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Why I Cant Get Anyone To Play Mwo For Long

General Balance Gameplay

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#261 Nightfire


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 02:02 AM

View PostCraig Steele, on 29 April 2014 - 01:29 AM, said:

I'm not going to jump in and pull you to pieces, but there are several of your statements that read to me as just as anectdotal / personal as the guy you were conversing with.

There is nothing wrong with anecdotal/personal statements. Never said there was. The problem arises when such statements are extended to assign opinions to others that are not only not speaking, there is no way to actually confirm that said group acts, thinks or believes in said way. Don't confuse my dismissal of anecdotal evidence as proof of generalised fact as a dismissal of anecdotal evidence as a potential problem worth investigating.

As a point, nothing (other than the conceded point) I stated in the two quotes you presented spoke for anyone other than myself or presented points made from something than other factual points of data. My experience of R&R definitely differed from Davers's experience but I don't dismiss his experience. I do disagree on his assertion that R&R was pay to win and I presented my evidence for such beyond my own anecdotal experience.

Having an opinion is fine, everyone has one. Having an informed opinion is obviously better. Presenting your opinion as fact for everyone else, isn't. Especially if you have nothing to base it on.


Ergo to my read at least, I can treat both sides of the conversation according to my own values or adopt your post that I quoted and apply equally to both sides.

As you wish. However if you cannot see the difference in the grounding of the claims in the two posters then I'm not sure I am able to demonstrate the difference to you convincingly.


You are both right though, the new player experience is ordinary in the extreme.

This is true. We do differ on the why but we don't disagree on the ultimate what.

#262 Grimmrog


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 03:47 AM

I play the game now for a bit over a week. And well its not hard to judge why the game is having troubles with keeping players.

FUN. And this is the ONLY reason why someone will play a game.

Fun is something that "pro" gamers do not understand anymore, they replaced it with winnign at all costs. While this may be an ok thinking in terms of a PvP game, it is the first step into a games grave.
Unlike Counterstrike where you have dedicated servers and a buy2play game, a multiplayer online game has to pay server bills and stuff. therefore it needs to make a regular income. And this does not come from a few pro players, this comes from the wide mass of casuals.

But now we come to the "fun" deciding issues.

No.1 Matchup and randomness.
Well this is a true issus, some small factors totally decide the outcome heavily.
So why do we have no ECM in our random team but they have 3?
Why do we have all those LRM boats in the city where missiles just tickle the roofs of the buildings.
With the first Champion mechs available fun is heavily luck based. luck is not fun, luck is possibly fun. So I may possibly stay?

No.2 Mechloadouts and customisation
Wow, well this was a bit of a disappontment for me.
I came here and wanted to play a mech I like by design with a possible half decent loadout.
So what do I get? 1 mech of each class that I cna paly with but not customize. Fine its the basic loadout.

But except from the victor for a newbie the other mechs just suck in FUN.
Yes the heavy may be fun, if the map provides LRM. boating and the opps don't have ECM.
The medium mech is also only viable in specific maps/situations. On a sniperheavy map, all you can do is sitting there watching the snipe battle. Or just losing patience and running into the opps because dying in a big boom to the opps is less boring than dying of boredom.

So where and when starts the fun? For a casual, the fun starts when you can customize and build up a mech.
But this fun is is a loooooooong pain.
So a newbie, like me, gets through the cadet achievements to get a big bunch of money for his first mech.
But what then? He then has some money for a somehow well upgraded medium, or a stock Assault. And now? Hes a newbie, he will definately by high chance buy the wrong thing in first place. And then he is stuck without any money, since C-bills to get is a pain, especially if you do not know how C-bills are rewarded and if you have the wrong mech its even more hard to get them
.This is hardly considered to be fun. I am not even speakign about engine prices. o.O

Customisation is in the beginning a completely epic C-bill grind pain. To have some decent stuff for a casual, this may take weeks, because not everyone has time to play the game 6 hours a day. Some people play just 2 hours a day. nd do these people want to spend their rare freetime with stupid unfun stuff? unlikely. So why staying with the game? Hardly an argument to bring up here. And considering that one of the most important steps to improve yourself is try and error, you can guess what endles weeks of grinding it means to "try out" a new mwch and loadout. Yes the vets with millions of C-bills can easily try out new stuff. But newbies? grind grind grind.

Sure those who put a lot time and effort in the game should be somehow rewarded for it, but rewarding them with stomping over newbies? This can only be a reward in a broken minded individual. Imagine a singleplayergame where the bosses constantly get harder and harder and the endboss is suddenly a one shot instant dead no brainer. Wouldn't people complain about this being totally stupid? I guess so. But somehow nowdays in PvP environments bashing over lowies and feeling good for this seems to be cool. At least this impression comes up more and more when I roam around through PvP oriented games.

It is a strange and broken construct in many "veterans" and "pros" mind that PvP games like this being better is a result of "hard work" and so granting them the right to crush and stomp over anyone below their level. But this is a toxic and destructive thinking.
In any kind of sports there are different classes, leagues or however it is called in its repsective sort. And why? because its to mke things interesting. Would some one want to see one of the klitschkos instant knocking out a 15 yo who said: I want to try boxing? Hardly. But for some reason many gamers these days feel heroic if they can do something similar. Or at leats they say there would be no reason to seperate them from the low league gamers.

The outcome of this is:

Such matchups should always be tried to avoided because they heavily destroy the new playerbase by destroying their fun. This is a game. there are many games out there. There is no reason except fun to stay here. If you constantly destroy the fun of others, they will go. And once they are gone the game may be dead. Because if palyers are gone, there is no one to play with and against. But at this moment, I am sure all those who scared these palyers away would rather much point at the developers saying they broke the game instead of admitting that they have done something "wrong".
Yes you may just have played the game in its rules, so nothing real technically wrong has been done. But still this is like the boxing example above. Totally wrong. Wrong by design, wrong by ethic standards, wrong in terms of fun.

That is one reason why there is a seperation needed between rookie, regular and major league gamers. To give everyone an equal amount of fun. And fun is what makes people turn the game on again the next day. Fun is also what motivates the casuals to spend money for a game.

So now to me myself:

Do I have fun in this game?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It is too much randomised. With the current mechs and builds I have I am equipped too situational. making these mechs proper in loadout will take still a few days or even weeks. Weeks that I have to spend doing things I actually do not even want to do. Grinding C-Bills in a mech that I do not like with a loadout that I do not like.
And on top of thsi, havign a look at some things makes me woner even more:

Elite skills: to achieve them I need to master 3 variants in basics? REALLY? witht he current C-Bills I get and the current prices this game wants me to:

Grind even more C-bills to buy 2 other variants.
Level their basic skills (which I may have to do in a mech with a loadout I do not want to use). This is not fun, its annoying. far beyond any belief and even further away from what a casual wants to.

WTF? So I can unlock them by spending GXP, but buying one cost me serveral millions? yet alone the usability of most weapon mods seems to be borderline inefficient compared to the C-bills, what is the sense for a new player spending GXP for some unlocks he won't be able to afford within some weeks? Sry but grinding C-bills is not much of an "fun motivation" keeping the people on casual level attached to the game. It's occupational therapy for veterans and "pro's" since they wanna get this edge for their competitive gameplay.

So what are my options? I could buy premium, or the mechs to skip some c-bill grinding.
But seriously? Even if I do have the money, pls can someone explain me why I should spend money for stuff that I do not want to have just to reduce annoying stuff I do not want to do? But still I would have to play and farm the mech XP on those variants. Thas an amazingly horrible way of selling products. That is not fun.

from the standpoint of a new player who is not deep in the mechanics my wants are:

Not matching up high equipped pros and veterans with newbies. This gives newbies the short stick, makign all the C-bill XP grind even moe complicated since they score low and will have even more of a hard time to ever catch up by equipment and XP. And eeven if they do, the newbies and casuals will never have the gaming experience to outclass those who spend lots of tme in the game.

Taking ECM's into matchmaking, so that it does not cause 3CMS in team 1 and 0 in team 2. For a random playergame this is pure imbalancing poison.

Change how mechs and variants work.

Ok the battletech universe does have variants, but a variant appears when a specific loadout is designed and tested as a reliable built and then gets massproduced. Now since this is a game and people are individual in the way they are people should be able to "built their own mech"

Yes I came here because I wanted to build and command "my own mech"

As a real Robojokey Mechwarrior you should get some special connection to your mech, something that is your own and truly special.
I want like in previous PC games, choose a chassis that I like by design and put the guns into ot that I like by gameplay or favour.

Now this is not possible with how the game is atm. Tonnage and slot restrictions are fine as they are. But hardpoints? Really, I truly HATE the hardpoints They kill every kind of fun in customizing the mech I may love with the gunloadout I would like to have.
Somehow looking at the Games deisgn, these variants + elite skill unlocks FORCE you to buy mechbays, and a lot of mechs. Either with loads of grinding or loads of Real money. Maybe a marketing decission, but for me a true fun killer.
But it's crappy, sicne I do not like it. And really, does it really matters if the AC 20 is in an atlas or an Awesome? I see (not even balance related) why an Awesome should not have an AC 20. Yes the Lore considers it as an Energy related Mech. But still it restricts the gamers freedome and fun. Oh is that the evil f word again? looks like. But the Lore also considers a variant with ECM, which we do not have.

So why not adding the following:
instead of variant A + B + C of mech X for 15$ I would better spend 100$ for a single one, if it comes with the ability to be really "My mech" because my Mech si what I want and I would spent money (even more) for things I do want. But I am not going to spend money for things that I do not want.

So lets call these idea "legendary mechs"
  • Legendary mechs come naked, just a pure emtpy chassis + base components. Actuators, Life support etc.
  • They do have Universal hardpoints.
  • Hardpoint option 1: Maybe 1 at the head, and 3 per any other mech part except light mechs who maybe should only have 2.
  • Hardpoint Option 2: instead of universal hardpoints per bodypart give any mech a fixed number of hardpoints they can swap around, like: light mechs 4, medium 6 heavy 8 assault 9.
  • They do not need to be leveld in 3 variants to unlock elite skills. But they may require lets say 4x XP to unlock these skills. Because its an individual mech and so reading manuals doesn't helps much ;). And when they get priced properly, they can also be more expensive than 3x a specific variant. So this way, neither by Real money spent, XP or C-Bills they will be superior in effort compared to the 3 variant Skill system.

Maybe this may allow some OP ness? Not sure, but tbh, Tonnage, slots and heat should be enough to balance guns properly. Sure some poeple may make some 16 x small laser troll loadouts. But this kind of loadout by heat should be already balanced. Also thr short range may already balance this.

But this kind of mehc would heaviyl change the game for my favour.

Instead of possibly not spending money for something that I do not want anywas. Or instead of grinding c-bills for somthing that I do not want and have to level up.
I can now happily spend money for something that I like by appearance and from which I know it will one day be what I want it to be. Sure I still have to grind lots of C-bills for it. But I grind it for something I do like. Thats from psychological point of view a much better thing. While the way may stil be not the one I like, I see a goal I like.
But the current game for me looks like I have to go a way that I don't like to end in a place that I don't like. While in Reallife situations may make this necessary, in a gem it is the worst that can happen. Since it drives people off.

lets look at the catapult.
Posted ImagePosted Image

Why is there not a Variant bearing one Energy hardpoint on the one side and a missile point on the other? Same for the ballistics hardpoints, Why are there only ballistic hardpoints in catapults with Energy weapons but not mix between ballistics and Missiles?

The only thing this is good for is to annoy and restict people in their freedom of customisation. Yes for people who love to missile boat the catapult chassis, for those they find the perfect chasis with their prefered built.

I would prefer to die vs veterans in "my own mech" that I at leats love instead of ruling the world in a mech that I do not like. And even further I do not want to house a "fleet" of mechs. I just want a few of them being my "very own thing".

I totally love the Nova chassis also the Mad cat (who doesn't xD) but when I can not give it the gun laodout I prefer, why should I consider spending real money for them? There is so less revealed about these mechs, why should any sane individual even consider spending money for this? Yet even keep playign a game that I should like in a way that I do not like? Only works in the internet. It's like preordering a vacuum without kniwng what it really can.

state of fun now is 1/4

1/2 match experience
since its too randomised If I have a suitable laodout or not.
0/1 mech I like
0/1 weapon laodout I like

Why is this? well, I prefer the catapharact lik mechs, you know these kind of legs with a mech havign real arms. So the catapharact is the only mech available atm being considered as a chassis of choice. But I can not put 2 lasers in one arm and 2 ballistics in the other. or another loadout I owuld like is 1 ballistic in eahc arm and one leaser in each arm. but onlythe RA comes with a Ballistic and Energy hardpoints.

So I either stay with the Catapharact and have a not wanted loadout. Or I switch to Victor or Jagermech, possibly balckjack. But I don't like by visuals their chassis. So adding this to the fun chart I will maximum get a 2/4 in terms of expected fun in this game. This may be enough to make me stay, but it will hardly let me spend some real money on this game.

Also allwoing more ECM's on various, maybe even every mech chassis would be good, since all the current ECM situation does is forcing people to play an ECM mech they may not like. I bought an atlas with ECM because the sotuation went really bad some days ago sicne the others always had ECM and we never. But 2 days later I just fgured out, soemthing that is needed forced me to play something I do not want. That big ugly Atlas. And I cna not even sell it for a reasonable price and get something other.
This game could be so much more if it grants a bit more freedom but right now it seems that the game controls my activities and decisions a lot more than I for myself. And I for now blame the customisation for this.
I like how the mechs alter visuals with different guns. We also can a bit customise the painting. But again here spending like 15$ to paint a mehc I don't like? Not with my money. So that tiny difference in customising the mech and its loadout IS FOR ME the huge difference between me throwing money at the game and not even considering to keep playing it. The rest feels like a decent game in the Mechwarrior series, itjust lacks the personam component between "me and my mech".

Edited by Grimmrog, 29 April 2014 - 03:54 AM.

#263 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 04:19 AM

View PostGrimmrog, on 29 April 2014 - 03:47 AM, said:

Posted ImagePosted Image

Why is there not a Variant bearing one Energy hardpoint on the one side and a missile point on the other? Same for the ballistics hardpoints, Why are there only ballistic hardpoints in catapults with Energy weapons but not mix between ballistics and Missiles?
Because it is a long range support Mech. Because We have the Thunderbolt. Because Mechs were designed simulating Military logic the best a group of civilians could. Because we would only need one chassis in each weight class which would become vanilla super fast.

#264 Grimmrog


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 05:11 AM

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 29 April 2014 - 04:19 AM, said:

Because it is a long range support Mech

2x PPC = long range support
2x LRM 15 = long range support
but 1x PPC and 1x LRM 15 is not long range support? Can't find the logic in this explanaition.

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 29 April 2014 - 04:19 AM, said:

Because We have the Thunderbolt.

So I can not change the skirts of my cars because we have sportscars? What logic is this?

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 29 April 2014 - 04:19 AM, said:

Because we would only need one chassis in each weight class which would become vanilla super fast.

There is still a load of difference between the chassis, Tonnage, JJ ability, Size and hitboxes, Arms and turning angles.

So a single chassis would still not fulfill the different needs as optimal as another one.
One may be the typically hill popping sniper PPK. He would be superfine with a JJ catapult having high mounted Energy hardpoints for minimum exposure.
And other chassis like the catapharact would have more wepaon movability since the arms actually allow faster movement and more free aim angle to the sides. But for this they are on hip heigh making hilltop popping a lot harder because you have to expose yourself longer and more.
So even with free hardpoints to choose there would still be a lot reasons for different chassis to exist.

So none of your statements makes sense.

#265 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 05:13 AM

View PostGrimmrog, on 29 April 2014 - 05:11 AM, said:

2x PPC = long range support
2x LRM 15 = long range support
but 1x PPC and 1x LRM 15 is not long range support? Can't find the logic in this explanaition.

So I can not change the skirts of my cars because we have sportscars? What logic is this?

There is still a load of difference between the chassis, Tonnage, JJ ability, Size and hitboxes, Arms and turning angles.

So a single chassis would still not fulfill the different needs as optimal as another one.
One may be the typically hill popping sniper PPK. He would be superfine with a JJ catapult having high mounted Energy hardpoints for minimum exposure.
And other chassis like the catapharact would have more wepaon movability since the arms actually allow faster movement and more free aim angle to the sides. But for this they are on hip heigh making hilltop popping a lot harder because you have to expose yourself longer and more.
So even with free hardpoints to choose there would still be a lot reasons for different chassis to exist.

So none of your statements makes sense.

Military Logic for a combat game. That you cannot understand isn't my concern.

#266 Jun Watarase


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 05:14 AM

Its rather funny that no matter how many people post in this thread stating that their experiences, and that of their friends, are very similar to the pub stomping one reported....premades doing the pub stomping just insist that they are outliers and not representative of the actual gameplay experience. That we are making up stories or just having bad luck. Or are just noobs while they are "pro".

But they wont stop dropping in their 4 man meta builds and trash talking about how "pro" they are.

Its almost as if they are trying to grief players instead of being the ones griefed...T

Too bad griefing players ingame is completely allowed by the code of conduct. That thing really needs an update.

Edited by Jun Watarase, 29 April 2014 - 05:15 AM.

#267 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 05:16 AM

View PostJun Watarase, on 29 April 2014 - 05:14 AM, said:

Its rather funny that no matter how many people post in this thread stating that their experiences, and that of their friends, are very similar to the pub stomping one reported....premades doing the pub stomping just insist that they are outliers and not representative of the actual gameplay experience. That we are making up stories or just having bad luck. Or are just noobs while they are "pro".

But they wont stop dropping in their 4 man meta builds and trash talking about how "pro" they are.

Its almost as if they are trying to grief players instead of being the ones griefed...

Sept I have dropped mostly as a PUG for the last year and I still am saying Teams are not the boogieman. Bad play is. Every loss I had was because the other team was better than we were. With or without a 4 man.

#268 mogs01gt


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 05:19 AM

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 29 April 2014 - 05:13 AM, said:

Military Logic for a combat game. That you cannot understand isn't my concern.

No you dont understand. This is an FPS game with mechs that we should be able to customize. The clans mechs will be able do it, why cant we do it to the IS?

#269 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 05:27 AM

View Postmogs01gt, on 29 April 2014 - 05:19 AM, said:

No you dont understand. This is an FPS game with mechs that we should be able to customize. The clans mechs will be able do it, why cant we do it to the IS?

FPS Military Game. Clan Omnis are being hamstrung even worse than FASA made them and that is way stupid. The Catapult in the example is build to be used by a government for its military. They requested the builds we purchase and modify. Unfortunately what Grim is asking for is to completely FarankenMech the Catapult. You want a Heavy Mech with Energy, Ballistics and Missiles you buy a Tbolt. If you want a Bird walker with 3 HP types you get a Timber Wolf or hope we get a Raksasha soon.

Edited by Joseph Mallan, 29 April 2014 - 05:27 AM.

#270 tayhimself


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 05:28 AM

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 29 April 2014 - 05:16 AM, said:

Sept I have dropped mostly as a PUG for the last year and I still am saying Teams are not the boogieman. Bad play is. Every loss I had was because the other team was better than we were. With or without a 4 man.

You are extraordinarily skillful at missing the point.
At the end of the day, stomping is a problem in this game. Whether it is due to 4-mans, Elo mismatching due to lack of player or bad matchmaker, or tonnage mismatches.
The 4-man meta teams are frequent at primetime and they certainly don't make things easy for noobs. They are far too efficient at destroying mechs quickly which leads to very short time to death and thus less fun for them. Blaming the losing team for bad play misses the point completely.
There is a far too significant difference between a basic champion mech, and one mastered and moduled up. I haven't forgotten how horrible the new player experience was when I learned the game, although that was using a trial mech running SHS.

#271 Jun Watarase


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 05:29 AM

Just ran into a 8 man sync drop full of meta builds, our team had multiple trial mechs, guess how that went?

#272 Craig Steele


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 05:31 AM

View PostGrimmrog, on 29 April 2014 - 05:11 AM, said:

2x PPC = long range support
2x LRM 15 = long range support
but 1x PPC and 1x LRM 15 is not long range support? Can't find the logic in this explanaition.

So I can not change the skirts of my cars because we have sportscars? What logic is this?

There is still a load of difference between the chassis, Tonnage, JJ ability, Size and hitboxes, Arms and turning angles.

So a single chassis would still not fulfill the different needs as optimal as another one.
One may be the typically hill popping sniper PPK. He would be superfine with a JJ catapult having high mounted Energy hardpoints for minimum exposure.
And other chassis like the catapharact would have more wepaon movability since the arms actually allow faster movement and more free aim angle to the sides. But for this they are on hip heigh making hilltop popping a lot harder because you have to expose yourself longer and more.
So even with free hardpoints to choose there would still be a lot reasons for different chassis to exist.

So none of your statements makes sense.

Well the main thing is that you appear to not have a lot of knowledge about the canon and hence I can understand why you might come to some of the conclusions that you have.

But I don't know if sledging someone trying to help you with the understanding is going to help your cause.

It was a big long post and if people took the time to read it, you might want to show them some empathy when they try and help you on your questions.

Not everyone is out to get you man. :D

#273 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 05:43 AM

View Posttayhimself, on 29 April 2014 - 05:28 AM, said:

You are extraordinarily skillful at missing the point.
At the end of the day, stomping is a problem in this game. Whether it is due to 4-mans, Elo mismatching due to lack of player or bad matchmaker, or tonnage mismatches.
The 4-man meta teams are frequent at primetime and they certainly don't make things easy for noobs. They are far too efficient at destroying mechs quickly which leads to very short time to death and thus less fun for them. Blaming the losing team for bad play misses the point completely.
There is a far too significant difference between a basic champion mech, and one mastered and moduled up. I haven't forgotten how horrible the new player experience was when I learned the game, although that was using a trial mech running SHS.

Stomping isn't a problem in the game. If you don't have the right weapons to defeat your enemy that isn't the games problem. If you are not using TS to coordinate with 11 other players well it is mostly the games fault but the resources are there for the using so Comms are not an excuse. If you come to a PvP game and expect the players to go easy on you that isn't the games problem. I understand the problem, the problem is on the losing side of the mouse... including my own mouse when I lose. My team and I were not good enough to win that match. When it gets to frustrating, i switch games and kill Sith, Dark Spawn, Goblins or something else for a bit. I don't blame the game cause lil bill won't let me win.

If blaming the losing team for not winning isn't the point why Does PGI suggest linking up with some friends and forming a team. Teamwork=Victory Its on the splash page just before game launch sometimes. If we were not meant to work as a team then the splash page would read PUG=Victory.

When I get Stomped I know my team an I met a better group of players. I own it and launch again. If my team and I win We were the better team and I own that as well. I don't blame anything for a loss except the truth. We were not the better team. I'm 48 years old and have gamed for over 32 of them. You think I haven't seen unfair games? This isn't one of them, Two (random) teams meet and the best team wins. That sir is fair.

Edited by Joseph Mallan, 29 April 2014 - 05:52 AM.

#274 AlmightyAeng


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 05:54 AM

View PostJun Watarase, on 29 April 2014 - 05:14 AM, said:

Its rather funny that no matter how many people post in this thread stating that their experiences, and that of their friends, are very similar to the pub stomping one reported....premades doing the pub stomping just insist that they are outliers and not representative of the actual gameplay experience. That we are making up stories or just having bad luck. Or are just noobs while they are "pro".

But they wont stop dropping in their 4 man meta builds and trash talking about how "pro" they are.

Its almost as if they are trying to grief players instead of being the ones griefed...T

Too bad griefing players ingame is completely allowed by the code of conduct. That thing really needs an update.

No, the premades aren't saying that they aren't beating you...they're just saying they aren't all {Richard Cameron} about it like the LORDS.

They aren't saying "We don't all use meta builds!" They're saying "We don't always use meta builds, some of use rarely, and we beat you fine with or without them."

They're also saying that this game is supposed to be about team coordinated play...so stop crying about it being balanced for the individual.

View PostJun Watarase, on 29 April 2014 - 05:29 AM, said:

Just ran into a 8 man sync drop full of meta builds, our team had multiple trial mechs, guess how that went?

I'll be you got owned. How does that make you feel? Did it make you feel like getting your own team, like changing up how you play because what you're doing isn't working...or did it make you feel like coming here to give more anecdotal evidence of you getting your ass handed to you? Oh wait...I just answered that for myself.

View Posttayhimself, on 29 April 2014 - 05:28 AM, said:

At the end of the day, stomping is a problem in this game. Whether it is due to 4-mans, Elo mismatching due to lack of player or bad matchmaker, or tonnage mismatches.

The argument that "the other team is too good all the time!" is an argument to see skilled players less often. In this game, that means ELO. So stop complaining about groups and meta, and start asking PGI to tighten up the ELO buckets for lower-skill players, but keeping them more open for mid-level to high tier.

Maybe then everyone will have a decent wait-time for games, and possibly people will stop complaining.

Guess we get to see with today's patch, eh?

Edited by Ghost Badger, 29 April 2014 - 05:54 AM.

#275 Thorqemada


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 05:57 AM

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 29 April 2014 - 05:43 AM, said:

Two (random) teams meet and the best team wins. That sir is fair.

Nope - that is just natural selection based on random fate.

Fairplay is equal skilled and armed Teams fight it out.

#276 AlmightyAeng


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 05:59 AM

View PostThorqemada, on 29 April 2014 - 05:57 AM, said:

Nope - that is just natural selection based on random fate.

Fairplay is equal skilled and armed Teams fight it out.

I'm kinda in favor of 'Mech Darwinism on this one...

Hell, put the PuG's on their own island...er....queue...and let natural selection sort it out.

#277 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 06:01 AM

View PostThorqemada, on 29 April 2014 - 05:57 AM, said:

Nope - that is just natural selection based on random fate.

Fairplay is equal skilled and armed Teams fight it out.

So you wand a sport game not a combat game. I am here for a Combat game. Fair play is I can use any piece of equipment the enemy can. Fair play is I bring my best to the fight and you bring yours, best side wins. That is fair play.

Edited by Joseph Mallan, 29 April 2014 - 06:02 AM.

#278 Lootee


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 06:21 AM

View PostGhost Badger, on 29 April 2014 - 05:54 AM, said:

I'll be you got owned. How does that make you feel? Did it make you feel like getting your own team, like changing up how you play because what you're doing isn't working...or did it make you feel like coming here to give more anecdotal evidence of you getting your ass handed to you?

I don't know about him but what it makes me feel whenever I get stuck on a team with 2 AFK 0-pingers, Alpha lance that runs off by themselves with no simple in-game way to tell them to regroup and a sync drop or the ggclose jackassery on the other team is:

"Hey that FLIR with the 640x480 VOx microbolometer FPA and 35mm objective lens is pretty badass. Looks like FLIR is going to get paid another $6500."

This garbage warrior online gets a fat goose egg and ANY other company that can offer a decent product that isn't full of bugs that never get fixed will get my discretionary spending instead. When a company can't convince a BattleTech/Mechwarrior fan with loads of money set aside for entertainment to spend a single dime on their MW product there's something wrong.

I got suckered by the lies about role warfare, info warfare, thinking man's shooter, and CW and dropped the cash for two Founders packs and not a penny more after one PGI debacle after another. If I had known this unfun mess is what we'd end up with I'd have asked for two Founders refunds before Closed Beta ended.

All this arguing over balance this and that. They still can't get the most fundamental element of balance in a team vs team game right -> 12 active players on both teams for frak's sake.

Edited by PanchoTortilla, 29 April 2014 - 06:54 AM.

#279 Solahma


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 06:37 AM

I wonder if Jun realizes that MORE games will see 4-mans after today's patch. Since there won't be sync drops of multiple groups on a team, they will be spread out to other drops across the board.

Better get used to working with them :D

#280 Onmyoudo


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 06:49 AM

View PostGrimmrog, on 29 April 2014 - 03:47 AM, said:


I don't agree with his idea at the end of this long post, which seems to be all anyone took away from it, but liked it anyway as he obviously put a lot of time into it and I feel that all of the rest of the points he raised are valid concerns.

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