunchbacks, Locusts and Griffins plus some Trial Mechs in over 2 years. Only in the past few months have I seen personal improvement and might have gone up in ELO since the matches are different, less stomps though they do happen. This past weekend, had one match where a Spider was the last Skirmish player, Cicada vs Atlas the last 2 in Assault, one Skirmish outtonned 595 to 905 with no Assaults yet the Light Wolfpack worked and only a Shadow Hawk, Cataphract (one of two, the heaviest we had) and Cicada were left standing.
I would say be careful what you wish for, if you go up, the play may get better but the chat gets crazy such as the guy who kept saying 'penis' throughout one match.
You choice of Mech and build do matter, as does your communication. There may be tricks about your Mech you may not know, example I did not know about Light Mechs and water until this past week and I have been here 2 years! As for communication....
Onyxian, on 21 April 2014 - 04:51 AM, said:
Well, comments like the Flanking one you mention are part of why I see people die. Phrased that way, it comes off as an attitude, less likely to be listened to. I ever see someone comment like that, I KNOW me and others will ignore them. So I have no choice but to say your communication skills need work. I found the simpler the chat message, the better.
Spotted 2 enemies? Note nearest grid, chat '2 in E4' or similar. If possible, note type (easiest when you're dead describing what killed you).
Want people to flank somewhere? Note nearest grid, type 'Flank F6' or similar.
Other simple commands:
Group Up
Need Assist B3
Spread Out
Know the maps then know what simple requests to ask at match start. Example, Terra Therma I usually ask 'Flank or Center?' when starting, I prefer flank because the heat and narrow entrances are avoided, more room to spread out and everyone gets to shoot.
Recon maps in Training Grounds, get to know them. Actually spend TIME just going around seeing where you can go and where not. You may find places and paths you did not know of.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 07:23 PM
This is my main account. A decent, slightly positive win rate, people generally know what they're doing, usually decent games.
And I started an alt account fairly recently. And my goodness - the things I see when I spectate - Battlemasters with nothing but 2 LRM20s, a Catapult with a small laser and nothing else, 3ERPPCs on what had to be standard heatsinks......and that's just the loadout.
And the behaviour? Bumping into an enemy Mech at 200m and standing still. Repeatedly alpha-striking a hill. Firing 2 PPCs, an AC20 and an SRM6 at 800m. Ignoring a Victor with his back to the player and hitting a weaponless Blackjack instead. Charging across the map in an Atlas DDC and wasting ammo on a DC with Ultra-ACs at 900m. Being unable to maintain an LRM lock on a Jagermech at 600m.
There is a huge, huge discrepancy between the level of players you are teamed with as an experienced player, and as a new player.
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