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#241 Roadbeer


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 05:26 PM

View PostHeffay, on 22 April 2014 - 05:10 PM, said:

Pfft... no gold mech. Your opinion is irrelevant.

I want to own one.
Just need PGI to give me a reason to buy one.

#242 Heffay

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Posted 22 April 2014 - 05:29 PM

View PostRoadbeer, on 22 April 2014 - 05:26 PM, said:

I want to own one.
Just need PGI to give me a reason to buy one.

Until you do, and according to your very own statements, your opinion is of less value than a gold mech owner. Thank you for your input, it will be filed accordingly.

#243 80sGlamRockSensation David Bowie


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 05:41 PM

View PostMwHighlander, on 21 April 2014 - 12:45 PM, said:

I drop solo for the following reasons:

1) No one in my friends is online.
2) My friends list is grey, because no one wants to put up with PGI's bs/dissapointment
3) I usually once at most every two weeks to see what unlisted changes happened that patch

Edited by mwhighlander, 22 April 2014 - 05:42 PM.

#244 Daekar


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 06:10 PM

View PostSandpit, on 22 April 2014 - 06:00 PM, said:

seriously Heffay? Do you really want to do this and go this route?

I think he was pointing out that both like:post ratio and gold mech ownership are equally ridiculous ways of determining who has an opinion worth listening to.

But hey, what do I know, I don't even know my like:post ratio. I'm pretty sure that green bar in my profile that says "Excellent" has the number of likes I've gotten on it, but I'm not sure.

#245 Col Jaime Wolf


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 06:31 PM

i drop solo because.....

its fun to lone wolf

group size restrictions


but ya feels lonely sometimes

#246 Heffay

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Posted 22 April 2014 - 06:55 PM

View PostDaekar, on 22 April 2014 - 06:10 PM, said:

I think he was pointing out that both like:post ratio and gold mech ownership are equally ridiculous ways of determining who has an opinion worth listening to.

But hey, what do I know, I don't even know my like:post ratio. I'm pretty sure that green bar in my profile that says "Excellent" has the number of likes I've gotten on it, but I'm not sure.

Actually, I was mocking the fact that Roadbeer in the past has said a few times that people who spend less money on the game should have less of an input into the direction the game goes.

Ergo, I disagree with him and until he steps up to the plate, his opinion is irrelevant. :angry:

#247 Sandpit


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 08:18 PM

View PostHeffay, on 22 April 2014 - 06:55 PM, said:

Actually, I was mocking the fact that Roadbeer in the past has said a few times that people who spend less money on the game should have less of an input into the direction the game goes.

Ergo, I disagree with him and until he steps up to the plate, his opinion is irrelevant. :angry:

It's not a matter of an opinion have more input. It's a legitimate factor for a game like this. One of our, Road I know and myself, main arguments FOR groups is that organized units TYPICALLY bring in more money than the average casual player. Units that do things like spend money for websites, TS servers, chat channels, etc. are more apt to spend money on a steadier basis. They are the ones that typically are on more often, grind up more often, spend more money, etc. THAT'S what we're getting at with that.

Also, SOME of what we say is a bit tongue in cheek. We get frustrated and irritated just like anyone else. You know dam well Heffay that we have spent countless hours and dollars supporting PGI. We've called people out for their mindless drivel. We still do. If you want to ignore 2 years of that and try to get the ideas, sentiments, and statements dismissed as something it's not then I guess we'll just agree to disagree

#248 GrandLocomon


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 08:23 PM

I drop solo because I like a challenge [frustrating, frustrating challenge]. Dropping in a premade seems like 'easy mode' - I guess at least until your ELO goes up and then I'd be worried it wouldn't be fun anymore [Jump snipers everywhere!]. Also I don't like making friends, I'm far too shy for that.

#249 Aym


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 08:28 PM

So, back on topic, we have some excellent posts, I'll get some time and get the few dozen people who have replied with why they solo drop compiled, please spread the word to others you know who solo drop to help here. I've added a lot of reasons to the list, I'll edit the OP with them in the morning. A lot of interesting stuff here to help people broaden their perception of how and why people play Solo.

#250 Captain Stiffy


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 08:30 PM

I honestly just can't be bothered to deal with finding/joining a guild, teamspeak, blah. Every one of those features should be built into the game. This is normal everyday MMO stuff.

In any game that has these features one can see that every single person is in a guild/clan etc...

#251 Nyden


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 08:42 PM

I solo drop exclusively.

I don't have any friends who play, and I can't recommend the game to anyone who hasn't already tried it do to it's current state.

Grouping is tough to accomplish and, without proper in game search and communication tools, isn't worth the effort for the two or three or four matches I'm going to play before I move on to doing something else for a while. I don't want to install and run third party software for a pretty casual game experience (the game is too shallow to be much else).

If the game had built in VOIP, this hole thread would be irrelevant.

#252 Problem Child


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 08:55 PM

I drop solo. I've never grouped, and while I'm not ruling out completely I can't imagine it'll ever happen. Why do I solo?

1. Convenience.
I don't live in the US or Europe, so I'm on at odd times. Sometimes I have 15 minutes spare before I go out, sometimes I have an hour or so, sometimes I don't know when I'll have to drop everything and attend to something else. In any case, I want to play when I want to play, not when some chucklehead on the other side of the world says I can. I don't want to spend half an hour waiting while another chucklehead talks about TV shows I'll never see; I don't want to faff about with making sure I have whatever 3rd-party program is working properly; I don't want to wait for J Random Munter to decide they need another for their group and pick my name out of the hat. I want to play the goddamn game.
For reasons best known to themselves PGI has essentially ignored the teamplay aspects of the game, so even if I find someone in a random drop that I worked well with it's virtually impossible to track them down later. With no chance to develop relationships, there's no-one that I particularly want to work with. Perhaps if some of my real-life friends played the game I might feel differently, but since the game is so unfinished that I feel ashamed to admit that I play it, I don't see that happening. Which ties in to...

2. Community.
I only post here when there's something that really gets me worked up, so I'm not a common sight on the forums. But I read them, oh yes I do. I know what people say about those of us who solo-drop, or PUG exclusively. I think you're wrong, but it doesn't matter. Because to be entirely honest, I don't want to associate with most of the people I see posting here. The arrogance, e-peen stroking, snobbery, petty bickering, willful blindness to opinions, unwillingness to accept valid points, rudeness to other posters and a host of similar things all combine to make these the least pleasant game forums I have ever visited.
This thread is a prime example, if a bit more civil than most. The usual suspects have appeared, having already decided what the correct answer is to the topic of the thread, and by now it has degenerated into the usual situations where they spend all their time talking at members of the opposing camp. I have no expectation that anyone is actually listening any more.

I don't want to be a part of any community that acts like that, and so I drop solo.

#253 Eximar


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 09:01 PM

I drop solo because 95% of my play time is at the office (it's good to own the company), so I can't commit to being on vent/ts or grouping as I have to afk too randomly.

When I'm at home, I devote my time to my wife and daughters.

#254 Agent 0 Fortune


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 09:04 PM

View PostCaptain Stiffy, on 22 April 2014 - 08:30 PM, said:

I honestly just can't be bothered to deal with finding/joining a guild, teamspeak, blah. Every one of those features should be built into the game. This is normal everyday MMO stuff.

In any game that has these features one can see that every single person is in a guild/clan etc...

As someone who is very pro-solo, I have to comment that finding a group of strangers to play with isn't difficult. I was a member of an extraordinary merc company whom I occasionally drop with. I cannot say enough about the great individuals I have met through this game, but...

Personalty I do not not require a lot of fraternal interaction to create an enjoyable experience. Grouping is a means to an end, not a part of my social infrastructure.

I do not get bent out of shape about the line between premade and solo because to me they are two sides of the same coin. One plays to enjoy, the other to compete. Where I do take exception is to the weak-hearted individuals who feel the need to play competitively against casual players.

The problem is population, the solution is not the drop new players against established teams, but to ease them into a competitive encouragement. Essentially make players want to achieve, not force them to grind until they quit.

I see this as more of an ELO, matchmaker, and population problem, than solo vs. group play issue. However having said that, I am a much greater proponent of attracting new players than propping up the Win/Loss of established groups. Which is why I maintain a "suck it up and 12 man" stance vs. "**** the newbs" attitude. Essentially build before you destroy.

#255 Ngamok


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 09:14 PM

View PostAnton Shiningstar, on 22 April 2014 - 03:46 PM, said:

I drop solo to see what all the complaining is about... I still don't see it?

Posted Image

#256 Aym


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 09:15 PM

View PostProblem Child, on 22 April 2014 - 08:55 PM, said:

I drop solo. I've never grouped, and while I'm not ruling out completely I can't imagine it'll ever happen. Why do I solo?

1. Convenience.
I don't live in the US or Europe, so I'm on at odd times. Sometimes I have 15 minutes spare before I go out, sometimes I have an hour or so, sometimes I don't know when I'll have to drop everything and attend to something else. In any case, I want to play when I want to play, not when some chucklehead on the other side of the world says I can. I don't want to spend half an hour waiting while another chucklehead talks about TV shows I'll never see; I don't want to faff about with making sure I have whatever 3rd-party program is working properly; I don't want to wait for J Random Munter to decide they need another for their group and pick my name out of the hat. I want to play the goddamn game.
For reasons best known to themselves PGI has essentially ignored the teamplay aspects of the game, so even if I find someone in a random drop that I worked well with it's virtually impossible to track them down later. With no chance to develop relationships, there's no-one that I particularly want to work with. Perhaps if some of my real-life friends played the game I might feel differently, but since the game is so unfinished that I feel ashamed to admit that I play it, I don't see that happening. Which ties in to...

2. Community.
I only post here when there's something that really gets me worked up, so I'm not a common sight on the forums. But I read them, oh yes I do. I know what people say about those of us who solo-drop, or PUG exclusively. I think you're wrong, but it doesn't matter. Because to be entirely honest, I don't want to associate with most of the people I see posting here. The arrogance, e-peen stroking, snobbery, petty bickering, willful blindness to opinions, unwillingness to accept valid points, rudeness to other posters and a host of similar things all combine to make these the least pleasant game forums I have ever visited.
This thread is a prime example, if a bit more civil than most. The usual suspects have appeared, having already decided what the correct answer is to the topic of the thread, and by now it has degenerated into the usual situations where they spend all their time talking at members of the opposing camp. I have no expectation that anyone is actually listening any more.

I don't want to be a part of any community that acts like that, and so I drop solo.

It had degenerated a bit, but as long as people like you keep coming to post your opinions, we won't let the de-railing attempts win!

#257 Monky


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 09:16 PM

I drop solo only and I want a solo only queue. Then the people who don't want to deal with groups don't have to and they can drop the restrictions on group + pug play as far as how the groups are formed.

#258 p4r4g0n


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 09:26 PM

Given that a very small portion of the player base participates in the forums, how much traction is this initiative going to have with PGI / IGP? Nonetheless, since you asked:-

I primarily drop solo because I just casual play since there is nothing in the game currently but MOBA and this never holds my attention for long. Show me CW and I'll re-evaluate.

I also find that I enjoy the variability of dropping solo and the minimal sense of obligation to the rest of team. I feel bad when I group and find (or feel) that I'm dragging the group down. In other words, if I start grouping regularly I'm going to feel compelled to take the game more seriously.

As you can tell, group restrictions don't really bug me per se as I've rarely participated in groups greater than 4. However, I do support that a limited number of solos should be able to drop in a primarily group queue as I believe that there is a need for a transitory environments that facilitates solo players gradually getting used to dropping in bigger groups.

#259 Aym


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 09:28 PM

View Postp4r4g0n, on 22 April 2014 - 09:26 PM, said:

Given that a very small portion of the player base participates in the forums, how much traction is this initiative going to have with PGI / IGP? Nonetheless, since you asked:-

I primarily drop solo because I just casual play since there is nothing in the game currently but MOBA and this never holds my attention for long. Show me CW and I'll re-evaluate.

I also find that I enjoy the variability of dropping solo and the minimal sense of obligation to the rest of team. I feel bad when I group and find (or feel) that I'm dragging the group down. In other words, if I start grouping regularly I'm going to feel compelled to take the game more seriously.

As you can tell, group restrictions don't really bug me per se as I've rarely participated in groups greater than 4. However, I do support that a limited number of solos should be able to drop in a primarily group queue as I believe that there is a need for a transitory environments that facilitates solo players gradually getting used to dropping in bigger groups.

There is no way to poll opinions other than to ask on the forums, hopefully this thread will get honest opinions from players, not trolling and de-railing. Thank you for participating. Traction with PGI/IGP would be great, but not honestly expected, this is mostly for edification and enjoyment.

#260 smokefield


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 09:45 PM

i actually dont find any more reasons than the original post listed.

when my friends are online we drop as a team.

this is a team game ffs. and should be a tactical team game. who in the hell would want to drop solo ?

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